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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11398431 No.11398431 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread died, of course.

Link to old thread: >>11386493

Little to no Investment($100-$1k)
>Social Media Marketing
>Digital Media or Marketing of any kind
>Web Development
>Freelance software development
>Affiliate Marketing
>Making Online Courses
>Self publishing Ebook(comprehensive guide:https://kindlepreneur.com/book-marketing-101/))
>product arbitrage

Some Investment Required($1k-10k)
>POS Systems
>P2P Lending
>Authoring or Online publishing
>Vending Machines
>Automated News sites or any kind of automated blog
>Automated online Arbitrage with the help of a buybot

Large Investment Required, but still very passive(10k+)
>Parking Garages or lots
>Batting Cages
>Rental Properties
>Buying Royalty rights on music, media, etc

I'm sure there are dozens of others that are out there but that's what I can think of off the top of my head. I personally do 6 of these and those 6 are my only streams of income. They are:
>an ATM business with 10 machines at $3/transaction $200max
>Three affiliate sites
>A parking lot near my university(extremely high revenue but also my highest expenses)
>Digital Media/Marketing Agency which I have people running so I rarely have to be involved
>One rental property(barely profitable yet)
And the big kicker
>subscription based SaaS products, two of them with a third well on the way

To hoping I can continue this conversation: >>11386493
I have not quit my day job yet. The prospect is scary since how will I live or what if I can't get another job?

>> No.11398702

How do become rich

>> No.11399117

I've been thinking of doing this if I ever get one of my alts to moon. Anyone have and insights into this?

>> No.11399161

I'm thinking about high ticket dropshipping. just trying to find the right niche to get in to. What have you guys bought in the last year or two that was $200+ dollars?

>> No.11400282

Wow, holy shit, this thread is almost dead. Why is everyone so hyped on crypto? Is it because it's easy and requires no work or skills?

What happens when you can't be a NEET playing the crypto lottery anymore?

>> No.11400304

Eh I tried talking about laundromats.

>> No.11400525

I'm not the guy who made the threads before, so idk any insight onto laundromats. I'm just a wagecuck who doesn't want to be any more.

I feel like all the actual successful people who used to be on /biz/ moved elsewhere once the cryptokids took over. Wish I knew where they moved to ;_;

>> No.11400553

>Wow, holy shit, this thread is almost dead.

You need money to start a business/make money. No one here has any money. What do you expect?

>> No.11400573

>put the word 'Link' in the post
nice job faggot. Now half the people on biz won't even see this thread.

>> No.11400805

I think there's some guy on youtube who helps people get free laundromats. Not sure if it's a scam tho. Sorry I don't have a link just randomly came across it one day. I hear it's great money though.

>> No.11400817

Special edition sneakers. Any artist collab or brand/fashion collab. (ie. Kith x Coca cola sneakers, dbz x adidas which are releasing over the next few months) dont know if thats helpful at all

>> No.11400824

Thanks for making these threads, better than these 24/7 crypto shills.

This guy is right, beware when you're making another one, OP.

>> No.11400855
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Ill bump this thread since ive been enjoying them so far. Lots of helpful stuff I've saved.

>> No.11401152

What are some helpful things you saved anon? Can you post them here

>> No.11401196

what do you fags think about moonlighting? good idea or bad idea

>> No.11401232

I really want to start a business but I'm not sure what. I think that my lack of knowledge on business models is holding me back. I know that I don't need a genius idea, just one that provides enough value to make money.

Any books or resources on business ideas/models to recommend?

>> No.11401252

Gives you less time to invest into study, which could give you the skills/knowledge to start a business or find higher paying employment. Don't really see how it could help to much in the long term.

>> No.11401353

This anon please
I'm new have basically $5k and want to start something. I need to get a supplmental income flow going or I'll never go anywhere.

>> No.11401364

how much does a gaming app make

>> No.11401417

I've been thinking of buying royalty rights from music albums. This shit can be incredibly expensive upfront though, so I'm a bit hesitant even though I'm close to affording some.

Anybody have experience with it?

>> No.11401423

Alright I'll throw something out there. So I'm in my last year of compsci at a good school and my main goal at this point is to put myself in a position to not wagecuck 9-5. So for the self sufficient SaaS guys, how did you get to where you are now and how did you finally decide what to build? I've got a couple solid niche idea's that I know will do well because there's no existing software in that space. But in general, what fields should I be looking to solve a problem in? I know the brand ambassador shit is hot right now, along with thots exploiting themselves in general, so what's a good jumping off point? CRM? Digital marketing software? Those seem pretty saturated with high end tools, so idk.

Also tips on pricing structures, timeframe estimating and legal considerations are appreciated. Even if its a simple webdev shop I'm all ears. Thanks anons.

>> No.11401743

>Wish I knew where they moved to
The old fags got rich and left (mostly).

>> No.11402043
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Here was one from earlier thread. Basically an anon was saying he ran websites that became profitable that he still managed I think making 4k but I can't remember. Can also sell successful websites you've built up.

>> No.11402060

Sweet thanks anon, I do not have programming skills in the slightest so might have to wait on that but appreciate it

>> No.11402061

Look through the old threads in the archive. People constantly ask this question and it gets shot down because it's way more trouble than it's worth. You either don't know anything about app making, won't have the capital to make something worth while, will spend incredible amounts of time for little return.

>> No.11402092

Umm I'm a literal brainlet but I remember seeing a youtube vid about an Asian guy who made software for his specific niche hobby that had to do with photography that made him a decent amount of money. He was already a part of a community so he had people who were interested. Maybe start with a hobby community like that? Pls no bully just trying to help.

>> No.11402120
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No problem ill see if i have more saved. I also have a side hustle one that I got into myslef. I'll post it. Only works if you're okay with waiting and have some money to spend. I've sold 2 pairs that made me 100 dollars profit each.

>> No.11402152
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Heres just a greentext may give some people hope.

>> No.11402168
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>> No.11402233

>be me
>be programmer from highschool/self taught and get into a bootcamp so they could find me a job
>after 5 years stop working since work is gay

Fill this for me so I can still be happily NEET but also not poor

>> No.11402237

No bully frend, I appreciate the input. Its always easier to work on something you're passionate about (unironically) and it also helps that you understand it.

>> No.11402248

He's talking about techlead (google 'techlead youtube' and that's him)
cool dude actually

>> No.11402397

Can you tell me how the parking lot thing works? I'd also like to know how you find ATM partners.

>> No.11402417

You have to remember nu-/biz/ are a bunch of broke fags trying to make it big on crypto. They generally have no money and are too NEET for these threads.

>> No.11403300
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Full-stack software developer here, I want to make a SaaS app and rake in those massive margins. I have the skills to pull it off properly but have no business ideas.

Anyone got SaaS app ideas or industries to break into? I'm all ears, please give me any idea no matter how small or simple, if you're OK with sharing it. I need ideas to get my brainstorming rolling.

>> No.11403413
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I'm a wagie with a long commute, so I don't have much time outside of work. I started making an affiliate marketing website, but I'm so tired after work. Gonna hire a full time Filipino virtual assistant that knows seo and wordpress stuff and have him do the lion's share of the work, and I'll just make tasks and stuff for him on Trello. Costs about $400/mo to hire a Filipino to work for you full time.

>> No.11403498

This I need to know

>> No.11404049

How comfortable do you feel when you put up cash money for an investment opportunity?