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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11374826 No.11374826 [Reply] [Original]

Free call from an anon. Buy this coin. Sell after the pump tomorrow. Screencap if you want.

>> No.11374854

>selling before the real (coinbase) pump.

Never gonna make it bud!

>> No.11374856

People moving ZRX profits into BAT because it might be next?

>> No.11374861


>> No.11374865

>about to touch 1k

lmao no

>> No.11374868

Bat is the golden one anon

>> No.11374907

buying a jew coin.
lmao they sold you the marketing scam?
please tell me why they cant just use satoshis on lightning network and need to print their own money on an unstable blockchain?
lmfao get rekt faggot.
your better off just building something on tezos or building something on liquid network the new ico places will be on tezos and btc liquid network. ethereum is a 2digit shitcoin.
only reason it went up was because they decided to pay the miners to buy out all the graphics cards in the world, and also because they started giving out money to developers to make more fake money by creating icos.

the days of ethereums are over. get on tezos and liquid network. tezos is paying to learn to code.
bat tokens lmfaooo... please tell me why they cant just use satoshis on lightning for their marketing scam

>> No.11374979

Can't you see it's too late for your nigger tier FUD to have any effect?

>> No.11375348

who cares it will never go higher than a dollar, it defeats the purpose of the coin.

>> No.11375360

>My coin hasn't recovered as much as the others! Please buy my bags!

>> No.11375615


Also lol at thinking lightning is anywhere near ready. Brave ditched Bitcoin a while ago for a reason.

>> No.11375650

Wtf I love BAT now

>> No.11375653

umm nice comeback, i wasnt fudding it. im literally asking you why cant they just use satoshis on lightning for marketing/advertising? what is the need to print your own money aka erc20 token on an unstable blockchain that can easily be manipulated by buying the blocks.
? or you just trading off sentiment and shit?
if you trading on intrinsic value, this shitcoin has no value at all... they have no reason for making an erc20 token. they could of easily used satoshis on lightning network or even ethereum... no reason at all to print your own money other then greed ponzi

>> No.11375695

meanwhile ppl buying sandwiches on lightning network. there is already many shops accepting lightning irl and online. keep thinking its not ready. its like saying btc isnt ready back in 2013... meanwhile it really hasnt changed much its been ready. same with lightning its ready. its just up to ppl to start adopting and using it now

>> No.11375701
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>brainlet poorfags on bliz betting against brendan eich and his millions of mau's with brave

>> No.11375799

you faggot. i actually hold more bat then any other token. im betting on it.
im just asking what does it provide over using satoshi's? or using eth?
the point is NOTHING
obvsiouly we all know when somethign is about to pump. but if your trying to claim its not just printing money then your a faggot...
dont lie to yourself. its an obvious money print ponzi token 3.14
>tfw i think im cool when im using > and tfw
newfags all over the place 99% all newfags these days.

>> No.11375879

They tried using bitcoin back in like 2015. Fees were too high, and they needed money for the UGP and nobody would give up their bitcoin. They decided to build BAT off an erc-20 standard that had lower fees, and they could run an ico that people would give up ETH for. Maybe if lightning worked in 2015 you might have an argument. Now its far too late.

Stop being a bitcoin maximalist faggot. Not everyone cares about that nigger coin.

>> No.11375920
File: 420 KB, 500x333, 1539265960412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>erc-20 standard that had lower fees
Well that went well....the fact that Eich didn't anticipate that ethereum is eaven worse to scale than btc tells you a lot about that faggot

>> No.11376009

ETH had fees that were way cheaper,faster than BTC. Their scaling plans were also not in gridlock either.

Just fuckin lmao at that bitcoin civil war. Literally split into 6 bitcoin chains over block size. Couldnt even imagine what would happen if they tried to move to an even cheaper scaling solution like POS.

>> No.11376209


I take it back, even niggers are smarter than this. Didn't your infallible satoshi coin have a double spend bug patched literally 8 years after launch? a literal 0day exploit that would have rendered your faggot shit irrelevant, broken and useless. If you had your bitch way it would have taken down BRAVE along with it, and any other project that listened to fucking mouth breathers like you.

and the only reason it didn't happen is because a Bitcoin Cash dev fucking took mercy on you faggot bitcoin maximalists and warned you guys discretely.

can't wait till the whole space moves beyond BTC.

>> No.11376217

it's ERC20, which means it's dead in the water
If only there was some other, better way to ICO, I would actually hold it.

>> No.11376333

praise abort corecucks

>> No.11377318

>selling before this becomes the backbone of a decentralized post-Google web

Not going to make it.

>> No.11377352

Were trading here you virgin faggot nobody gives a shit about your sperg opinion on the tech.

>> No.11377360

who dis plz

>> No.11377374

So none of you faggots actually trade here? You're welcome for the 8% since I posted this. Fuckin spergs

>> No.11377381

I think a lot of people also forget what the target of this coin is; google, which is so fucking gigantic at this point its impossible not to successfully take a bit of their business, if not a large percentage of it. GDPR is slowly killing Google's monopoly on the internet in Europe, that will eventually spread to the rest of the first and second world until Brave is one of the only browsers that follows privacy law. People using Brave and not using BAT will be seen as fucking morons.

>> No.11377970

That was a nice 10% I hope some of you disgusting greasy obese trans loving faggots listened to Chad this time.

>> No.11379068

Why is this piece of shit pumping right now?

>> No.11379136


What part of india are you from?

>> No.11379155
File: 192 KB, 841x750, bat JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look to >>11374856

But also BAT is a really good token with a bright future. Short term pump is traders looking to make a quick buck off the Coinbase Pro listing though.

>> No.11379172

Because the smart money sold off the top of the 0x pump and jumped into BAT since it will likely be the next to be listed on Coinbase. Hoping to time the top of this and shift into HOT right before mainnet.

>> No.11379381

What's it gonna hit then price wise?

>> No.11379427

$1000 EOY

>> No.11379497

might sell zrx for bat... but zrx has way more going for it atm. UGHH

>> No.11379597

>but zrx has way more going for it atm

How can you even justify that fucking statement?

>> No.11380045
File: 2.64 MB, 1280x720, snifffffffsnefffffffff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once normies start to get the taste for what BAT/Brave can do you will have normie money flooding in. Can't say the same for zrx anon.

>> No.11380059

You'll just know when it's time to move on. You'll be able to feel it in your bones.

>> No.11380379

Damn biz really is fuckin pathetic now. I guess only retards are posting and brains are lurking

>> No.11380441

Normies can’t comprehend why ZRX is huge and its utility. It’s almost the IBM of crypto right now. BAT on the other hand, everyone understands that. That’s why BAT listing moon will be something.

>> No.11380680

Hate to break it to you. Normies aren't coming back until bitcoin goes on another tear.

>> No.11380750

Every Normie will have BAT and actively seek it. Every Normie will use ZRX passively without knowing. Both are great in the long run.

>> No.11381038

>Every Normie will use ZRX passively without knowing.

probably not desu senpai

>> No.11381058


>> No.11381106

You aren’t breaking it to me. The meme of a “cheap” coin is cringy.