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11377404 No.11377404 [Reply] [Original]

Just met a literal rajeesh uber driver giving me a lesson about his crypto curry xrp and how the entire human population thinks they are early adopters and muh banks are going to make 7 billion people financially independent for buying a fiat digital asset issued by a private for-profit company. There is 0% chance that xrp is not going to moon.

>> No.11377497

True story.

Last year in December, my uber driver had 6 bitcoins.

>> No.11377511

This pasta has been posted like 8 times already. Pajeet isn't wrong though.

>> No.11377598

Please buy bitcoins sir
It is a digital currency sir
You will be rich by eoy sir
No more rupees sir

>> No.11377612
File: 56 KB, 1024x606, picard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And regulators are going to just let banks hold a ton of XRP which is a 100% speculative asset and which tanked -93% in under 9 months?

Banks aren't allowed to hold garbage toxic assets like that and fail stress tests. They get huge fines, they don't get to release dividends, shareholders get pissed off and a ton of executives get fired.

No banks are buying your bags of XRP retard.