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File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, 1533661741312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11367554 No.11367554 [Reply] [Original]

I present you one of the most undervalued thread on 4chan archives right after assblasters one.


This might lead you on track.

Im waiting.

>> No.11367629


off chain computation?

>> No.11367642

Urbit is at SFBW. U-uh...

>> No.11367655

nice scam token faggot

>> No.11367668

Holo is superior to urbit

>> No.11367733

How did I miss this thread?

>> No.11368100

https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/4bxf6f/im_curtis_yarvin_developer_of_urbit_ama/ Talking about moving data and identity from Facebook into a specific database using APIs.

>> No.11368130

My linkies!!!!!

>> No.11368385

bumping so I can read and keep thread alive.

Will post if op is lame or not.

>> No.11368405

Literally nothing. It never is

>> No.11368455
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ah fond memories. Ive been accumulating in the meantime, I hope you all have as well

>> No.11368474
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>> No.11368707

op is meh. I'm too much of a normie to tell if anything is relevant.

>> No.11368779

Doesn’t mean they both couldn’t use chainlink.

>> No.11369054
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>> No.11369086

You can put any shtcoin. Link is agnostic you high fag.

>> No.11369101

Lol it replaced ETH.

Why does they hate each other

>> No.11369121

Eth is in the middle you utter pajeet

>> No.11369122

eth is in the middle dingbat

>> No.11369150
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Your autism used to be better

>> No.11369179

Yeah I read through the archive dingus, give me a little something to work with there are several directions to go in.

>> No.11369188
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"ZCash and Ethereum R&D are trying to achieve a slightly different goal; the two organizations are leading Project Alchemy to maximize the potential of smart contracts in virtually every industry or market the technology can be put into use."

>> No.11369191

And yes I get the Bannon reference. Is that where we should focus?

>> No.11369204
File: 47 KB, 720x546, RunningUpThoseThreadsWithNoProblems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are you all gonna even say hi or?


>> No.11369208

Saw this thread when it initial came out - was left confused and didn't learn much (maybe I just don't understand the Urbit project)

>> No.11369216

i said it it in that thread and i'll say it again. tonlur on github came onto the chainlink discord months ago and said that no he has nothing to do with urbit. he made a change on his github profile to prove it. Other than that there is no connection to Urbit than wishful thinking. please go back through the discord if you don't believe me. this is one of the more retarded connections because it's 100% provably based on a lie.

>> No.11369286

noice. also hi.

>> No.11369314

Anyone remember Peter Thiel and Chainlink connection ?

>> No.11369478
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"Here’s the basic outline of how it would work: Sellers will be able to publish an Ethereum contract called an Order, and anyone can fulfill it by sending out an appropriately formatted Zcash transaction. The funds the initiator wants to exchange will be essentially held in escrow by the smart contract while they wait for a buyer to match them. A buyer will be able to create a Zcash transaction that may contain the destination address, and the validity of this transaction will be verified by the Ethereum contract before the funds are released to complete the trade."

>> No.11369790

>Andrew Miller
>Technical Advisor
>" Andrew is a well known leader in decentralized consensus research and secure blockchain infrastructure. He's an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois and an advisor to both Zcash and Tezos."

>> No.11369807

How can an ethereum contract reach data from Zcash?

>> No.11369823


>> No.11370351

A-are there really still people who just got into crypto in 2018 still hanging around? If so, kek.

>> No.11371205

Moldbuggian conspiracy theories.

>> No.11371327
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>I think it would be safe to assume, that just as all media has become digital, the vast majority of contracts including derivative contracts will become digital in the future. To make sure these smart contracts are executed with the proper data, Chainlink allows contract owners to subscribe to Chainlink nodes to provide data.

>It is possible contract owners would want to fully insure against bad data ruining the execution of a high value contract, meaning that total reserves for penalty payments could be equal to the total of the contract market itself. I believe it is more likely that the market will use penalty payments as an incentive for node operators, and not as insurance. Still, contract owners would want to choose Chainlink nodes with the highest penalty amounts, as they would have a higher incentive to return the best data. This is large part of what gives a node reputation on the network. The higher the reputation, the more business they will get and the more money they will receive. With a higher reputation, a Chainlink node can charge more to access their data. It is impossible to say what percentage of Link will be locked up in penalty payments in regard to the market size, but I personally think 10% is a reasonable number.

>Low Estimate – Smart Contracts take over 10% of the derivatives market and 5% reserve for penalty payments gives Chainlink a Market Cap of $63.5 Billion, and a value of $63.50 per Link token.

>Medium Estimate – Smart Contracts take over 30% of the derivatives market and 10% reserve for penalty payments gives Chainlink a Market Cap of $381 Billion, and a value of $381 per Link token.

>Moon Estimate – Smart Contracts take over 100% of the derivatives market and 100% reserve for penalty payments gives Chainlink a Market Cap of $12.7 Trillion, and a value of $12,700 per Link token.

>> No.11371337

>more chainlink trash
yawn. nobody is buying

>> No.11371394

fuck off faggot we don't care about whatever shitcoin garbage you're shilling. Do you have any idea how many garbage projects come here telling anons "hey this shitcoin uses link you should look into it"
They're always confido style plans

>> No.11371658

Indeed a very interesting archived thread OP, thanks for linking to it, I hadn't seen it before.

So pray tell, what news do you have for us? Your OP indicates a certain smug knowledge of new information on the possible link between Urbit and CL. However, the basis for your initial speculation -- the question by Tonlur asking how to get in touch with the CL team -- seems weakened by the fact that he's only an intern, though that isn't to say they wouldn't listen to him just because he's an intern. Though don't you think Yarvin would've heard of Chainlink far before any intern would?

Ignore the many idiots pretending to Fud link or who don't know who Yarvin is.

>> No.11371673

What's the Bannon connection? Can you link to the sources you've read on his crypto project?

>> No.11371691

No. Elaborate please.

>> No.11371718
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This is why nobody should invest in chain link it is of EXTREME importance. Link will be the final piece of the puzzle that give elites ultimate control over your life and make owning things impossible, everything will be a shared economy like Uber and AirBnB. Everything will be always online, everything will be interconnected while the "Big Brother" corporations like Amazon and Facebook judge and approve or disapprove of your every move. George Orwell couldn't have predicited chainlink and what it would do.

Chainlink will be the biggest centralizing force this world has ever seen, it will concentrate power into the hands of the few in such a way that we will never ever escape from it.

>Have subversive thoughts? Off chain data analytics have computed you are a problem and a hitman drone is dispensed to kill you with minimal effort by smart contract while immediately "nudging" your family with data feeds about terrorists to make them feel retrospectively that you exhibited these terroristic traits.


>> No.11371733
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He has nothing new to say. He just wants us to look for clues with him. That's my guess anyway.

>> No.11371976


Thanks anon, missed this the first time around

>> No.11372016

I was thinking about this exact meme using this pic this morning and here it is kek