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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 750x1140, 1539369666714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11396677 No.11396677 [Reply] [Original]

Confrontational retards from the omisego subreddit don't realize the CEO of omise is a dull brained idiot who offers no value or experience in business yet think omisego is anything more than a money grab. Guy can't even formulate a thought on video and people think this retarded beady eyed rodent looking motherfucker knows how to build a blockchain global infrastructure. Fucking lol. This retarded scammer leverages golem and vitalik in any chance he could get And you think this dude is gonna give up power in his bullshit low volume payment processing company to jeopardize his business in a bear market while also not delivering on the outlandish goals in his COMMUNITY made roadmaps.

Vitalik was generous in endorsing this ugly rat half brained piece of shit with no value other than being a leech. Very generous and as such the team benefited from his name.

Jun deserves nothing more than 10 years in prison or more direct a complete seizing of his assets for jeopardizing the lives of many for his own benefit.

This faggot retard is as dumb as a collection of elephant shit. If I was in his position I would never shill a fraction as much as he did until some tangible results are delivered. This fuck deserves to pay a massive fine for fraud. I hope karma bites his little bitch ass in the face. Useless fucking retard who didn't do a single thing but use vitalik for his own greed

>> No.11396722

How much do you weigh?

>> No.11396771

fuck you

>> No.11396791

Ha ha ha you got scammed by a Thai jap

>> No.11396800


>> No.11396801

go fuck yourself

>> No.11396812

>collection of elephant shit

You kind of resemble that.

>> No.11396826



>> No.11396830

It will still moon w/ btc and eth just like all other alts that don't completely exit scam.

>> No.11396832

I imagine you pushing at least 270-300lbs 5'8 with like a 40 BMI who has dozens of word documents with prewritten FUD that you just copy and paste to post while the chicken tendies your mom tossed in the microwave for you are cooking.

>> No.11396843

fuck off you r'ddit cunt

>> No.11396861
File: 50 KB, 734x358, it is afraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the project has been confirmed scam, Stockholm syndrome is amazing at this point. The bagholders are going to defend the jungle gook to death

>> No.11396863 [DELETED] 

Major props to that guy for managing to unbank so many idiots like OP. He must be a least somewhat intelligent.

>> No.11396892

Why do they keep responding to trolls? It's like it's their first day on the internet.

>> No.11396925

Major props to that guy for managing to unbank so many idiots like OP. One things for sure, he's smarter than you if you bought OMG. If you wanted something safe and you're too retarded to evalute highly specualtive investments then you shouldn't be in crypto in the first place.

>> No.11396994
File: 185 KB, 500x372, 1538793378018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got unbanked of $12k @$12/token.
D..did I do good famalam ?

>> No.11397121

That's a Rolex or a month's worth of premium asian hookers. I'm sure he's thankful, Anon.