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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 449 KB, 709x434, Screen Shot 2018-10-12 at 12.13.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11373974 No.11373974[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Of course the economy is going to shit has been since 2008 collapse BUT it just seems a bit convenient that the Jew media suddenly is calling economy collapse now just before midterms.

Also they are hitting BTC just incase anyone takes this shit seriously and actually allows bitcoin to be seen as a good investment now. We are being played folks. Its a narrative set up to help remove Trump and het the Jew run show back on track.

Its a meme folks. Try not to be played too much.

>> No.11373986

Trump literally is aligned with the Jews, wtf are you talking about you fucking /pol/ fried-brain faggot. Get the fuck out of here, Trump is literally the fucking problem.

>> No.11373999

>Trump is the problem
Out kike. You leftist shills are getting tiresome.

>> No.11374006


You are a paid prick in an office somewhere giving up their soul to attack the only freedom your country has ever had in your lifetime. Enjoy your slavery.

>> No.11374012

Keep your friend close and your enemies closer fag. Trump knows this. He even sacrificed his daughter for the greater good of us goys.

>> No.11374014
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Projecting much?

>> No.11374023

>It will happen when the weather cools. That's when they'll make their move. The plans laid long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition. They're trying to force God's hand. Watch for these signs:
>Three branches will become one.
>An island will drift away.
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
>The star will gorge itself on clay.
>Idols will speak and move about.
>The black flag will fly above the dome.
>The belly of the dragon will drip water.
>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
>A rock will stand on seven hills.
>The ravens will starve.
>The bear will leave its cave forever.
>The rod and the ring will strike.

>> No.11374026
File: 39 KB, 680x680, Oh+look+its+this+thread+again+and+i+_f1ab882cbffae188792de33de211127d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you are all so stupid it causes me physical pain

>something good happens

>something bad happens

>> No.11374030

>The bear will leave its cave forever.
you are here

>> No.11374038

we still donmt know what any of this is

>Three branches will become one.
idk supreme court and congress and president being repub?

>killing bolt idk
>israel or something
>celebs doing something?
>isis blowing up rome?
>chinese dam breaking?
>no clu
>russia or persia

>> No.11374046

Yeah because the same Media that is suddenly calling economic collapse just before Trumps election was completely unbiased toward him.

Fuck off paid kike shill.

>> No.11374047

These pol inbreds are fucking retarded
The jews love Trump because he is a constant distraction

>> No.11374050

No you are just a literal piece of human shit. I just hope you aren't actually american.

>> No.11374076

Your only response is whining and crying about paid shills, the very thing that's been proven Russia is doing for Trump. Fuck off, back to /pol/ with you. the_donald trying to hijack this board is the worst thing that's ever happened to this place.

Proud to be American and can't wait to vote in the midterms. Need to take this country back from the Jews

>> No.11374080
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i wish i got paid to make fun of magatards, that would be the best job of all time

but no anon, you're right, the entire stock market is moving back into recession just to make trump look bad. and if it goes back up it will be all his doing because he's the greatest and can do no wrong

keep sipping that koolaid you mouthbreather

>> No.11374094

leftypol out in full force today

and theyll be gone soon after the recovery next week

>> No.11374123

I like that take on the prophecy. Eternal global bear market incoming followed by
>phoenix will rise from the ashes
Bitcoin will be the one world currency and cryptoproducts will be used to rebuild the world economy. As seen in the Economist 1982 edition

>> No.11374124

>Trump and Russia
>The_Donald flagging
>Taking the country back from the Jews

This is just fucking pathetic and blatant. Someone who was reading the current sentiment of the boards realized that this website is highly anti-Semitic and rather than try and change that they just changed their shilling techniques.

They invoke the kikes and jews to make it seem like they are on your side while still blathering about the same bullshit they otherwise talk about to make it seem like they aren't just the Dem shills they are. If you removed any mention of the Jews from their posts then they would be your bog standard left shill that you hear everywhere else.

But here they invoke the jews to seem like they are one of you to get what they want. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.11374173
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imagine being so stupid you actually think democrats are spending resources campaigning with deceptive techniques to garner votes of some brainwashed anons on a zimbabwean glass blowing forum

nice persecution complex you've got there lad

>> No.11374203
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"whaaa shills!" Fuck off. Get back to plebbit you fucking faggot. Which economic policies do you think the jews like more? Trump tax cuts for ultra wealthy/jews (repubs) or increased taxes (dems)? Brainlet.

Now shoo back to the_donald

>> No.11374205
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>> No.11374249

It's not the jews you dumbass. It is just basic mathematics catching up in the market. When you pump equities with endless amounts of money at 0% interest rates, you hyper inflate that asset like a balloon until it can't give anymore and it finally pops. It's a damn shame that it only took 2.25% federal interest rate to cause this recession. It couldn't even handle history mean interest of around 5%.

>> No.11374350

Your overlooking who controlled monetary policy the entire time

>> No.11374376

>Democrats would not attempt to shill on one of the most popular websites on the internet
>Persecution Complex

No you are just disingenuous because it is what you are paid to be.

>Waa shills
>Claims I am a the_donald shill
Your typical double think.
>There are no shills here this is genuine
>Except you are the_donald shill but I'm totally not a shill

More importantly you are trying to make the issue seem much smaller because you don't have a leg to stand on.
>Trying to simply it down to tax cuts as what side the Jews are on.
Going to ignore literally every other issue? Stricter immigration rules? Trade Tariffs? Conservative values over consumerist ones?

Please list all the reasons that the republicans are the real jews and why democrats are the ones that will save America from them. I would love to tear it apart.

>> No.11374426

> Trump is suddenly a globalist pushing for diversity.

Anon... I ...

>> No.11374429

democrat and jews are going to crash the market. dead serous. bitcoin will be the hedge it's all timing perfectly with bakkt launch and litecoin futures on tdameritrade.

>> No.11374465

Never said you were a shill, only that you're a brainlet with nothing much left after having it deep fried in /pol/ and the_donald bullshit. Every other issue? Tariffs are the only thing that Trump is doing that jews don't like, the other things you've listed he's barely doing to any level to have a meaningful impact on profits.

Now, if you look at tax cuts + immense efforts at deregulation (some via regulatory capture, see: FCC), these are the meaningful things which far outweigh any negatives from tariffs, a worthy trade-off. Again, any negative effects from tariffs aren't even going to hurt the true kikes who can easily plan around this, it's actual Americans who will pay the price (along with the price of a crashing stock market).

And don't get me wrong, I don't think the dems are good by any means, I just see how far gone the GOP is and have to vote to diminish their power since they've become a jewish proxy.

>> No.11374467


Diffusion tactics are being deployed to deal with this thread. Extremely obvious that what is being done here is to make the OP sound crazy by hijacking the thread with random garbage.

This means the op is being targeted by these people who dont normally do this in other threads.

Stick to your guns OP its scaring somebody 100% sure about this.

>> No.11374490
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>> No.11374519

>It's not the jews you dumbass. It is just basic mathematics catching up in the market. When you pump equities with endless amounts of money at 0% interest rates, you hyper inflate that asset like a balloon until it can't give anymore and it finally pops. It's a damn shame that it only took 2.25% federal interest rate to cause this recession. It couldn't even handle history mean interest of around 5%.

You already know ahead of time that this is going to be a recession? What if its just a correction before it begins pumping again? The OP is correct that this is a political crash. Many dems have already publicly said that they are willing to do this for the greater good. Many have publicly said they would support this kind of action as well. Some of them said it in front of very large audiences.

The fact of the matter is, this is almost a certainty that its a political crash. So if we go into a recession then we will round up every single person who publicly said they are going to support this and destroy their careers. They will have to take on the responsibility of making it happen even if they actually played no part in it.

>> No.11374522

Jesus christ.

>The GOP is a jewish proxy

Every senator that is Jewish is a democrat except for Bernie.

Every Representative that is Jewish is a democrat except for one guy.

Three of the supreme court Justices are Jews and guess who appointed them? Clinton and Obama.

So tell me how exactly is it that the Republicans are Jewish proxies? Oh right they aren't and you are just your average shill trying to get votes by deception. You actually sicken me.

>> No.11374539

Its not working. Its too obvious.
This forum helped get Trump elected in the first place. /pol/ played a huge part in this. The CIA has a fucking frog posting division for fucks sake. It sounds stupid as fuck. But we know this for a fact. That means either you are larping or you are majorly uninformed.

>> No.11374699

Wow, you're so fucking smart, you linked a list of jews while totally ignoring that proxy doesn't have to mean the jews are actually elected within the party. It's better that they aren't, the real jews with real power want to stay in the shadows, as they always have. You're delusional if you think the GOP isn't beholden to jewish interests, as I've pointed out that their effective policies are exactly what (((they))) want

>> No.11374723

>Democrats are Jews
>If you want to take the jews out of power we have to vote more Jews into office
>You see it is a secret double conspiracy where if you don't vote more jews into office then the Jews win.
>I said their current policies are exactly what (((they))) want so you have to agree with me
>Vote democrat in the mid-term kids
>You need to vote more jews into office to beat the jewish cabal

This is just sad. I only hope you are just stupid and just don't realize you are a bad person.

>> No.11374771

The Jewish argument is a bad idea to mention. It goes without saying in some situations anyway and is barely true in most. Make sure to not place yourself in a situation where you can be considered an agent saboteur. This is going to be a huge problem in the coming days. I don't personally think this has any direct correlation to anything like that anyway. Anyone who immediately goes into the discussion talking about Jews is very likely just using a tactic to frame every person here as a white nationalist. Which is obviously not the case. Anyone who thinks this is full of shit.

Anyone who mentions Jews is very likely an agent saboteur or will at least should be red flagged pretty quickly. Remember that we are in a situation right now where very powerful people may legit be getting ready to ruin everything in the name of mid term elections / removing Trump from power. People like this would be absolutely evil as fuck. They don't care about the well being of anyone. The stakes are extremely high and the tactics can range to anything at this point.

I have noticed a pretty big increase in shill posting here recently as well and it seems like stuff is ramping up a lot. Its probably a good idea to start being more alert anons. The biggest give away is posting habits especially on biz.

>> No.11374778
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>implying all dems that are running are jews
>implying that Trump/repubs have fought against jews
>doesn't refute points about Trump's blatantly pro-jew policies

>> No.11374803

lol delusional cuckservative

trump and obama are one in the same

>> No.11374836

Literally all of Trumps grandchildren are Jewish. In a couple of decades all descendants of Trump will be Jewish. I myself am following this root.

>> No.11374897

You are just jumping around now trying to deflect from the fact that there are more than ten times more Jewish democrats than there are conservatives and every Jewish Supreme Court Justice was elected by a democrat.

You have nothing. Trump is pro-business and America. Jews run a lot of businesses this is true and will benefit from tax cuts but so does everyone else.

You've spent this entire thread trying to convince everyone they have to vote democrat in the mid-term elections to stop the Jews despite the democratic party being made up and supporting Jewish interests far more than the republican party. You also were actually stupid enough to bring up Russia like it was a real thing and only the most deluded fucking shills think that is anything but the media being retarded. I'm surprised you didn't go for a hat trick and bring up Kav. This is some of the most blatant and fucking retarded shilling I have seen in a while.

How fucking desperate is the party that they are trying this shit?

>> No.11375013


>killing bolt
near miss with comet/asteroid, I believe we've been alerted to one headed our way already
>black flag above dome
sounds like ISIS, dome probably means dome on the rock, jerusalem
>dragon belly water
dragon could mean China, possible flooding/tsunamis?
>bear will leave cave
bear market, market crash (already happening)


>> No.11375048

Dumb arrogant kid, shut your fucking mouth.

This retard acts like he has a clue lmao, lurk more on 8pol faggot

>> No.11375126

>three branches
could be the republican house, senate, and supreme court; maybe something more
>island will drift away
Brexit; maybe full, actual Brexit?
>a killing bolt
this was often thought to be the Syria strike
>star will gorge on clay
Idk, Greater Israel?
>Idols will speak and move about
too broad to really tell
>black flag above dome
many possibilities for this
>belly of dragon
often thought to have to do with China
>two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear
too broad to really tell
>A rock wills stand on seven hills
there are many weighty historical places with seven hills:
>ravens will starve
>bear will leave its cave forever
could be a bear market, likelier though about Russia
>the rod and the ring will strike
No idea

This is, has been, and will be a thrilling prophecy to see unfold

>> No.11375147
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>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.

>> No.11375554

Bernie is a jew fucking lair.

>> No.11375600

Yes he is. He is also independent right now so while he is a Jew he isn't a democrat at the moment which is why I didn't include him in the Democrats but did include him as a Jew.

>> No.11375792
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this is your brain on pol
trump is in bed with the kikes you fucking idiot

>> No.11375886

>Paid for by the DNC
>We don't care how you vote so long as it isn't republican

>> No.11375899
File: 9 KB, 263x322, 1536549473523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone that is against trump is a paid shill

>> No.11375906

trump wouldn't of beat bernie
the dnc rigged the election for trump

>> No.11375910

Anyone retarded enough to say Trump is a kike so vote democrat is either a shill or retarded. Your choice.

>> No.11375921

The more the economic downturn is reported on the more likely a crash is to occur. They know this.

>> No.11375928

No shit it political,
The only people even caring are the shariablue faggots who want to win the midterms
> tfw 3 kikes just dropped over 300million for Democrats
Every single rally

> Pompeo just added our involvement in the middle east to include complete conflict resolution in Syria

kek, i like trump but its hard to say he isnt in the jews pockets... although maybe he has to be to do anything at first... guess we shall see