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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 220x275, powell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11359403 No.11359403 [Reply] [Original]

who's dumb fucking idea was it to give a man with a politics degree that worked in banking the position to manage the US monetary policy?

>> No.11359722


>> No.11359742
File: 276 KB, 800x430, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really have to ask?

>> No.11359746

He's not a kike. That's all that matters. Fewer kikes in government, the better.

>> No.11359798

"The Fed has gone crazy by raising interest rates"
Quote by the guy in your pic idiot

>> No.11359806

he appointed the idiot

wtf was he thinking raising the rates so abruptly

>> No.11359821

It was time u greedy jew.

>> No.11359823


Are you implying raising rates in an expansion period is bad? Rates should have been raised years ago. What's fucking crazy is low rates and a trillion dollar deficit during an expansion. If this is actually a recession we are FUCKED. Actually, we need to jack rates up and turn the deficit the other way around unless we don't care about our money being worth jack shit. Of course by the time everyone realizes this obvious reality it will be too late. World is in recession due to retarded leadership and dictators. Its going to get worse before it gets better.

>> No.11359829

Pick a lane lmao

>> No.11359865

wtf were they thinking lowering rates to fucking zero

>> No.11359899


They just delayed the inevitable and made it 10 times worse.

>> No.11359937
File: 230 KB, 1922x1172, 1539208130001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes this is clearly Trumps fault as you can see by the image. It has nothing to do with the federal reserve being a nation unto itself and having an agenda that isn't serving the american people.

>> No.11359967

>trump didn't actually appoint the person he appointed
>he was always a deep state plant

>> No.11359994

Kill yourself kike you aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.11360037
File: 59 KB, 680x680, 9d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>giving almost 0% interest rates for Obongos entire presidency
>start raising it hard once trump is in

Pure coincidence I'm sure

>> No.11360053

I wasn't aware Obama was responsible for Trump's appointments.

>> No.11360054

Holy hell, even biz is infected by The Donald dickriders

>> No.11360085

They appoint the same suit, different guy underneath.

>> No.11360104

See >>11359967
Keep making new IDs to create false consensus. That really works.

These threads all started at roughly the same time just like the last time you tried this shit. You people are fucking scumbags.

>> No.11360266

It was already 0 when obama took office and they started raising in 2015

>> No.11360312

Not everyone here is a r/t_d transplant like you

>> No.11360373

You people are insane cult worshipers without an ounce of critical thinking

>> No.11360442

These threads are always so transparent. This belongs on /pol/ regardless.
>but its finance
Now it isn't it is a lefty shill thread dressed up as a business thread because these die on /pol/. There is no speculation or finacial information in this thread. It is an attempt to stir up trump hate and make it seem like everyone agrees by using several different ips. But this is /biz/ it is one of the slowest boards. There aren't that many unique people posting on here despite these threads trying to lead you to believe 20 people came out of nowhere to do nothing but post once that they agree with the OPs sentiment or attack people that don't.

Go back to /pol/. Seriously you aren't wanted here.

>> No.11360488

/pol/ here. sage and ignore all crash/recession threads

>> No.11360566

This, our fucking deficit is gonna trigger a crisis because of our stupid leaders who like to pretend they care until they get power and proceed to spend more and cut taxes to boot, it's just a matter of when shit collapses. Hope you all like your money going to bailout suits so they can have record bonuses while everyone else suffers again.

>> No.11360679


Cant end Quantative easing without purging the Keynesians.