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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11381650 No.11381650 [Reply] [Original]

HOW MUCH LONGER DO I HAVE TO WAGEKEK WITH 50k? Stunted brain developed fudders need not apply

>> No.11381661

4 years

>> No.11381664

Somewhere between two months and five years.

>> No.11381667

Probably forever

>> No.11381693

imagine a date someday in the future where chainlink prooved to be unsuccessfull and worthless. all the years you literally bonded to this erc 20 token already. making it to your only hope in life. thinking about nothing other than "making it". but in this exact moment you realize you threw years away of your life that just passed by, by nothing.

just imagine

>> No.11381760

Just imagine being dropped on your head several times as a baby. Shit sorry, you don't have to imagine at all

>> No.11381912
File: 538 KB, 785x531, 9776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK holders are either

b)paid shillers
c)absolutely braindead

I believe you're a mix of b and c, already putting a random vague insult as pre-damage control.

What is it like being a sheep?

>> No.11381929

link is shit

>> No.11381930

You already fucked up and got exposed. Website was made a day before you starting spamming it in Link threads. Fudders couldn't even fake a website and emails properly. Sweaty FAT fudder.

>> No.11381939

Link is THE shit

>> No.11381977

It beats playing vidya and fapping all day, that's for sure.