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11390599 No.11390599 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes I think no matter what proof or argument set before them they will say ''that's not real communism'' or something like that..

>> No.11390610

OP, OP, OP, wait.

I understand how you're feeling, I do. Your mother has violated important norms of our culture and, in fact, nearly all cultures. From a historical perspective, she would be shunned by her community and her family as a disgrace to her ancestors, possibly even executed or forcibly bukkaked by the village elders.

Think of the world of tomorrow, though. In our modern society, we no longer live in nomadic tribes or on farms, with collectivist multi-generational family units. We are all free individuals, no longer dependent on community ties for economic support. Women use their disposable income to take better care of their health and aesthetics than ever before and slow the aging process, remaining sexually appealing for decades beyond their traditional peak.

In this new social order, where women do not need to secure a man to provide for them in old age, the sole purpose of monogamy is to raise children in a stable family environment. That is done. You were not only born, but are now old enough to understand that your mom is a sloot. She is unlikely to conceive another child, so reliable paternity is no longer a concern and monogamy itself has lost all moral relevance to your situation.

>> No.11390623

Inevitably, probably within a single generation, it will be typical for post-menopausal women to indulge in all forms of extreme promiscuity. Meeting frat guys on Tinder, introducing horny teenage neighbor boys to sex in the backyard swimming pool your dad lovingly built for you during your summer break, participating in amateur night at the strip clubs, staffing truck stop gloryholes, servicing stoners in the woods at music festivals, experimenting with gangbangs delivered by members of other ethnocultural and socioeconomic groups (ex. violent convicts in a halfway house one night and billionaires screaming “Allahu Akhbar” in a Dubai hotel room the next), perhaps chugging gallons of stale semen out of a bathtub where it was enthusiastically collected from crowds of anonymous men by her own two hands the night before, etc.

These practices, once fringe and shameful, will no longer be warning signs of Borderline Personality Disorder and a dysfunctional relationship with a controlling father, but instead a typical rite of passage into once-dull sunset years, often while men like your father sit in the corner and watch, reluctantly masturbating as the mothers of their children begin their prime years of hedonistic experimentation and previously unimaginable sexual satisfaction.

This is the trail your mom is blazing. Your mom, gargling the warm balljuice of a strange man who does not love her while he angrily thrusts himself to a second orgasm between her breasts, is a pioneer and a visionary. She is the future. Print this off, leave it on the fridge for her, and ask her to PM me.

>> No.11390658

>having sexual relations with a post-menopausal woman

>> No.11390659

Send them to Ukraine with no money. Once they get their first $100 paycheck they will understand.

>> No.11390662

>thinking in terms of meme ideologies
Marx did a critique/analysis of capitalism. He was explicitly against ideology-crafting

>> No.11390666


>> No.11390733

>be a wagecuck living paycheck to paycheck, making your boss rich

>> No.11390740

Generally speaking, you can't. Their beliefs are rooted in their insecurities and parasitic behavior. They need an ideology as a crutch. Despite behaving in opposition to their world views, they see their ideology as validation for their behavior.

More often than not, commies are hypocrites. They demand others share, but they won't share anything themselves. They demand leniency, but they won't be lenient to others. They criticize others for their greed, but they are themselves greedy. They complain of being exploited but they won't think twice of exploiting others.

>> No.11390771


Communism is shit but so is capitalism. Capitalism's entire premise is around fucking over other people, primarily workers, by skimming off the value they produce by paying them less than what it is worth.

LE CAPITALISM IS BEZT SYSTEM faggots are up there with full blown commiecucks. BOTH ARE tards.

National Socialism is the only answer. It is how we evolved to survive - working in order to benefit your own tribe. This is how Jews function today by leveraging goys and peddling shit to them. They do is supra-nationally but still have the hive of Israel to fall back on if needed.

>> No.11390799


This. In both communism and capitalism a small group of people own everything while the rest are basically slaves. They're both shitshows. Poor people like communism for the same reason rich people like capitalism, they're selfish fucks.

>> No.11390886

I did. It was a roommate I had shortly after I graduated college. We lived together with another dude for 18 months and all had regular political/philosophical discussions. It took months to convert him from communism. Small intellectual steps at a time. I chipped away, example after example, I offered my own commentary out loud when the news was on, I took advantage of teachable moments in current events.

>> No.11390949

Trump converted Kim Jong Un.

>> No.11390988

You left the part out where you sucked his dick every night before tucking him into bed faggot.

>> No.11391963

no, but several commies have converted to fascism - this includes hitler and mussolini. thats not great either, but an improvement nervertheless.

>> No.11391981


most of them do it themselves in their mid twenties when their edginess dies off.