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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11406249 No.11406249 [Reply] [Original]

For the NPC's that dont know, Bitfinex BTC price is fucking $500 more expensive than all other exchanges.

This is because other exchanges have limited fiat amounts - like Bittrex. Bitfinex is THE tether exchange. They used too much tether to prevent BTC from falling to sub 6k and then tether price plummeted.

NOW, they create a HUGE pump and scream BUUULLLLRUUUNN. Morons buy in with fiat. They then use YOUR fiat to fix the bullshit tether fiasco.

Don't believe me? Bitfinex just put out an announcement proclaiming they're allowing massive fiat influx in less than 24 hours.

Herp derp, this is a PnD to normalize tether/bitfinex. Don't get fucked NPC's.

>> No.11406259

>Herp derp, this is a PnD to normalize tether/bitfinex
Nice. They're doing a good job

>> No.11406277

so what do we do now ? i cashed out to fiat already this shit smells

>> No.11406287


>> No.11406290

Nice, but I doubt they had a big enough positive influx to fix their books in such a small period of time.

>> No.11406303

We wait until BTC crashes below 6k as it should be doing. There is NO bullrun without LEGITIMATE high roller wall street money and they aren't coming in without an ETF and that's NOT happening until earliest Feb of next year.

Wait this bullshit out. Buy when BTC crashes to 4.5-5k.

>> No.11406312
File: 137 KB, 801x1000, 1538219619154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also i need sauce what movie is that gif from

>> No.11406315

Good thing I only use bittrex.

>> No.11406318

alright buddy will do that

>> No.11406321

Used to be - it was $500 spread 45 minutes ago. Now it's 385. As more people buy in, they're fixing tether up. People literally getting dumped on right now.

This horseshit continues until Bitfinex and other exchanges back into alignment. Soon as they are, we dump below 6k. Be wary.

>> No.11406331

"Nightcrawler" - movie about a guy that causes crime so he can film it and then sell the films for money to news agencies.

>> No.11406336


sounds interesting