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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 800x800, PayFair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11406940 No.11406940 [Reply] [Original]

I'm banned from writing in the telegram, can someone tell them to revamp the website and work on their branding? That's what's stopping adoption, it looks like they hired a pajeet coder to code and design that shitty site of theirs. Fix the fucking look of it and you'll get users, it's not fucking hard holy shit.

>> No.11406980

Hey John Pomelov I know you're reading this. Please invest in a decent UI/web designer and you'll get all the adoption you're looking for, even I will unironically use the platform.

>> No.11407126

>That's what's stopping adoption
no bucko, what's stopping adoption is this being just Local Bitcoins with a gimmick on top that doesn't work as advertised. You're holding a dead coin and by the time you realize this, the volume will be so low that you won't even be able to liquidate even 10% of your cocklet stash.

>Volume (24h)
>$12,994 USD

>> No.11407464

> just Local Bitcoins with a gimmick on top
Yeah I never got how this was meant to work. How do the dollars get into the system? Ok so you have your bullshit token, this other guy has a bike and I have dollars. What am I supposed to do with the PFR token?

>> No.11407605

Literally no marketing as of yet and it hit 40m marketcap last year, I sometimes wonder if anons just like being poor on purpose.

>> No.11407655

you realise there are no trades made on the platform right?

>> No.11407691


That's not true. There are trades on the platform albeit very few.

It's a great system that works. It's proven.

>> No.11407822

don't lie to yourself, it hit 40m marketcap because the market was going through a phase of irrational exuberance, the shittiest of shitcoins did 20x's

>> No.11407831
File: 28 KB, 1027x731, 1524256068498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw sold at 20 cent

>> No.11407929

i have seen many days go by without trades.
They also only raised a few hundred k, where will the marketing budget come from? They have to run rubbish bounty campaigns (deposit $50 into your account to enter our raffle kek) just to get people to put their money in it.

>> No.11407942

Platform actually does work and it works as advertised. They just released nano on the platform.

This definitely didn't pick up steam like the devs thought it would but it will get adopted in time.

>> No.11408214

every platform that promises escrow between fiat and crypto is a meme.
This anon's concern >>11407464 is legitimate.
If I have dollars and you have BTC, you put your BTC into escrow and I send you money. Money reaches you no problem cause they will be sent through a regular channel like bank transfer, paypal, venmo, etc. Now you have my money but I don't have crypto yet cause it's stuck in escrow until both sides confirm it. Basically I'm your bitch now. We could go back and forth for ages with me trying to prove I did send you money and you trying to prove that I didn't. Meanwhile you have my money and I have jack shit. If you can't see how a system like this can be abused by pajeets 24/7, I can't help you. I'd rather go through a centralized solution like Kraken or Local Bitcoins with KYC than this shitshow.

TL/DR: there will never be a crypto-fiat escrow system that works without it being centralized. What Payfair has is a pseudo-escrow system that opens the gates to pajeets to abuse it non-stop.

>> No.11408266

whoever this wasn't obvious to and thought payfair wasn't a meme deserved to lose all his money kek