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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11397715 No.11397715 [Reply] [Original]

business as usual edition

monday morning tomorrow, huh.

>where are you headed tomorrow and how do you like what you are forced to do
>how will you deal with normals asking the usual questions about your weekend
>what do you usually do for lunch
and other wagie related things in here and only here and only right now
dont miss it for the world, wagie
you know you want to talk about it

>> No.11397828

>HVAC engineer
>That means I draw ducts and type numbers in spreadsheets for 8 hours per day

>It's football season so everybody talks about the game their favorite team played this weekend
>I have better things to do with my 48 hours a week of freedom than watch battleniggers, so I read a sports news article about how the Gators played so I can fit in when somebody asks me about them.

>I take my lunch to work every day so I can put more money in index funds and get out of this cubicle farm ASAP.

>> No.11397858
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>you will never get to slaughter a middle class Japanese business women
why even life

>> No.11397870

no please let me have my few more hours of happiness

do not mention that word

>> No.11397913

That sounds fucking depressing. Maybe start your own company or something?

>> No.11397981
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>support engineer for industrial automation
>The time is 7am
>missed my morning run window again
>I have been awake for an hour but spent the exercuse time watching youtube videos of other people playing computer games which I don't have time to do anymore.
>I really want to tap to hentai also
>It's costing me $70 per day to rent this house I really have to get a flatmate but scared I will get in a person who turns out to make my life unbearable
>Have to arrive to work on time for Boomer boss, or things will get annoying, other that that he doesn't really have a plan so let's me do what I want.
>Infinite list of things I want to do, and customers wanting attention
>I think I am double booked for this afternoon , will have to call one of the customers and apologize, they will be pissed.
>Have been working on time management and prioritisation but not really clicking yet. So hard to say no to important people.
>Whorship our anime posting engineer Lord and saviour Elon

>> No.11398169

you work you ___

>> No.11398302

why am i attracted to her?

>> No.11398333

Same :(

>> No.11398455


In engineering? Literally illegal, for now. I don't have a Professional Engineer license yet, which means I have to work for somebody who has one until I have my own.

In something else? Maybe. I've thought of it many times, but I always think about a reason why my business idea is stupid or not worth the risk. I have to think of something though. Even our senior level managers sit in cubicles and click on computers so no matter how far my career goes, that's what I have to look forward to.

>> No.11398483

What if I actually enjoy my job?

I used to be a NEET wasting my time on 4chan and porn, but now I have a meaningful job and contribute to society

>> No.11398490
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>> No.11398502
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>> No.11398506
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>> No.11398515

what if i actually enjoy being a NEET?

i used to have a meaningful job and contribute to society but then started neeting and somehow ended up with a higher quality of life than before

>> No.11398516
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>> No.11398524
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>> No.11398530

Going to an interview for a firefighter position in my city. Wish me luck bros!

>> No.11398533
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>> No.11398543

>that studio flat
Would be comfy if it didnt cost 1m

>> No.11398546

I don't think it is possible to enjoy NEETdom
we are animals programmed to seek out human interaction, status, sex and companionship
All those goals can't be achieved as a NEET

>> No.11398551


What do you do that you enjoy so much?

Personally, I'd get tired of doing pretty much anything if I did it for 8 hours a day because I had to, even things I like doing.

>> No.11398582
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because she embodies all the best feminine traits at the same time without any of the worse ones
those are social pressures, not instincts

>> No.11398601

where u got all dem pics from OP

>> No.11398605

I am a backend developer.

The work is frustrating sometimes, but I constantly learn new things, improve myself and each day I come closer to reaching my own standard.
It is like working out or losing weight, the constant improvement keeps me motivated

>> No.11398608


neets with depression try to justify their lack of a job

>b-b-but i like it this way

>> No.11398626
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>every animal seeks out sex because of instinct
>but humans do it only due to social pressure

>> No.11398632
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>> No.11398636

I live 1 minute away from my work
>No commute
>Can go home for lunch
>Have to come over to let people in the office when they try and wagecuck on the weekend
>"hey anon could I get you to come over to the office and help me fix this problem? I know it's Saturday but your house is soo close so it shouldn't be a problem right?"

>> No.11398684

I legit used to know a girl who looked like this at my old job. She was also outwardly ultra conservative too (like calling Trump protesters on the streets bums, saying that she refuses to watch NFL, constantly dropping redpills, shit like that).
My remedial ass gets laid off after two years of working there and later on I hear about how she was fucking the COO of the company for a period of like 2 years. She left her boyfriend and he left his wife and they're living together.

Thots, man.

>> No.11398732

>What do you do that you enjoy so much?

i mostly daytrade boomer stocks and during the weekends i read and fuck around on the internet, i try to get 9 hours of sleep a day and when you factor in reading i am in bed for more than half of my life, ocassionally i hike or go to the gym but not much, it's mostly just reading and fucking around

the neet life isn't for everyone most people have family and stuff that pressures them into getting a job and getting married and having kids and going to school and what not i have been basically alone since i was 16 so i was free of that bullshit

i worked horrible jobs until i was 20, decided i wanted to stop working by 25, learned about day trading and stocks, now im 30 and retired with my own home and enough money to live on till im like 50, if i want ill be a millionaire soon but it doesn't matter

it seems strange to me that people critizize neets since what they basically are doing is retiring on other people's money, which is really smart when you think about it, maybe im not really a neet since i earned by life but still from a practical standpoint there isn't much difference in "neet" and "idle rich"

im glad people enjoy getting up early everyone morning to commute to a place where people don't really care about you and where you are basically replaceable and expendable in every sense of the word, but you keep the world running so god bless you wage earners

>> No.11399082

Actually easier as a neet, spend that time working out, get toned and fuck tindr thots.

>> No.11399104
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>we are animals programmed to seek out human interaction, status, sex and companionship

This isnt even remotely true. That is npc world. There are plenty of people who prefer not to interact with humans

>> No.11399142

i do have a family, but I hide my wealth and have no friends or social life whatsoever.

>> No.11399143

great if it works for you
i discovered that as a NEET, I lost all motivation, neglected my training, diet and social interaction, and spend all day in bed with my laptop instead

>> No.11399216

Opposite for me, when I have a job I don't go an hour without wanting to kill myself and just work, drink myself to sleep then wake up and get ready for work again.

>> No.11399593

>I live 1 minute away from my work
Same here, been living like this for nearly a year now, I tried to keep it a secret from my coworkers but some of them already found out (so far no one of the cons apply). Since I live so close I also take small 20 minute breaks throughout the day, these small breaks are only thing keeping me sane. If any of my fellow wagies has the chance to get a place near workplace I recommend you take it, it can really improve you quality of life.

>> No.11400030

This is precisely the apartment I want. As small as possible so there's no wasted space and no wasted rent. Too bad they don't exist.

>> No.11400122
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>Office ladies

>> No.11400211

i have an exam in one hour that is my day today

probably gonna fail it too

>> No.11400967
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>Bartender who works a popular spot in the Bay Area. Pretty busy most of the time, but it's easy and when its slow I either go outside and smoke out with some regulars or I check my stocks on my phone.
>There's this jukebox that connects to the internet and plays practically any song imaginable. You can pay extra to either put your song ahead of someone else's or pay to have another song moved down on the tracklist. I get to spend a lot time watching people put tons of money into it to fuck with other people's song choice.
>I have total control of the machine from behind the bar, and just skip shit I dont like or I've heard too much.

Honestly kinda fun compared to some of the places I've worked in the past, and the staff are all really cool. Parking is a bitch though, other than that no real complaints.

>> No.11401033


>> No.11401274

>"engineer" at R&D company with my work focused on appliances
>day can be comprised of extracting/parsing data and doing COP/efficiency/energy loss calculations, preparing/running/post-processing CFD simulations, setting up/running/tearing down experiments, or sweeping floors and trying to hide shit before a tour by cramming it wherever i can
>near zero job satisfaction since i work with appliances
>start becoming more and more indifferent about getting fired with each passing day
>can no longer enjoy my sundays since i know i'll be at work the next day
i regret going into engineering.