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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11399282 No.11399282 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11399301


Yeah and fund ISIS. Main dev got outed as a full blown jihadist. Funds being siphoned off to support Syrian effort. Hi thanks.

>> No.11399332

>fund ISIS
Nice one, anon... nice one

>> No.11399548

syrian government is fighting isis kek

>> No.11399574


Get used to it faggot. Every time you post a thread for this shitcoin, I will be there FUDing it with Jihadist copypasta.


You will be known as ISIScoin. You will NEVER successfully shill your bags here. I am relentless, I will sit for 14 hours a day waiting for you to post and immediately hone in with ISIS FUD. You want war? You've got war.

>> No.11399600

>supporting dead sandniggers is now a bad thing

>> No.11399803

Thanks for the bump.
Also, you can't FUD this.

>> No.11399978

A legit NPC, hard to believe

>> No.11399989

Gtfo with this shitcoin shitnigger

>> No.11399994

Unironically, one of the coins I've been accumulating.

>> No.11400000

lecinium shills

>> No.11400336

Go back to your ERC20 useless token thread, bloody bastard.

>> No.11400837


>> No.11401436


>> No.11402071


>> No.11402095

I'm accumulating already. Looking forward to when this gets picked up by larger exchanges.

>> No.11402368

It will soon. Once uncle mining is implemented and they get a security from a lawyer, Bittrex and Poloniex will be imminent.

>> No.11403100


>> No.11403145

Is the main dev really a fucking Muslim? That sucks

>> No.11403174


>> No.11403180

any reason to use this over haven or all the other privacy coins?

>> No.11403188

Same shit.
It is Monero's second, better litecoin.

>> No.11403189

They intend to research and implement some scaling methods like uncle mining and blocktree.

>> No.11403465
File: 23 KB, 400x400, aeon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aeon is Monero's Litecoin. Masari just popped up at the same time every other scamcoin did last year. In fact, it came quite late in the year when scams were really scraping the bottom of the barrel of excuses for their existence.

Not surprising to see such aggressive yet low IQ shilling (the Arab's signature style) now that we know it's a sand nig operation. Aeon has Monero core dev Smooth as its lead dev. Aeon was actually maintained as a way to experiment with out there Monero methods. Masari launched at the peak of scamming and straight up copied Aeon's reason for existence and the noobs of late 2017 bought it. Fuck, that was an awful time to be on /biz/.

>> No.11403529

Lol I've never even fucking heard of aeon.

>> No.11403563

Yeah because it doesn't exist to be shilled constantly by Arabs.

>> No.11403580

How exactly Aeon intends to scale better?

>> No.11403654

yeah, the goblin coiners are back in town

>> No.11403658

There is "intends" and there is actually doing. Come back and shill Masari when you've implemented your buzzwords. I'd love Masari to do that but every crypto scam "intends" to do some shit or another. Aeon has at least one extremely competent dev behind it (albeit part time) so I'm far more confident in its ability to implement *something*, regardless of what it intends.

>> No.11403708

You still don't said how Aeon intends to scale better. There's nothing regarding that matter in their roadmap. Should I interpret this as a negative?

Also, uncle mining is already in testnet, to be implemented in mainet soon. This will make it possible to have lower block times.

>> No.11403795

Uncle mining doesn't help scaling and introduces weird financial incentives for miners. Also most of the work for implementing that has been done by ethereum, I don't think the Masari devs needed much effort here.

Aeon is still somewhat conservative, just less so than monero. You can interpret the lack of a roadmap as a negative if you want but honestly road maps are mostly shill tools at this point. Most projects don't end up following them. Plus if you're trying out new ideas why should you know what's coming next?

>> No.11403876

Implementing such thing in CryptoNote protocol is far different from implementing it in Ethereum's one. And yes, it helps to scale because it'll allow lower block times.

That's the difference between them. Masari will use it's infancy to try less conservative approaches.

>> No.11404012

What are you talking about, Omar? Lower block times do not help scaling. Also pow and coinbase transactions are what cryptonote has most in common with other blockchains.

Uncle mining being retarded is the main reason I can see for Aeon not implementing it. If Masari implements block trees properly, then I'll be impressed.

>> No.11404038

Didn't know you couldn't be a Muslim and have a Canadian citizenship at the same time. Fucking handicapped cunt. Massari is Syrian/Lebanese for 'money'. It's right there in the shitcoin name, get (your) money, then leave. Why do all the page 562 shitcoins keep getting spammed here?

>> No.11404293

Lower block times don't mean more TPS and lower confirmation times for txs?

Shoo pajeet

>> No.11404353
File: 8 KB, 210x155, JPEG_20180926_004033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Masari

To scale the Cryptonote protocol for mass adoption while retaining complete privacy

How: By implementing an improved mining algorithm (CN-Fast), difficulty adjustment algorithm (WWHM), Uncle mining and blocktree sharding

Complete Privacy
-Every transaction in the Masari blockchain from the genesis block to now has used the same ringsize
-MSR coins are fungible, meaning every coin is interchangable and indistinguishable from one another
-All transaction and address data is hidden using RingCT and Cryptonote protocol. There is no rich list, there is no public record, you are totally anonymous in every way

Fair Distribution:
-0.5% premine is a fraction of most development team allotments
-There are no masternodes or other incentives to concentrate the supply among a small number of people
Strong Development:
-Masari is developed by one full-timer (Thaer Khawaja) and two part-timers (Gnock and Cryptochangements)
-Two of the three developers are credited Monero contributors

>> No.11404368


Development Milestones already achieved
-CryptoNight-Fast is a new algorithm created by the Masari team
-Weighted-Weighted Harmonic Mean difficulty adjustment algorithm making Masari ASIC resistant and more resilient against mining attacks like flash mining
-Both algorithms have been adopted by several small Cryptonote coins. Masari is a leader, not a follower in this space.
-the DAA has been submitted to Monero to be adopted pending review
-Client-side web wallet
-Android mobile wallet (IOS coming soon)
-GUI and CLI desktop wallets for Windows and Mac, CLI desktop wallet for Linux

Development Milestones coming up
-Uncle Mining is a cryptonote first that rewards miners for work done on abandoned blocks that were not the first to be written to the blockchain. This adds more hashpower and 'weight' to the network, making it more secure. The code is already written and deployed on a Testnet.
-Blocktree Protocol will be the crowning achievement of the MSR developers. It will allow the blockchain to shard and achieve high throughput. This will allow Masari to scale to high TPS while remaining fully Proof of Work

>> No.11404516

No. Block times have nothing to do with scaling. You can send 10 txs every ten minute block or 1 tx every one minute block. Same throughput, same bandwidth, same storage, with probably more of all of those for lower block times because of overheads.

>> No.11404537

Lebanese isn't 'pajeet' you retarded mall sharting ice cream isle 56% goblin.

>> No.11404685

You right, my bad. Anyway, probably the confirmation times will be lower with uncle mining. And with blocktree protocol, then we'll see some nice scaling.