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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11396593 No.11396593 [Reply] [Original]

Should I drop out of uni so I can be a neet?

>> No.11396602

yes. No matter the major

>> No.11396618

As long as you have a ton of investments AND have a plan for what to do with that time, then you're good.

>> No.11396622

Finish uni then be a neet

>> No.11396797

neet first desu don't drown in debt post uni

>> No.11396943
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I'm guessing by the fact you called it 'uni' you're from the UK. At least you're not a burger with a quarter mil in debt. Uni is fun and pretty much the one time of your life where you live the NEET life without disappointing your family and friends. If you quit your only options are likely become a wagecuck or sponge off family - both of which are much worse than uni

Most people can't realistically trade crypto for a living and you likely lack the experience and skills necessary to start a business. Stop being such a child. Life gets much harder after uni

>> No.11397414

>Life gets much harder after uni
Such bullshit! My fucking Computer Science degree was the hardest thing I´ve ever done.

>> No.11397416

If you can make it happen, what are you waiting for

>> No.11397427

Keep paying for forced knowledge, keep lining the pockets of criminals
As much as i hate the internet, it is also the greatest tool you currently possess

>> No.11397889


I did uni in Scotland (gov pays for it) and had student loan which I don't know if i'll ever pay back since I now live on a different continent so basically 4 years of NEETbucks as it was (plus year abroad in vancouver, also paid for by gov/uni), and my degree was easy as shit (law, even at a world top 20 law school. and I got a first)

was seriously good desu

>> No.11398029

Lol. Yes. I did EE.
All I do now is accept tickets and make sure input matches output data types. Compile. Test. Push to git repo.
Chat with NPCs.
Go home, fap, read, exercise. Go to sleep at 10pm. Make 2k take home every 2 weeks. Don’t do shit on weekends.

Uni I wouldn’t sleep until 2AM and wake up at 6AM, had part time work too 6-10 hours a day Fri-Sun. Make 300 dollars every 2 weeks. It was hell.