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File: 14 KB, 442x227, its_happening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11398097 No.11398097 [Reply] [Original]


I have to admit I was the one who originally posted that REQ would be the very last token listed on Coinbase. I was wrong!!!

$0.06 here we come!

>> No.11398108


>> No.11398109

Inb4 whale copypasta

>> No.11398114
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1537577788083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. not happening OP.

>> No.11398116


>> No.11398122

nothing anyone posts on 4chan is remotely true

>> No.11398124

easy 10x
buy now or cry later

>> No.11398130

not proof

>> No.11398132
File: 71 KB, 639x595, manlytears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it finally looks like it won't shit itself. $0.06 is within reach

>> No.11398170


>Tfw didn't sell at $1.20
>Tfw didn't sell at $0.30

>> No.11398225

I bought in at $1.10, when can I expect to break even?

>> No.11398261

A year or less

>> No.11398287


>> No.11398308

Absolutely M O Z Z A R E L L A

>> No.11398309

consider it gone

>> No.11398426

20 years

>> No.11398486
File: 181 KB, 1080x1857, yjap1zt7g8911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#metoo brother.
We are only up from here.

>> No.11398510

hmmmm.... I TOLD YOU SO?

>> No.11398511

i am a BTC whale with more than 1000 BTC, all of which i acquired post Mt. Gox price back in 2014. BTC performed way better than i thought it would in december/january, and i cashed out more than enough to live comfortably for the next few decades.

after cashing out a few million dollars, i let my remaining 100 Bitcoins ride. however, realizing the opportunity in REQ on binance is so incredibly high, i figure it is profitable to actively boost the market, and help spur a bull run even BIGGER than 2017 proportions.

so I'll pump.

and pump.

and pump.

i find the best time to pump is not when the price was mooning (medium-sized bag holders with 5 BTC will take care of that for you), but when the price is flatlining - or looks like it is about to crash. here's a secret for you: REQ has some of the strongest HODLers of any coin on binance. usually it only takes less than 30 BTC, efficiently timed, to crush any shorts and take REQ/BTC ratio back into the green for the hour, where it ought to be.

want to know why for the last 24 hours on binance, the REQ/BTC chart only has seven - yes, seven - red 1-hour candles?

because of me.

want to know why everything today seems to be in the red, but REQ is still making new highs every hour? It used to be below rank #200 and has currently risen to rank #128 on coinmarketcap?

because of me.

i refuse to let the price go down, and i won't for a while. in case you're wondering, that 100 BTC is exclusively reserved for pumping Req over, and over, and over again.

i am a FUDder's worst nightmare.

>> No.11398512

This is going to go to $2-$5 in the next couple of years. Coinbase has a desire to use the tokens that they are going to be listing. I wouldn't be surprised if they build an ecosystem using REQ, ZRX, BAT, OMG in the future.

>> No.11398538

Stfu faggot. You sound like a little bitch

>> No.11398561

can't hear you over the sound of my buy order at 900 sats

>> No.11398618

pajeets wants out so badly

>> No.11398645

I hope anons listened to me back in August, I hope you bought when FUD was at an ATH too.

>> No.11398881

i bought at 6 cents last year and i did not sell. Im a poor uni student who could have had 250 000 dollars, and i did not fucking sell. I will never forgive myself for that

>> No.11398926

kek i sold this at 30 cents and felt reqt already. crazy to see that i coul buy the sixfold amount now, even after that pump

>> No.11398964

Me too bro.

>> No.11398965


Yes you will, when you've got $500k.
It's very early days, just buy and forget and get off biz

>> No.11398997

Anyone who still hasn't swung this pump yet?

>> No.11399341



>> No.11400179

Fucking idiot

>> No.11400206

Im on the fence, but i guess ill be selling 10k to make some money while its pumping.

>> No.11400560

Peequest haha

>> No.11400663

Req just keeps making me money

>> No.11400713

Why would coinbase ever list such a WEIRD and CREEPY coin?

>> No.11400725

I miss this meme

>> No.11400728

Ctrl f, 'req' 0 results

>> No.11400753
File: 512 KB, 2498x724, REQMarineDown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey Stacey, want anything from Starbucks?"
>"Yeah, I want a mocha roastie supreme! But can you go get it for both of us, I don't want to stop watching Netflix!"
"Sure, can you send me some money though? My credit card is almost empty, I spent everything on Chad!"
>"Yeah, I just go this new app "Request Network". Download it and send me a request!"
"Wow, I just got it too! I'll put in a request. Hmm, that's weird Stace, it's saying I need "REQ tokens". Wtf is that?"
>"Uh, this app is so fucking weird. WEIRD AND CREEPY. Why do I need a token to send money? How do I even get them?"
"Just delete it Stace and use venmo. That app was made by virgins and creepy ugly losers."

3 weeks later...

"Stace, remember that Request Network app?"
>"Ugh. that ugly looking one that was obviously made by no life virgins?"
"Yep, that's the one. Well I GUESS I had to use it to send money because it has lower fees, but it's such a shit app and you can tell that ugly virgins made it. Guess what the app MAKES you do Stace."
>"Lay it on me girl, I can only imagine what the neckbeards that made that app make you do to use it."
"Get this Stace, I wanted to send 10 grand to Chad, and instead of just being NORMAL like Venmo and Paypal and entering Chad's name to send it to him, I had to enter his "wallet address". LOL!"
>"Holy shit, that is the nerdiest thing I've ever heard! I'm drier than the Sahara just hearing such nerdy, gay words."
"It's unbelievable, if you want to send money, you have to enter a 40 character string of letters and numbers. If you screw up, and of course what normal, non autistic person wouldn't under those circumstances, no refunds, because the app uses a "blockchain". Imagine the autistic spergs that made that app Stacey, they're so fucking creepy and their app is shit! Let's use Venmo only from now on!"

>> No.11400761

i am a REQ whale with more than 10 million REQ, all of which i acquired below ICO price back in october. REQ performed way better than i thought it would in december/january, and i cashed out more than enough to live comfortably for the next few decades.

after cashing out a few million dollars, i let my remaining 10MM REQ tokens ride. however, after realizing the volume for REQ on binance was so drastically low, i figured it was more profitable to actively manipulate the market, than to hope for another bull run of 2017 proportions.

so i dumped.

and dumped.

and dumped.

i found the best time to dump was not when the price was tanking (medium-sized bag holders with 100k+ tokens will take care of that for you), but when the price was mooning - or looked like it was about to moon. here's a secret for you: REQ has some of the weakest bulls of any coin on binance. usually it only takes less than a million tokens, efficiently timed, to crush any small pump and take REQ/BTC ratio back into the red for the day, where it ought to be.

want to know why for the last 38 days on binance, the REQ/ETH chart only has seven - yes, seven - green 1-day candles?

because of me.

want to know why everything today seems to be in the green, but REQ is still struggling to make it back above 10 cents, and has currently dipped to rank #148 on coinmarketcap?

because of me.

i refuse to let the price go up, and i won't for a while. in case you're wondering, that 10MM tokens i let ride now exceeds 13MM, simply from doing this over, and over, and over again.

i am a bagholder's worst nightmare.

>> No.11400768

Should been dollar cost averaging right now dude. Will help you break even.

>> No.11400781

I dont get it
REQ wasnt added to anything
What are you talking about?

>> No.11400806

Still down 97%

>> No.11400851

You are a brainlet selling low and buying back higher.