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File: 466 KB, 1440x2560, 1537089976634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11391356 No.11391356 [Reply] [Original]

You know what to do with this picture, Marines. Make us a new phone background.

300 LINK to the marine who makes a badass LINK background with this image.

>> No.11391390

Help a graphically unartistic fren out

>> No.11391485

Hard to believe nobody wants the 2025 equivalent of $300,000 USD.

>> No.11391548

This is the easiest money you graphics guys could ever make.

>> No.11391558

I gotchu OP hold up right quick

>> No.11392611


>> No.11393107

Where u at lil nigga give the background and your ETH address

>> No.11393116

Someone's going to do a shitty one before I can finish mine so what's the point?

>> No.11393190

Nobody has posted anything yet. Don't be discouraged. If yours is better than the first one, you'll get the same amount if not more.

>> No.11393200

This is OP, not sure why my ID changed when I got home and connected phone to my wifi but whateva.

I'm still looking for my new LINK background.

>> No.11393215

My girlfriend is a graphic designer but its super late. If this thread is still around in the morning ill ask.

>> No.11393248

If its not I'll just make a new thread.

This picture is my fuckin bounty and I want it

n o w

>> No.11393290


B u m p
u m
m u
p m u B

>> No.11393332

Was expecting someone else to have claimed this by now, hang tight OP I'll make something.

>> No.11393352
File: 2.99 MB, 1440x2560, chainlink 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11393361

That is an old logo Anon.

>> No.11393379
File: 108 KB, 351x359, wtf is going on logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11393391


>> No.11393398
File: 218 KB, 600x486, gah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11393412

You know what to do with this picture, Marines. Make us a new phone background.

300 LINK to the marine who makes a badass LINK background with this image.

>> No.11393413
File: 205 KB, 600x486, new logo sucks balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11393422

>who makes a badass LINK background

>> No.11393429

Hello, I am a service representative of EPIC. Recently, some dumb dumb head has been going around claiming we are an international terrorist cell. This is false, we are friendly. To support, just go to www.epic.com and donate as much as you possibly can.

>> No.11393442
File: 49 KB, 498x573, Official biz Link admin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11393461
File: 1.61 MB, 1440x2560, chainlink 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont give a fuck what you want

>> No.11393465

I know Anon KEK

>> No.11393473
File: 10 KB, 279x180, I love you still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11393478


>> No.11393588

Up bounty to 600 LINK?

>> No.11393724
File: 556 KB, 1440x2560, 1539473655994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go OP
I unironically tried my best. Plz no bully fren.


>> No.11393905

Hey shitheads, the designs on the sides of the original LINK logo is supposed to go on the sides of the colored cubes, color being retained is whats important to me.

Bounty has been upped to 1000 LINK. Follow these specific guidelines and you will be made rewarded handsomely.

>> No.11393920


Do I get nothing for all of my hard work? IMO it's bretty gud

>> No.11393973
File: 1.54 MB, 383x500, EatMyAssAndBalls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get this

>> No.11394003


Now no one is gonna help you because they can't trust you

>> No.11394024

Its not my fault ID: 9Dhr84PJ hasn't posted his address.

And yours was probably the most laughably pitiful of the thread.

1000 LINK bounty is still up bois.

>> No.11394040


I resent that I think it's good, also your directions weren't clear. Just saying, an act of good faith would encourage Marines to actually help you. Lots of LARP's out there

>> No.11394062

No offense but as someone with nearly 50K link, you think I'm going to reward shitty work?

All that would do is reinforce your crap work ethic.

>> No.11394071
File: 205 KB, 262x312, linkBG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do the whole thing in this style if you can wait for a little while, pls no justerino

>> No.11394083

Holy fuck you have 50k Link? Damn how did you get such a thicc stack? Man you must be a big deal

>> No.11394099


I'm calling it, you're just a LARP. No way you're giving out 1000 LINK.


I wouldn't waste your time fren.

>> No.11394111

Looks good so far Marine.

Let me be more specific in my vision.

>Each block is still colored but has the old chainlink graphics on them.
>Each block's graphics can't be the same color as the block itself or the ones surrounding it, so as to keep maximum color complimentary

Example: On a Blue Block, the Lock AND its Code Lines have to be either purple, pink, or red, but must remain the same color. CHAINLINK name stays black always.

>> No.11394130

Get the fuck out of my thread, you came in here expecting 300 of my precious LINK in exchange for the LAMEST attempt in the thread.

The man before you actually put time into his attempt, too bad he didn't post his address. Now that I see what >>11394071 has to offer, I'd say his attempt will be worth 1000 LINK.

>> No.11394131

Damn bro you a dick. We know you aren't going to pay but some poor sap like above will attempt. A+

>> No.11394150


You're a brainlet, that LINK cube picture is old.

>> No.11394162

I literally took out a giant fucking loan for this so if LINK shits the bed I will fucking throw myself off the Bridge of Flowers

>> No.11394169
File: 1021 KB, 674x739, linkBG2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when I'm finished adding it to all of them I'll post a tiny res version and post the full one when you pay, that work for you OP?

>> No.11394175

1000 LINK is worth it for a background I will keep forever.
Didn't I just tell you to get the fuck out of my thread?

>> No.11394190
File: 118 KB, 800x800, schaf-maske.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP; it's 10 in the morning here and im at my gfs place, give me a few more hours, then i can do it in high quality, because i want that background myself.
Don't just settle for a shitty Version some autist who wants your link made; wait like half a day and then rate them all and gib it to the best one (which is going to be me)

>> No.11394199

That works just fine, but would prefer you not fuck around with the low res thing because I've been burned that way before. We're straight man, you will be rewarded for your work. Please follow the guidelines laid out in >>11394111, it just involves color shifting the graphics.

>> No.11394204

Well it would be retarded of me to spend probably an hour making it just to not give you and everyone else the full res version, so there's much less risk for me that way

>> No.11394220

I admire your confidence, and I admire MOST people in this thread.

The bounty has now been made a contest!

>1st place winner, 1000 LINK
>2nd place winner, 666 LINK
>3rd place winner, 333 LINK


>> No.11394240

Full res or gtfo. Everyone else will be posting high res backgrounds now since this is now a contest. Thank >>11394190
for giving me the idea to wait a day and pick my favorite one while also rewarding the other 2 who tried their best.

I'm feeling very generous tonight.

>> No.11394252
File: 612 KB, 720x1280, 20181014_094058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fix your angles

>> No.11394269
File: 64 KB, 539x530, 1454975702508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CBF finishing then but good luck with the other entries friend

>> No.11394271

Why the fuck haven't you created a SmartContract staking the PrizeLink for everyone to see & compete for Dickwasher?

>> No.11394274

Bump for interest to see the final winner.

>> No.11394285

Piss off german shit

>> No.11394292

>the guy who will most likely win the 1000 LINK prize now doesn't want in

I know we both initially thought of this as a race but I realized, and I apologize but why should I rush the art? Do you hate money? If you do, don't bother finishing it and let someone else claim first place.

>> No.11394322


>> No.11394327

Bumping for this same reason

We LINK Marines will all have a fresh as fuck background thanks to my generosity and the hard work of the talented artists in this thread :'^))

>> No.11394377

You motherfucker if you stab in the back a fellow linker i will hunt you down

>> No.11394397

>implying I would

>> No.11394400
File: 93 KB, 735x545, 3DD19F12-6B1F-4AE1-B878-026F74DDEA2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 50k Link bought with a loan
> giving away 1/50 for a 2$ fiverr background
> arrogant
> sub 80 IQ

OP is never going to make it

>> No.11394418

>Implying I won't be buying more LINK
>Actually giving away 5% of stack, not 2.5%
>Fuck you
>We aren't talking about YOUR room temperature IQ, faggot

>> No.11394433

I'm gonna give you a second (you) just so I can tell you to get the fuck out of my thread

>> No.11394451
File: 231 KB, 1024x683, 1539420951196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my desktop background.

>> No.11394465

Haha me too

>> No.11394488
File: 992 KB, 3000x2000, 2CB5B815-C75F-40D7-B94A-D23AE94247BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek You need a loan to buy 50k link
> you give 5% away

>> No.11394577
File: 278 KB, 751x418, 1482636695567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you, OP.

>> No.11394607

Nice thread!

>> No.11395021

>No 777 prize.

Worst contest ever.

>> No.11395044

Link is shit. There is no such thing as an oracle problem. Go try walk into any business headquaters and ask them if they have an oracle problem and they will look at you like the deranged linkies you are.

>> No.11395096

holy fuck this thread is so gay kek

>> No.11395158

tits or GTFO

>> No.11395324

Sheepmask anon here, working on it now

>> No.11395335

Your work is good but Op is a faggot, so..

>> No.11395671
File: 1.56 MB, 3131x4032, blessed_are_the_linkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11395683

OP is a huge faggot

>> No.11396719


>> No.11396755

Post the chain link symbol in text form

>> No.11396788
File: 213 KB, 1704x1760, IMG_1134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11396831

No the hexagon in text form

>> No.11396945

You can get the fuck out of my thread now thanks

>> No.11396966

Checked. Also, I'm going to rape you.

>> No.11397311
File: 64 KB, 250x250, 1537924131157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11397570

We are waiting, anon

>> No.11398260

im done for today and cant post preview cuz max file size is 4mb

>> No.11398423
File: 2.45 MB, 2048x1536, 0xe3615e1A4E7B002FEddeFa5071B44D770C07b16D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send link or keep watermark

>> No.11398445

Nice work man

>> No.11398472

>That is an old logo Anon.

>> No.11398573

You're a fucking jew, you know that right? You disgust me

>> No.11398580

I said the graphics need to be the same color per block, doesn't matter what color but the lock and code have to be the SAME color.

Good attempt so far, looks like you'll be first place at the end of the day.

>> No.11398598

Same color per block. So for example, the pink block needs a pink lock and red chainlink text?

>> No.11398613


>> No.11398691

>only jews expect to be paid for their work
Go to sleep goyim

>> No.11398713
File: 2.40 MB, 2048x1536, 0xe3615e1A4E7B002FEddeFa5071B44D770C07b16D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I understanding you correctly? Do all the blocks need to have like a white lock or does the lock need to correspond with the block color?

>> No.11398756

why don't you just write a smart contract?

>> No.11398880

Because I'm as smart with the smart contract technology as I am graphically capable.

I'm not.

>> No.11398943

There are Pink, Red, Purple, Violet, Teal, Blue, and Baby Blue blocks. The GRAPHICS (lines of code and the lock itself) must both be the same color, but not the same color as what's on the block itself.

Pink graphics (lines of code and lock) on a Teal block, for example. Red graphics on a violet block. The graphics colors should be the opposite of what the block it sits on's color. You're doing good.

>> No.11398952
File: 2.51 MB, 2048x1536, 0xe3615e1A4E7B002FEddeFa5071B44D770C07b16D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one was missing the keyholes so this is to show the white logo color option and that the locks are correct.

>> No.11398967

You don't HAVE to put pink graphics on a teal block, but make sure the color of the graphics on a particular colored block are the color of a DIFFERENT block.

>> No.11399434

Bomp eet

>> No.11399858

Bomp eet H A R D E R

>> No.11400189
File: 1.14 MB, 2048x1536, 1539546584170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP is this more what you really want?

>> No.11400769
File: 2.41 MB, 2048x1536, 0xe3615e1A4E7B002FEddeFa5071B44D770C07b16D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11401008

Looks good Marine, I'm almost ready to call off this contest as it looks like you're the only one who actually took it seriously.

Remove the watermark and your reward will be sent.

>> No.11401017
File: 234 KB, 545x530, 93fo2329238923h23h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is going to be good.

>> No.11401024
File: 2.52 MB, 400x362, 1471368890851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remove the watermark and your reward will be sent

>> No.11401039


>> No.11401097
File: 72 KB, 474x436, dududududu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remove the watermark and your reward will be sent.

>> No.11401106

Ok I removed it, now send and I'll post it!

>> No.11401117

Send the money first. Don’t be a retard, this guy worked hard and made a nice background.

>> No.11401158

>to the marine who makes a badass LINK background with this image.
>Not using current Link Logo
>Asking for reward

>> No.11401172

You act as though he's going to get fucked. He's actually about to be 1,000 LINK richer.

I once held a similar bounty on /g/ and the guy took my BTC and left me with a watermark, I wouldn't be surprised if this is the same guy

>> No.11401197

I expect the job be finished and not just said it is before any LINK exchanges hands.

>> No.11401229

i once gifted a poor turd burglar 100 LINK because he said he was poor and surviving on noodles of some sort. as soon as i sent him the 100 LINK he deleted all his comments and left without thanking me. if you're reading this, i hope you get butthole cancer. sombitch. i will never share my LINK again.

>> No.11401249


Stop being a nigger, he proved to you that he has the product, send him the fucking LINK.

>> No.11401253

You sure you aren't the turd burglar that was given the 100 LINK? The color of your ID tells all.

>> No.11401259

pretty sure, yeah.

>> No.11401272

You don't know what its like being fucked out of half a bitcoin

>> No.11401294

ITT: 15yo jew nigger with probably 300 LINK in total trying to jew himself a phone background as this is the only thing that means something in his retarded life.

>> No.11401295


Neither do you you lying fucking cuck

>> No.11401296
File: 1.59 MB, 2000x2000, kekus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send bobs to remove fatman from pic

>> No.11401312 [DELETED] 

this lines up with my investigation as well. probably the same savage who ran off with my 100 LINK. no justice, no piece.

>> No.11401352
File: 114 KB, 1366x910, 1539221332679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the worst thread i've ever seen on /biz/

if you wanted a background this badly you could have just gone to /wg/ and some autist would have done it for free. as much as i want an unwatermarked version of anon's excellent bg to be posted, i more badly want OP to never have it

fuck you

>> No.11401391

Nice try, faggot. I got the guy's address and I'm ready to send the LINK as soon as I get what I asked for. Only way its gonna happen, I'm not getting fucked again.

>> No.11401452

You act as though a commissioned contractor has NEVER fucked his client over.

Get the fuck out of my thread.

>> No.11401794


Just sent him the link you absolute brainlet. He is obviously gone to some effort for you and it will take him 2 seconds to post the finished product. I don’t think you even have the link and are just larping.

Worst fucken thread. Send the link so we can get the final copy

>> No.11401987

I can remove the watermark RIGHT FUCKING NOW, in exchange for 200 stinkies.

>> No.11402301

Do it then and post your address along with the final copy.

>> No.11402518

There is aliasing on a few locks. It needs to be smoothed out in order to be absolutely perfect.
Sorry that you worked for such bad op fren.

>> No.11402573

>Remove the watermark and your reward will be sent.

>> No.11402622


>> No.11402642


Looks like we have an impasse how to make this trustless transaction happen?

>> No.11402659

use a smart contract
the future

>> No.11402679

Kekekekekekekekkeekkkkkk topkek

>> No.11402691

The guy has the image without a watermark obviously. He has no reason not to post it if he gets paid. He obviously spent alot of time on it.

>> No.11402701

Post the original image

>> No.11402703

Heh. This thread is unironically very ironic.

>> No.11402787

Does the reward still stand? I think I can whip something up

>> No.11402823

Op and artfag could trade eachother pieces of the agreed upon amount. 50 linkies for 1/6th of the image until somebody exit scams or the whole product is delivered

>> No.11402852

The whole collection will be worth loads in a few years. Make sure to not save any of it so I can maximize my rarity

>> No.11402861

also if LINK is trustless, how come OP hasnt made a smart contract for the art commision yet.

>> No.11402867

Removing the watermark on 1 sixth of the image is worth nothing to the op. Only the whole image is worth something

>> No.11402879

Mainnet isn't up and running yet.

>> No.11402917

This makes me wonder if a simple smart contract platform will be made where two parties can effectuate this kind of fiver-tier deal without a third party for arbitration, with a very simple normie-friendly interface, like a drag n drop of a produced file on one side and a fiat payment of the agreed upon price on the other. But how would a smart contract recognize that the produced work is real and satisfactory? If I knew how to code, I'd work on this.

>> No.11402980

>Contractor puts the finished file up on the app
>App locks the file into a smart contract
>Adds a watermark and sends to the client
>If the client is happy, they press the approval button, funds are automatically sent and they can download a non-watermarked version

>> No.11403013

How does the app verify that the creator hasn't put in an already watermarked file

>> No.11403028

The app has its own watermark.

Also if someone actually builds this, this might be the first thing a smart contract has ever done besides produce shit tokens

>> No.11403031

The client would see the watermark and not approve of it

Unless it is the same as the one the app makes, but you can just make the app randomize the watermark

>> No.11403038

To think how stuck in the past we are currently. In like 5 years this wod never be an issue. I hope the guy gets his link though. He definitely did a good job

>> No.11403045

I meant how does it verify or prove that the artist hasn't put in a ruined/incomplete/pre watermarked piece because they're a dick

>> No.11403052

Yeah but if the patron can see a preview of the work, they can just save it and bypass payment.

>> No.11403074

I guess you could get a thumbnail image, or low Rez. You could also write a script that checks the low Rez with the image locked in the smart contract. It’s not a great solution.

>> No.11403114

The app could let OP choose the watermark. "this is what the artist delivered in the smartcontract and this is it combined with the watermark of your choice, do your part and the watermark is gone"

>> No.11403116


I cast it now, he is not deserving of the stinkies

>> No.11403223

That could be exploited, they could make a watermark that's easy to edit out.

It would be better for the contract to generate a random watermark, then display the watermark sidebyside with the watermarked image, to compare and see if the original has another one.

>> No.11403528

Not HIS image, but do you really think its that hard to recreate? I doubt it.

>> No.11403545

This is a good idea but I find it hard to believe that it hasn't been created yet

>> No.11403591
File: 280 KB, 740x650, LinkieRansom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its your lucky day OP. I made two of them for you. One in old logo, and one in new logo. Obviously, I will release them without the water mark if I receive the promised Link tokens at this address:


Once I receive the link, I will publish the images without watermarks. I believe the stated reward is 1,000 stinkies.

t. assblaster's assblaster

>> No.11403716

Bomp eet again

>> No.11403788

Was hoping for a resolution but I love how this is playing out. I think we’re all going to make it frens.

>> No.11404203
File: 118 KB, 410x410, 1524799844750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP unironically kill yourself you worthless piece of shit

>> No.11405192


>> No.11405935
File: 1.49 MB, 640x1136, 38D143A5-DB29-4A08-9152-36B6B0669FE5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahahha i dont give a fuck, looks good, thanks fren

>> No.11406437

Bump for my reward

>> No.11406456
File: 808 KB, 1200x1200, EE82D45E-C769-4AEF-8F79-704D62664624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like absolute garbage. This is really the best anyone can come up with?

Someone make one based on this image.