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11361210 No.11361210[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I hate being old (26). I feel like I'll never get the hot girls again.
Don't waste your youth chasing money like I did.

>> No.11361268

I thought girls would flock to me after I finished school and started making money. 3 years and ~$400k in income later, nothing.

>> No.11361272

Idk man,I'm a senior in college and I know so many hot sorority girls banging 30+ year old men. Just improve?

>> No.11361274
File: 3.75 MB, 487x416, please god.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're only gonna get more angry as you get older
>just get fat and blown out enough your dick quits working and you are freed of lust
>or lie, about everything. age, job income, dye your hair n shit

>> No.11361280

You gotta spend it, not just earn it

>> No.11361284

Depends on if it's $400k a year

>> No.11361287

What the fuck are you talking about... Men 30-40 are at their prime. Women at 30 have their "last chance" and consequently are at their horniest. A man in his early 40s = a woman at their mid20s.

>> No.11361288

anon, they are just fucking their boss. not dating.
power+money= surething

>> No.11361296

Are you ugly?
t. ugly anon with a similar story

>> No.11361299

So basically anyone who finished university is old?

>> No.11361303

Its mostly about looks.

>> No.11361304

No kidding. I'm 21 and I feel older than I should. I still haven't even fucked a hot girl, only average girls.

>> No.11361309
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If you want to fuck hot girls then you need to become hot yourself. Go buy a gym membership and start roiding. In a year you will look like pic related or even better and the hot girls will be flocking to you like crazy.

>> No.11361312

>hurr durr enjoy pussy when your test levels naturally start declining bro!
Kill yourself you fuck. Prime teenage years can never be bought back.

>> No.11361316

I want to invest and retire by the time I'm 35.
Nope, not $400k per year.
6/10 on a good day I guess. And my personality is shit.

>> No.11361318

He’s not wrong.

>> No.11361323

>Limp dick
>Lactating nipples

No thanks

>> No.11361330

I'm 24 And unironcially have only been bangint milfs from 30-44yo

>> No.11361338

Genius what is the point in saying how much money u are making if u arent gonna spend it on them

>> No.11361363

>Prime teenage years can never be bought back.
science fact

yeah he is, kid will come to find out he thought his ass was that hole in the ground

>> No.11361375

This. I always did well in my mid 20s but it’s a different game now in my 30s. I’m 31 now and I’ve heard the absolute peak is 34-36. Seriously it gets so much easier.

>> No.11361421

I'm 34 and in China banging a super hot 21 year old. Age is a meme, anon.

>> No.11361428

Hi John

>> No.11361431


>> No.11361445
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>Limp dick


>Lactating nipples






You are fucking delusional mate. Do you honestly think you can compete with someone that looks like pic related? Go to your local gym, you will see several guys looking like pic related if not better. Just ask yourself following thing, why would a girl choose you over someone that has a body like the guy in pic relate? You either compete or settle for the scraps.

>> No.11361462

Hi Winston

>> No.11361463

Im early 30s and am in a relationship with two hot 21 year olds. We live together and fuck constantly. It's exhausting, but I do it for the guys who cant get any, cuz I used to be one until I figured it all out.

>> No.11361476

So what is the secret senpai?

>> No.11361482
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>tfw you will never jizz all over Sophie mudd's supple breasts

>> No.11361483

Whats the secret m8

>> No.11361493


>> No.11361497

That makes no fucking sense. You've never seen rich 90 year olds with babes?

>> No.11361507

But they don't actually love him

>> No.11361521

>But they don't actually love him
if you're dating a babe in your 20s and you're a broke nibba, she's gonna leave you

>> No.11361524

No. Women follow the strong. A multi millionaire/billionaire is several times more powerful than a "chad". Rich guy has the power to command 1,000,000 chads. What about chad?what can he do? Your fucking pathetic.

>> No.11361528

You're about get deluged with meme answers saying ">women >capable of love" but you're right. As someone who has experienced women being genuinely attracted to me in my youth and now women being attracted to what I provide in my older age; being genuinely physically attractive is way better. It sucks knowing that they're only into me for what I can provide.

>> No.11361534

>old as fuck (27)
>short as fuck (5'6)
>Norwood 3

Be honest guys, should I just cut my dick off?

>> No.11361549

>women being genuinely attracted to me in my youth
So you're ok with a woman's vapid interest in you because of your appearance, but not because of the stability and protection you can provide.

It's almost like people forgot what it means to be a man. You're not supposed to look pretty, you're a provider.

>> No.11361561

Shhhhhhhh. Let the NPC watch his (((media))). Looks are everything

>> No.11361568


Keep telling that yourself faggot. No matter how many millions or billions you have, if your body looks like shit only gold diggers will be with you and they will 100% fuck Chad on the side.

>> No.11361572

>So you're ok with a woman's vapid interest in you because of your appearance, but not because of the stability and protection you can provide.
Of course. I didn't have to do anything for them in order to win their attraction. Now I do. Obviously I used to get a way better deal.

>> No.11361578
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>> No.11361580

>he thinks women are people

>> No.11361582

Meanwhile I'm a 26 year old virgin. No hope.

>> No.11361584

Chad can meet a girl that fantasizes about his body.

>> No.11361601

>take more drugs to solve issues caused by drugs


>> No.11361605

And a billionaire can get any woman in the world AND actually control millions of people at the same time. What can chad do? You NPCs are pathetic.

>> No.11361606

Looks really are important

>> No.11361625

looks are important (if you're broke).

>> No.11361634

Yeah, and how many billionaires are there in the world vs chads? Around thousands. Only the most stupid women leave billionaires. Your stupid. And thank god you will never be rich.

>> No.11361651

And a lot more people are broke than rich chequem8 athetits

>> No.11361656

I dont care about pussy anymore, but its mainly cause my dick doesnt work anymore

>> No.11361658
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>tfw 25 kissless, virgin wagecuck with minimal savings

>> No.11361660

why minimal savings

>> No.11361669

>get any woman in the world
But you can't buy their love.

>> No.11361674

because I'm a dumb fuck that understands how to budget, but I like to buy dumb shit often. I pay all my bills and then live in the moment.

>> No.11361706

Being powerful is an attractive trait. Women will love you for that. And even if she doesnt, fuck her enough times and her brain will rewire itself. God your stupid, now go back to wagecucking.

>> No.11361710
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I don't wagecuck, I got rich during the bull run last year.

>> No.11361724

I'm in the other boat anon, I had a lot of fun in my early 20s and banged a lot of hot bitches (i have a decent face) but now I'm stuck making up for a lack of focus on my finances. didn't think i'd be alive this long i guess. point is it's a trade off, your not any better or worse off

>> No.11361727

And i grew 80k from 1k. Your point? Not to mention im way younger and have enough time to accumulate knowledge and do a startup.

>> No.11361734

Find a passive income route or study how to swing trade once you hit your target and retire. Most important is to know how to generate cash before you retire.
Take courses you want to meet folks/women aka college (lib arts, dancing, ect...).
This only works if you are in a large city.

>> No.11361740

My point was merely that I don't need to "go back to wagecucking." 1k to 80k is very impressive, well done anon. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

>> No.11361742

this. You can choose to go either way. Chasing money can lead to better pastures while blowing your 20s on sex and drugs probably won't.

>> No.11361754

You too anon. I reccomend starting a buisness yourself or at least ponder about it if you want to sustain your wealth. A long overdue recession is coming sooner than you think.

>> No.11361759

I chased money but didn't get it so now I'm 26 and alone with no girls and no money.

Going to start a second business, maybe this one will work out.

>> No.11361782
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So women wanting you for your body makes you feel better than women wanting you for your money? I'm not gonna say you can't hold onto that opinion, but I wouldn't call it "love".

I don't think any woman ever loves for "who you are"; I don't think you can just "be yourself" and someone will love you. A woman usually just stays with you if you're handsome and/or wealthy and/or you can provide some other benefit to her. If a woman stays with you for your money and you suddenly lose a lot of your net worth, she will probably leave you and look for someone richer. What about beauty? If a woman stays with you because you're handsome and you suddenly become horribly disfigured like pic related, she will drop your sorry ass and go fuck some other Chad.

And you know what's the catch? That you will SURELY lose your beauty over time. Maybe not as much as a disfigured marine, but you'll grow older. Whereas, when it comes to money, you always have a chance of making more, if you're smart. Making money is a battle you can win; as for aging, there is not too much you can do with our current technology. So I believe money is much more important than beauty, and more reliable.

>> No.11361866

Recommend some swing trading education resources?

>> No.11361893

Not true, look at Ron Jeremy.

>> No.11361905

Still have to have confidence, resolve your neuroses and try hard enough to stand a chance.

>T. 33 year old wizard with good looks, built like a Greek god, competitive powerlifter with good job $$$ and still haven’t been on a date or felt a boob because I hate myself too much to try.

>> No.11361921
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t. eggy

>> No.11361935


>> No.11361991

Yikes, that's not a flattering photo.

>> No.11361996

Oh boy you’re deluded af desu.

>> No.11362007

Fail. Fall. Fail. Let yourself fail.

Go out with ugly women. Go out with anyone. Just go out. Try to kiss them. Make an ass of yourself... You really have nothing left to lose.

>> No.11362040
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>working out for aesthetics

>> No.11362053

>he works to get money to give it to onions holes

>> No.11362055

Not interested enough to try. My bank roll, career, physique and hobbies all take precedent. Any woman that wants me as I am right now is a piece of shit.

>> No.11362064

>Any woman that wants me as I am right now is a piece of shit
Well yeah you seem to have a shitty personality anon. You should fix that.

>> No.11362090

Nope, just a perfection complex, body dysmorphia, Internet porn addiction, dysthymia and cripplingly low self esteem.

Not bitter or anything, people are okay, just black pilled enough to realize that if I can’t be happy with myself, nobody else is going to do it

>> No.11362105

lmao you're the type of person who would say the opposite if you had chased women instead of money.

>> No.11362137

Thanks for being a douche.

>> No.11362161

Yikes, reeks of insecurity and failure; just cut off your dick. Girls wouldn't fuck you unless you paid them.

>> No.11362185

It's way easier for me to get girls now in my late 20s, but I'm also good looking

>> No.11362322
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The secret is that there is no secret.

>> No.11362401

Then how did you do it.

>> No.11362426
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>> No.11362433

He stopped caring

>> No.11362460


Why is every thread composed of old dudes claiming this shit?

I’ve literally never met a 30+ yo with a young girl. I have seen a few old dumbasses going into some of the clubs and freaking out when something from 2004.

One guy started doing that souja boy dance thinking it was the funniest shit.

>> No.11362476

So suicide is my only option?

>> No.11362593

>I’ve literally never met a 30+ yo with a young girl.
I see this a lot in SEA. Old white dudes and young asian girl

>> No.11362696

You guys are pathetic.
Caring about women.
I don’t give a fuck.
I don’t need women to be happy.
Why do you care about them?

>> No.11362718

Not trying to be a dick. I said "you seem to have" and to fix that. Most women are judgemental as fuck and extremely shallow, they think they can see deep but its all influenced by what they first perceive on the surface. Seriously bro just by reading one post >>11362055 they would think you are too self important.

>> No.11362724

Not saying you are just saying thats what they would get from a first impression.

>> No.11362738

That's because of their money.

>> No.11362754

I think they are just NPCs. Like literally.

>> No.11362766
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>> No.11362783

no shit.

>> No.11362784

You going to give me the money so i can enjoy it?

>> No.11362793 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 675x1200, Do4MTYQVsAEPyek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate being old (19). I feel like I'll never get the hot girls again. Don't waste your youth chasing money like I did.

>> No.11362804

So i have to choices
>be young
>no money
>no gf
>grow old
>still no money
>still no gf
>be young
>lots of money
>no gf
>grow old
>even more money
>still no gf
Its a hard decision

>> No.11362819

If you have ever been in a relationship you know... that being single is a blessing.
80 if you keep in shape and have a bit of money.
You have a long way ahead of you so just chill the fuck out.

>> No.11362824

you don't want a fucking gf you stupid fuck. it makes you want to kill yourself. be happy that you are free instead. why are you not happy?

>> No.11362872

I once heard, that on average the third one succeeds.

>> No.11362874

You only shack up with a woman if you want kids. Married couples all hate each other but put on a show.

>> No.11362904

Whelp hopefully one does. I'm just going to keep fucking trying until one does.

I don't even care about women anymore, just business success.

>> No.11363028


>> No.11363050

virgin freak

>> No.11363065

> t. 12 year old.

>> No.11363145


>> No.11363155

ya'll are delusional. You don't get women because you aren't doing the right things, not because you're in the latter half of your 20's. Lmao what is this shit, a man in his prime complaining he isn't a teenager.

Take care of your body and you will look good even into your 40's. The rest is down to personality, drive, ability, work ethic, and so on. All cultivatable traits.

>> No.11363167

Just chill out
understand that women does not make you happy
do cool stuff
women begs to be with you
have sex with them if you want, but it doesn't matter
continue to chill out
repeat cycle for 50 years
and die with a smile on your face

>> No.11363244

I guess what I've been doing isn't cool enough.

>> No.11363272

everything you do can be cool if you think it is
you have been failing because you think that you need a woman to make you happy
woman senses that and backs off

>> No.11363335

dude just take a pill and do it. stop being a little pussy and fuck a chick. IT'S NOT HARD IM A LITTLE 22 YO TWINK AND I GET SO MUCH PUSSY IT'S UNIMAGINABLE

>> No.11363343

I like your style, even if what you say is kind of stupid lol

>> No.11363405

>taking isotretinoin

>> No.11363496

>I hate being old (prime age to pick up chicks)
what did he mean by this?

>> No.11363672

I mean, I thought prime age was 21.

>> No.11363694

I hope you are /fit/ OP . If you aren't shredded by 26 there's no hope at getting girls AT ALL. Money doesn't mean shit. It's all about how healthy you are.

>> No.11363702

>Caring about women

Not going to make it. Just hire an escort once in a while once you feel like you're going to explode without sex.

>> No.11363704

>Money doesn't mean shit
The absolute state of /biz/...

>> No.11363726


>> No.11363771

>Your stupid.

Just beautiful.

>> No.11363805


Voicelet NPC detected. We see you now.

>> No.11363808

this. think about all the time you spend on 4chan in absolute peace without someone constantly yapping in your ear for hours ar a time when you just want peace and quiet. it's cliche but it literally does make you wanna kill yourself after a while

>> No.11363820


That is absolutely fucking redic. Men hit peak power prime time at 30years and into 50+

I swear to god early millennial faggots are so fucking weak and stupid. God blessed you to be born male, fucking act like one.

>> No.11363835

I'm 28 and honestly look a lot better now. I had pretty bad acne when I was younger and it really fucked with me. Took me a while to understand that people actually find me attractive.

>> No.11363845

>I hate being old (26)
>old (26)
lmao just you wait

>> No.11363869

How does one be a real man.

>> No.11363938
File: 113 KB, 736x1059, df7124d1f0b3d616ba6b35f9cf37a969c445b28d334a2c7ec6ad31f5478ed0e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you're ready to die you're ready to live

>> No.11363964


>> No.11363988

fuck this thread is shit. take it to a board that cares OP

>> No.11363990

What a pathetic piece of shit you are.

>> No.11364079

those high school peekers and their never ending frustration
good thing you're well aware in high school what a pathetic piece of shit you are and will never nail any pussy once real men start entering the field, and hate successful 30 yo boomers with passion from highschool on

>> No.11364090

All self defeating crab bucket posters are pathetic retards who need to kill themselves.

>> No.11364134
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>I'll never get the hot girls again
I am also 26
I have never had sex, I will likely never have sex
I will never marry or have children
At this point I don't like even being near women, I hate them and I hate you OP

>> No.11364182

Also 26 here. women often find me attractive but I don’t get laid nearly as much as I should. I’ve got to practice getting from ‘he’s cute’ to ‘I hope he tries to fuck me tonight’

>> No.11364222
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25 year old KHV. I want to have sex so bad I feel like I'm losing my mind. I'm surrounded by hot girls in college and in great shape but I'm a fucking idiot who can't talk to women and I'm also terrified of intimacy and rejection, lol. Literal low test twinks and absolute faggots are better with women than me. Don't be like me

>> No.11364246

the only way outta the game is Jainism and righteousness.
one hour meditation a day.

when you nigger mlekkas will die, will envy my hour a day meditation more than NEETS or rich people

to make it, meditate.


why do nobody know this in this year

oh, and IM WHITE!

>> No.11364365

Man you guys are fucked in the head.
Confidence is key.
CONFIDENCE, what is so hard to understand?

I quite literally have 8 dollars, power is cut mobile is cut, vehicle on brink of being repoed 30 year old with a dad bod. And I smash regularly.
Been seeing this girl for a few months now and Tuesday night I smash this other broad that I barely even know.
She asked me to come to her place!

Confidence is key. Confidence is key. I dont know how many more times I can fucking tell you twats. Confidence is keyyyyyyyyyyyy jesssssus

>> No.11364397

so how did you get your confidence? mind explaining exactly what it is and how you developed it?

>> No.11364425

I have confidence
Confidence that you're a pajeet larping

>> No.11364432


He probably just has high testosterone. For the cost of a couple of 125mg doses of Testosterone off the darknet per week, you can have that, too. Before I went on Test, I tried so hard to be confident, assertive, etc. Now it just happens naturally. It’s like my spine is made of titanium and my dick is iron.

>> No.11364435

I had one gf,
then never made it out.

I could have been single for at least one more time. It would have been perfectly fine. I would have found a super banger after that for sure.

>> No.11364451




> roiding

fucking yanks

>> No.11364454
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>All these 20 year old lil kiddies thinking they're old

Try being a 38 year old virgin

>> No.11364469

I'm 26 too. I haven't stopped giving a damn, but figure it'll happen within the next two years. I mostly hate the stigma of being alone more than being alone by itself. Money really stop having a meaning when you don't have anything to spend it on. I don't feel anything when I see an investment pay off except for a small amount of validation from having made a clever pick.

>> No.11364485
File: 565 KB, 1000x1280, soviet-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90% of your free time spent in the gym
>ends up being a male camwhore

>> No.11364519

spend it on poor people then? it will make them pretty happy

>> No.11364770
File: 30 KB, 324x499, 41c2JgjgdaL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fren, read The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi and you will be equipped to slay pussy finally. It's liberatingly accurate. Best fucking book on women-men relations.

>> No.11364819

>implying women are rational actors

>> No.11364859

Check my post below-->

>> No.11364875

change your mindset. believe in yourself, stop caring how other people might feel about you, fix your posture, etc.

>> No.11364887

The thing that gives you more power than money or chadbod. A big american penis.
t. Autistic fuck working a shitty lab job been dating Winona Ryder look alike for almost 5 years

>> No.11364917

Anon... you should be a personal trainer for celebrities.

>> No.11364928

be honest, how ugly were they really?

>> No.11364937
File: 142 KB, 800x535, chad vs incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never did. No one in here did.

Chads still look good at 26.

Now please kill yourself of cope with escorts like I do.

>> No.11364959
File: 100 KB, 1243x1059, bone law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your bones do not change with gym.

>> No.11364971

27 with flabby body, glasses, and bags under my eyes.

Only thing keeping me from kms is chainlink and if that doesn't work out then welp.

>> No.11364974
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>has to go to gooksland to get pussy
>making it

the amount of copers about looks pill in this board

>> No.11364975

you have to make it somewhat obvious

>> No.11364991
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>> No.11365007
File: 440 KB, 2000x2000, 00-promo-image-vincent-cassel-and-tina-kunakey-wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only speak for myself, but I'm 34 and fucked three 20yo's this year. Fear of being a middle aged men is a meme, specially in the age of tinder

>> No.11365011

Lol I'm 28 and was still pulling 18 year old roasties before I realised what a complete fucking waste of time it was. I've fucked a lot of girls and my advice would be don't bother, I wish I had spent my time developing my career and working on myself,. I spent too long chasing ... validation?... I have nothing to show for any of it except some ego wank lay count that I kinda find gross and a bunch of blurry memories literally the only girls I remember are the ones I actually had a relationship with. O I also ended up with depression. In another note the hotter the chick the duller they tend to be, especially if they are young.

>> No.11365045
File: 444 KB, 517x530, bone pilll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it change your bones?

>> No.11365073

If you push down body fat you can make urself a nice jawline.
Either way, Rational Male with some Heartiste reading(there is a nice compilation of the best articles on RooshV forum) should give you enough clarity, confidence to go out and try to slay.