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11397049 No.11397049 [Reply] [Original]

What are some alternatives to LocalBitcoins?

>> No.11397141

It's impossible to go to fiat without KYC if that's what you're asking,

>> No.11397163

Retard alert

>> No.11397179

>It's impossible to go to fiat without KYC if that's what you're asking,

>> No.11397186

It's not impossible

>> No.11397200


How do?

>> No.11397211


>> No.11397224


Prove me wrong then. LBC, Shapeshift etc, all implementing KYC.

>> No.11397234

t. fishing glownigger
kill yourself

>> No.11397238

LocalBitcoins for cash
OTC order via proxy with cash

>> No.11397244


Even this one has it it their FAQ:

What are the "Verified" and "Trusted" statuses mean?

“Verified” - that’s the user, who completed the verification process and provided all necessary documents and information to us.

No KYC, no money!

>> No.11397250

figure it out on your own, faggot intern

>> No.11397254

You are right. It is impossible.... :(

>> No.11397259

OP didn't ask for no KYC. He just said alternatives to localbitcoins.

>> No.11397261


I'm fine with you calling all those names.

>> No.11397272

Canadian I quit using it, shakepay is now the best way to fund in Canada. You can get btc within 1 hour to your wallet from signing up. I funded 10k in the last week worked like a charm using interac e transfers.https://shakepay.me/r/VV8JJPE

>> No.11397305

>LocalBitcoins for cash
i wouldn't trust LB anymore. they're also implementing KYC and are overloaded with scammers.

>> No.11397375

>find loclbtc guy
>msg him u give him 15% for private cash trade

>> No.11397384
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nice try, cia nigger

>> No.11397389

Then use craigslist or whatever. You can always find someone to give you cash at a discounted price

>> No.11397423

>cheap way of getting killed.

>> No.11397470
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>> No.11397499

This guy

>> No.11397503

if only. it's completely dead.

>> No.11397506

what went wrong?

>> No.11397565

everybody wanted to get rich from muh trust node, but nobody wanted to actually use it after the platform launched. so now there's like $5/week volume.

>> No.11397567

>but nobody wanted to actually use it after the platform launched

>> No.11397619

It's getting better. They have an API now that's getting used for an ico launch and can be used by others.
The telegram bots aswell help with ease of use imo

>> No.11397663 [DELETED] 
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Im with you on this. My working theory is all these deniers are poorfags so they cannot imagine themselves in any kind of substantial purchase such as a car or house + how to optimize it all on a tax declaration.

>> No.11397700
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Im with you on this. My working theory is all these deniers are poorfags so they cannot imagine themselves in any kind of substantial purchase situation such as a car or house + how to optimize it all on a tax declaration. Otherwise they would realize.

>> No.11397772

or maybe they don't want to go through jews at every turn and have some privacy.

>> No.11397784

>Im with you on this. My working theory is all these deniers are poorfags so they cannot imagine themselves in any kind of substantial purchase situation such as a car or house + how to optimize it all on a tax declaration. Otherwise they would realize.
you seem to have lost your way, the fools forums are that way ->

>paying taxes
lol boomers

>> No.11397791
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fiat encompasses cash as well. So no, it's not impossible.

>> No.11397817

Buy drugs on darknet, sell locally for cash.

Cash > fiat while double or tripling your money.

>> No.11397824

how do I sell drugs without getting arrested? this seems like a weak plan!

>> No.11397850

Website is shit

KYC is shit.

I get pajeets, velenzaueans and shit trying to scam me.

Only americans and a fucking nigerian have been worth it -.

Fucking lost $1000, but made that a day prev.

Oh well, here's to it.

Send messages, don't be fucking weird. Put money in escrow, give bank wire details.

Get the money, and then close that account - do it with a branch you don't use.

50/50 with branch and new account.

Wires can be reversed, LOL.

Fucking HSBC called me once after a pajeet wired and the price went from 220 to 190.

Like, fuck you buddy, didn't even message me, wanted to keep the ether and fiat.

Alternatively, I'm thinking with my good rep, I could scam some good sellers --- cause fuck all you need is to lose 5-10% on a trade but you make it back if the bank sides in your favor.

You wait 14 days+ and forge the text conversation, 99% sure most people don't keep logs.

>Oh, yeah, BTW, Pictures do reveal EXIF data ;) I've fucked with a few buyers that way.

They lie, use USA bank account but are located in India.

I ask for a screenshot of

>> No.11397862

Alright dumbass you traded your coins for cash, what do you do next? Wanna invest in stocks? Wanna buy a house? You have to do it through bank. You deposit your cash in bank. Have fun filling the AML papers.

>> No.11397873

220>190 was for ether. But same shit, scammers are scammers. Avoid working with low rep people, but at the same time, rep means nothing.

Though, as a broker, making 10% last year on $100,000 arbitrage to Korea via LTC was living the high life.

>First class to HKG, let's do it.

Anyway, no idea why I posted, just like to bitch about lbtc, locallitecoin, local monero, etc.

Great resources to meet fun people, but they all paranoid af.

>also keep logs if possible

>> No.11397964

Technically, this is the easy part, you just need to structure your deposits or, y/know, say you operate an online business.

If we're dealing with <100,000, like 99% on this board, no issue. No one cares.

>100,000, yeah you need to def forge/create papers. No one questions shipments/orders from HK/SG/JP though.

>File LLC/Corp.
>Open Bank account in Person @ branch.
>Use local UPS store, or virtual office of your city of choice. More popular, e.g. NYC/Chicago, easier - all you need is an address. Even better if you get the virtual assistant so if the bank or anyone calls, you know what's up and it can be a heads up via snail mail.

>IF you're not in that city, you hire someone to pick up the mailand scan it or you use the additional service which doubles the monthly virtual office cost.

>Avoid multiple wires, needs to be 2-3, which are not suspicious after creating a new account. Wires are a form of KYC, if you're doing cash deposit, lol, wow, yeah you need to properly structure it w/ invoices if asked.

>Big city = trade is popular = less questions. Dress good, act nice, and get a local number too.

Never had any issues, and prev I've arbitraged/channeled quite the amount.

Also, opt for paperless option. IT's fucking bullshit how banks send paperwork confirming you've had a wire or shit. It stacks up, so much, just daily login to your ledger @ bank at 12:05 AM and 12:05 PM for best updates it's already a batched job anyway and screenshot it.

After a year, don't file annual report and the state will dissolve corporation. Taxes can be nullified easily, you didn't have any sales, didn't have a resale certificate, etc.

That's the gist of it anon, now have fun and sell your services to suspicious/paranoid people.

>As you'd find out, like everything in the world, it's a who "you" know thing, and people "trust" friends vs "internet strangers."

Oddly enough, had fun meeting these people. Not stabbed yet.

Risk Management 101 + OPSEC.

>> No.11397985
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>you just need to structure your deposits
Nooo! Pay your taxes, goyim!

>> No.11398005

>>Use local UPS store, or virtual office of your city of choice. More popular, e.g. NYC/Chicago, easier - all you need is an address. Even better if you get the virtual assistant so if the bank or anyone calls, you know what's up and it can be a heads up via snail mail.
you lost me here, what is the point of this
what is your scheme exactly, what are you shipping?

>> No.11398011

>you have to do it through bank
calm down pajeet
I don't know about stocks but you can buy a house with cash. No banks needed; what are you on about?
I can pay with cash and arrange with the seller to make the contract state that the sale was for $1k

>> No.11398058

Nothing, you're avoiding potential flagging by the banks' risk management department as a high fraud account.

When you register as a company, you create an online image of what you do. Retailer, services, wholesaler, whatever.

By creating an artificial need, you're then become a potential bank customer, and the bank will serve you. You can't go to the bank and say "lol I sold crypto, I wana deposit this" in many scenarios.

I just explained a basic prerequisite for you guys to do it yourself cause 99.9% of you never biznes'd before or understand liability.

For most people, they just need to do one transaction and they won't go through the hassle - just find a cheap local non foreigner on localbitcoin to do your dirtywork.

>> No.11398059

stocks are a meme when crypto exists and aside from stocks, you can pay for essentially everything else with cash.

>> No.11398103

>By creating an artificial need, you're then become a potential bank customer, and the bank will serve you. You can't go to the bank and say "lol I sold crypto, I wana deposit this" in many scenarios.
sure you can, you just sell via coinbase and send to your bank, you don't need these intermediary steps. is your point just to create a plausibly deniable paper trail or do you think you need these steps? asking for a friend

>> No.11398142

Payfair.io does exactly this

>> No.11398168

Payfair is not dead. Thy have made many improvements recently including onboarding an ICO to have their payments go through the platform

>> No.11398178

Sure, that works if:

1. You already have a CB account/can open one.
2. You have a high withdrawal limit.
3. You accept CB reporting you to IRS, some day. If you're top 5%, you're already reported.
4. You don't get flagged for Withdrawal/KYC.
5. Many banks will flag/suspend accounts that accept bank deposits from CB's bank metro bank in SF. TD bank still does. Remember a few months ago the whole suspension of debit/credit cards a few months back to prevent chargeback/fraud? Same thing for deposits, always has been.

Fiat entering/exiting is a new ecosystem. It can be flagged as suspicious. Having someone who has the comparable alternative in fiat liquidity eliminates that risk. That's why there's a fee. ;)

Small time transactions, aren't really cared for, but they're still recorded and overtime can be used against you.

Paper trail just adds noise and gives you cash.

>> No.11398195

>1. You already have a CB account/can open one.
>2. You have a high withdrawal limit.
>3. You accept CB reporting you to IRS, some day. If you're top 5%, you're already reported.
>4. You don't get flagged for Withdrawal/KYC.
everyone requires KYC but anything under 20k falls under the same laws as anything else (ebay whatever) - no 1099 filed
you're talking about structuring there's no reason you can't do that with cb or whatever else, that's illegal though but still having an LLC does not solve that problem
just a heads up.

>> No.11398276

Agreed. Still it's better than forging paypal invoices and ebay auctions.

Plus, good luck issuing subpoenas to foreign country businesses. Can't verify a transaction if you don't have both ends of an invoice.

Also, avoid matching the number you're doing w/ the invoices. Plausible deniability w/ same timing.

The thing you're forgetting is timing/convenience. Most people want to cash out 100% same day. Many people don't even plan next week.

Some, may have an exchange account, can stage the deposits to be under deposit limit over a few days, but maybe the exchange doesn't have fiat USD - just tether? CB has FDIC on Fiat, but lol bitfinex?

Plus, continual deposit in fiat is structuring as the first deposit limit you have w/ CB is $10,000 and you do get flagged if you meet 50K in a week/month (one of those two. w/o incoming wire history.)

If you're an accredited investor, your withdrawal limit is default at 250k.Most people can't prove that.

1. Time/No exchange.
2. Undocumented idiots/High Risk.
3. People in foreign countries w/ unstable currencies.

Those make up the majority of my customers. Unicorns are the ones that invested early, but most of those cashed out by March.

>> No.11398322

>Agreed. Still it's better than forging paypal invoices and ebay auctions.
well, how? not saying you're wrong but i wonder if this is actually true

>> No.11398369

1. Ebay acutions are public, and if you don't use a real auction, that's obvious.
2. Paypal ledger.
3. Google metadata on ebay auctions are stored and then used on thirdparty services for "datamining" prices, keyword analysis, etc.

Ideally you want the least number of parties involved. While there may be some stonewalling in the beginning to verify the authenticity of these auction/paypal id's you're going to be fucked once it's unravled.

With your own org, you can backdate and do net-15/net-30, etc - this will appease any financial checking. You also control all the books and ledgers, so it is a b2b transaction where you control it so it's b2b2c.

You minimize involvement of 3rd party firms to just a bank. You don't fuck around with bullshit TOS or "online agreements" or "community standards." it's a fucking bank, it's your money and wires can't be reversed.

Plus, worse comes to worse, you can say fuck it and keep the crypto and fiat one day and hide out for a few months if you've done proper anonymizing. No, not a delaware corporation, lol.

But anon, at this point, if you have to ask - maybe it isn't for you.

>> No.11398389

>1. Ebay acutions are public, and if you don't use a real auction, that's obvious.
>sell thing at 50% markup
>idiot buys it
>oh no i made money and integrated my illicit funds

the glownigger stuff you're talking about is just irrelevant IRL

>> No.11398443


Like I said in the first post ... No KYC, no money.

Dreaming about forgery and stuff is for kids and people who had ath 1000$ in crypto. Like you.

>> No.11398446

Then, congrats, you sell 20k of items and get 1099, ebay reports your shit, and you need to pay taxes and you think itemizing it is going to reduce your cost?

Plus, do you think ebay/paypal is free? it's 10% total.

Sure you can shill auctions and make fake auctions, w/ 0 feedback users.

Sure you can setup VM's on different cloud providers.

Fucking anon, you're complicating the problem.

But, you go ahead and think that you're the only snowflake that does this and that it isn't obvious.

>prism leaks
>all tech companies in on it by force.
>think metadata is just what google has.

you give up *tons* more metadata on you and your trans.

>You don't even need to have an email address to incorporate or create a bank account.

>> No.11398454

you're objectively wrong
>Then, congrats, you sell 20k of items and get 1099, ebay reports your shit, and you need to pay taxes and you think itemizing it is going to reduce your cost?
literally anything is going to involve paying tax if you intend on buying property, that's how this works...

>> No.11398469

Maybe a brainlet Logic... but why bother with all the stuff? Launder via art, easy.

>> No.11398496


>> No.11398508

You are all over the place right now. Stop rambling and make one coherent post.

>> No.11398534

I think you've missed the point of what I said, and how taxation works w/ incorporated entities....


Who says you can't? Missed the point, anon. Oh, do you mean you buy a piece from an art dealer and resale it yourself? lol.

Anyway, last post.

tl;dr If under 100,000 USD, you're pretty much okay in all aspects across the world if you're a citizen of the country you're in. Structuring helps, but isn't needed.

More than 100k, better have some documentation that doesn't point to crypto to help pain points.

From an exchange, and time isn't an issue - deposit it and pay taxes, sure.

Need cash ASAP? Well, then a local broker can help you.

Peace, anons.

>> No.11398597

>If under 100,000 USD, you're pretty much okay in all aspects across the world if you're a citizen of the country you're in.
Wrong. In most EU countries these limits are way lower.

>> No.11398819

>Launder via art, easy
how does this work

>> No.11398830

>I think you've missed the point of what I said, and how taxation works w/ incorporated entities....
perhaps, can you lay it out for me in plain english? you can't get money into the system without paying tax, that is how the entire civilization is designed since at least early 1900's

>> No.11399020


>> No.11399174

Payfair is only answer. Volume is sporadic but it's there. No kyc

>> No.11399323

why's volume so bad?

>> No.11399329

Payfair is ran by a stinky Russian named John I own trust nodes but hate John that slippery Russian snake

>> No.11399463

buy art anonymously. sell art anonymously.

>> No.11399468

Payfair requires you to send your coins to their wallets. Thats a big no no.

>> No.11399473

and that is legal?
seems like the most obvious money laundering scheme ever
won't the IRS be like hey where'd you get that art in the first place?

>> No.11399481

try globalbitcoins.com!

>> No.11399559

>Bought it on a garage sale

>> No.11399569

can you buy it anonymously for $100 and sell it anonymously for $100,000? if so, no garage sale required

>> No.11399577

i never filled kyc on localbitcoins.com

>> No.11399617

You can sell anything for any amount. Just find the right buyer.

>> No.11399637

>You can sell anything for any amount. Just find the right buyer.
if it's anonymous who cares? walk in with a bro walk out with cash and receipt

>> No.11399682

Sounds too easy

>> No.11400429
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you are blessing

thx for everything

how often do you visit ?


you seem to know allot and like sharing

I think and act the same way



would it be possible to ask you about real estate ?


>> No.11400505

like art pieces ?

>> No.11400523

for the feds yes

>> No.11400530

best thread in a long time

hope >>11398369
is still here

>> No.11400778
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Wow you are a smart mofo. Any place you write more or where you picked up the wisdom? How to become so knowledgeable in these topics?
I work in commercial real estate investment, handle huge deals, have msc in finance, etc but dont know shit compared to your confident omnipotent wisdom.

>> No.11400784

yes. buy some random art at a garage sale with cash. sell it "anonymously" to yourself and cash the money in legally. that's the concept. wont fly with the feds, though. that's why they do it legally through official art dealers, selling to other rich people trying to launder money.

>> No.11400877

Thread reminds me if the time my bodyguard shot a Filipino kid who tried to rob me during a localbitcoin deal.

>> No.11401287


>> No.11401451


>> No.11402128


>> No.11402833


>> No.11402837

>yes. buy some random art at a garage sale with cash. sell it "anonymously" to yourself and cash the money in legally. that's the concept. wont fly with the feds, though. that's why they do it legally through official art dealers, selling to other rich people trying to launder money.
what does the "official" art dealer give you to validate this totally legit transaction?