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11384866 No.11384866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>when the phenibut and kratom kick in
I feel genuinely bad for anyone that doesn't know about stacking these.

>> No.11384868

You're a drug addict

>> No.11384873

Is /biz/ going to turn into /drg/?

>> No.11384885

used to take both before i realized how degenerate it is

>> No.11384887

What the fuck is phenibut?

>> No.11384892

>that's degenerate
not an argument

>> No.11384895

>taking opiates in 2018
never gonna make it

>> No.11384896

I liked phenibut until I needed to take spoonfuls of it just to avoid withdrawals and then I'd be nodding off all day

>> No.11384897

Gaba b agonist with interesting cascade effects. Long lasting, quite enjoyable and legal

>> No.11384899

Usually it's used as sleeping pills.

>> No.11384917

That will be the last you hear from the likes of me.

>> No.11384923


>> No.11385123

Good night, sweet prince.

>> No.11385175

I took phenibut like 8 hours ago.. 1.5 grams
I don't feel anything, I just fell asleep
My ears are ringing adn feel kinda dizzy
Music sounds slightly better

>> No.11385178
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>Chad Tier: DMT
>Cool Kid Tier: Acid, Shrooms, Ketamine
>Tryhard Tier: MDMA, Meth, Adderall, other stims
>Burnout Tier: Weed, Benzos, Phenibut, DXM, other GABA agonists and 'get fucked up drugs'
>Cancer Tier: Opiates (including Kratom and Tianeptine)
>BCash Tier: Tobacco/Nicotine

Try to debate this, you can't.

>> No.11385189

Where does 2c-p fit in?

>> No.11385197

>BCash tier
Kudos to you for making this thread at least somewhat /biz/ related.

>> No.11385220

Iffy, it's a research phenethylamine so it's either cool kid or tryhard tier depending whether your trip is more trippy or more stimmy.

>> No.11385229


>> No.11385312

this guy nutmegs

>> No.11385387

Pure nicotine is non-ironically based

>> No.11385485

Can someone give me the rundown on kratom? I use therapeutic doses of phenibut (250mg) and sometimes I combine it with modafinil for God Mode cheatcodes but I've never tried kratom

tl;dr: redpill me on kratom

>> No.11385494

this is completely false, it's sold as an anti-anxiety med in Russia

>> No.11385496

Gives you an opiate high without any of the negative side effects of traditional opiates(severe addiction, constipation, low testosterone, overdosing, high cost)

>> No.11385497

Isn't that exactly what phenibut does or no?

>> No.11385501

Nah phenibut is more like alcohol or xanax

>> No.11385504

fuck man, what are the differences between opiates and alcohol/xanax? I thought xanax was an opiate...

>> No.11385523

nice. im depressed as fuck lately could use this

>> No.11385597

>without any of the negative side effects?
Have fun kiddo
You are clearly in the honey moon phase or a typical stoner denial fag

Keep doing it everyday, you'll soon be waking up 3 hours after your normal wake up time. WIth a groggy hung over feeling, and tired. Youll slouch over and not feel like doing anything. You won't dare go outside with out your kratom and phenicuck dose.

If you're gonna use, do it right .... legal high fags. There is no drug, that induces pleasure and good feelings. Where used over longterm has 0 side effects or negatives on your life style / health. So with that being said, if you are gonna use..... do it right -

>> No.11385620
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I've taken 1kg of kratom every month for 5 years straight and quit cold turkey no problem

>> No.11385819
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opied is baingiller, like de o[B]ium phlower :-))
zanass is bhenzo for angsiedys :-DD

>> No.11385830
File: 6 KB, 205x246, fatshywojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the cheapest place to order it and does it make jerking off better

>> No.11386390

I think you're underestimating DXM.
Yes, it's in cough syrup. Yes, teenagers steal it to get high. Yes, sometimes they kill themselves on the acetaminophen in nyquil.
It's still one of the most interesting and unique dissociative drugs out there.

>> No.11386399

where can i get phenibut in the uk and can i mix it with codeine and alcohol without dying

>> No.11386575

Kratom made me constipated as fuck but it was more enjoyable than codeinez

>> No.11387093

Based. Here is the patrician way to experience a 3 hour orgasm that is pheni + kratom:
1) wake up early on the weekend
2) 2g pheni + 6g kratom mixed in chocolate milk
3) go back to bed
4) hhhhhhnnnnnnnnngggggg

>> No.11387105

Ketamine is god tier

>> No.11387119

Kratom = herbal opiate
Phenibut = legal Xanax/benzo

>> No.11387133

Buy some ketamine you faggot it's not even in the same solar system

>> No.11387197

this. if you are going to experiment with a drug, it should be like a one and done thing, or a handful of times at most.
Weed, alcohol, opiates are degenerate. You want to keep using it more and more and the period of "self-discovery" in them is over before it started because you are too fucked up to pay attention once you habitually use them. You're better off using N2O for that.
DMT is so strong, you don't want to touch it again afterward, but it is a life-changing event in a sense that you really do experience something profound that you need to reflect on afterward. That, and the short duration of the experience make it by far the best in class. Mushrooms can be interesting, but you generally do not experience anything profound with them. LSD just lasts way too long and most people find themselves waiting for the trip to be over.

>> No.11387225

Keaton is pretty cool. These faggots saying it's an opiate probably have either never done it (this is most of them), or they did too many of the extract pills. In low doses it doesn't make you high at all, it acts as a stimulant and anti anxiety/depressant. In higher doses it acts more as an opiate/depressant

>> No.11387235

Modafinil and caffeine stack here.

Helps me earn more shekels for Mr Nostrilberg

>> No.11387277


>> No.11387295

what is best place to buy kratom and phenibut? i live in europoor

>> No.11387339

which tier is alcohol in

>> No.11387349

I've tried it, it's whack

>> No.11387956

No, youll die if you mix it with other downers

>> No.11388000

How do you guys take kratom? What do you mix it with to disguise the taste? It's so disgusting. Actually the taste itself is not that bad, it's like very strongly brewed green tea or something. But combined with the grainy, sludgy texture it's awful. I tried brewing it in a coffee maker for a few days and that went down fine but had way less effect.

>> No.11388011

I've gotten high off nutmeg before. It feels like a strong pot high but it can actually last for days. I hear it's pretty bad for you though.

>> No.11388013

Cuck government banned kratom in my country..

>> No.11388030

It's the shittest of all GABA receptor agonists, has the highest ED/LD ratio of almost any drug (except nutmeg lol), and is toxic to every tissue in the body. It probably needs a new tier below BCash. Bitconnect Tier.

>> No.11388171

I actually liked the herbal flavor until i took too large a dose and threw up. Now the smell makes me nauseous. Milkshakes work well.

>> No.11388361

GNC doesn't carry pheniput just checked. Where to buy?

>> No.11388404

Rawpowders or Biovea online

>> No.11388444

>psychedelics are the only good drugs
literally a reddit opinion
take your "enlightened" opinion and shove it up your ass

>> No.11388494

Anyone have experience with CBD oil? Gonna try it for anxiety soon.

>> No.11388531

I convinced my roommate in college to take a bunch of nutmeg and he passed out with a fever for two days. It caused him to miss an exam and fail a class lol

>> No.11388534

state of people using addictive substances with quick tolerance builds, stop being an npc and microdose lsd

>> No.11388560

You can increase potency and decrease required Phenibut dosage in an easy manner:

Mix a 30 ml liquid solution containing 70% high purity ethanol and 30% DMSO and put in 1 g of Phenibut (preferably FAA). 1 ml = 33 mg Phenibut FAA.

This is for topical application, absorption through skin, i.e. rub 1-3 ml of that solution onto your inner arm, near blood vessels.

100 mg of this topical Phenibut solution will have same potency as 1g oral. Initital onset after about 10-20 minutes, full effects after 50-60 minutes.

>> No.11388609

>ED/LD ratio
what's this?

>> No.11388621

Kratom taste is just gross but it is pleasant.

>> No.11388732

don't recommend LSD, there's too much impure shit in existance that is actually harmful for you.

>> No.11388844

where do you find LSD nowadays.

>> No.11388872

effective dose / lethal dose, it's like 1:10, eg you only need to consume 10x as much booze as you need to get drunk to accidentally die. Even heroin has a better safety margin. Weed is like 1:1000, psychedelic tryptamines are, idk, 1:1000000000, basically impossible unless you drink a whole liter bottle of acid.

>> No.11388930

there's nothing enlightening about them, they show you crazy shit and give you a feeling of joy and wonderment. It's a very 'pure' or natural good feel that is basically like an amped up stendahl syndrome, you feel amazing because everything looks beautiful, versus most other drug feels that are just brute force attacks on your brain.

Don't let the dumbasses who think they impart some cosmic wisdom turn you off of them. The experience is 'just drugs' but it's still absolutely worth it if you go in with the right attitude. Unless you think great films and books aren't worth consuming either because they're 'not real'.

>> No.11389000
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drugs r bad, mmmmkay

>> No.11389157

>digits confirm

>> No.11389203

Yes and I felt nothing from it after working up to 4x recommended dose.

>> No.11389242

has anyone tried noopept? It's an interesting chemical and I think more research should be put into it