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1135743 No.1135743 [Reply] [Original]

Are the poors really poor because they're bad with money?

>> No.1135749

It may or may not be their biggest reason, but it certainly plays a role in preventing them from improving themselves. Poor budgeting and the fast-food diet all for an extra 15 minutes of netflix before the next 9 to 5 is a shortsighted convenience.

>> No.1135755
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fast food diet is more expensive

>> No.1135766
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Short answer: Largely, yes. It has a lot to do with personality.
Long answer:
I was raised in the so called ‘upper-class’. We are talking expensive cars, private school, houses etc. but still working. I’m yuropean and not American, also.
I lived in an expensive neighbourhood, so I made some friends in the same social class. State schools were still good, so I went to those. So I have had / have friends from all social classes.
Poor families has a very large tendency towards: No higher education, messy houses, expensive day-to-day lifestyle (relative to their income), frequently unlikable personalities, a lot of small purchases that add up to not having any money left over. Funnily enough, poor people has a tendency to buy expensive clothing. Their personalities also heavily go around avoiding work, seeing it as painful in a way. Also a tendency to following first impulse. These people are the ones that think “I want money so I can fuck bitches!”. Generally a bad sense of money and what makes you happy.
What decides social class is mostly luck and personality.

So in a way, fuck the poor and their whining asses.

>> No.1135785


This. My father makes over $100,000 a year and only lives with my mom. But between his fancy house payments, expensive car, and wasteful life-style, he has less than $100 left over after the month and everything is paid off.

It's not how much money you have at the end of the day. It's how you choose to invest it.

>> No.1135798

Every month I have about $200 to spend with myself, there's nothing better to do with that amount.

>> No.1135819

>comparing fast food with the highest profit margins to groceries with the lowest profit margins
Also, idk where you live, but that much chicken alone would cost me $13.78.

>> No.1135823

That looks like an old graphic.

I pick up a pound or so of local chicken breasts for under 10$ though. It's easy to find good cheap meat.

>> No.1135829

True if you're buying in bulk. If you're buying for yourself it's roughly the same. Most of your raw goods are sold in relative bulk, with individual servings marked up tremendously. Unless you want to eat the same meal multiple days in a row (not something I care to do), most of the time it's just as cheap to spend 7 bucks at a restaurant.

>> No.1135833

not absolutely. The freakonomics guy did an analysis aof fast food and the mcdouble was the cheapest most prolific food that has ever existed.

>> No.1135841

Look for a local butcher shop or meat market. Where I am (Columbia, SC) you can reliably get skinless, boneless chicken breasts at $2/lb. On the flip side, you can get whole-fryer chickens for as low as $0.49/lb.

One such market in my area (shoutout to Old Timey Meats in Irmo,) does package specials. The "All Beef" package is $170, and includes 5lbs of choice ribeyes, 5lbs cut-cubed round for stew beef, a 5lbs of 85/15 chuck patties, 10lbs beef hotdogs, a 5lb chuck roast and 10lbs of 85/15 ground round or chuck, your choice. Comes out to a "high" price of $4.25/lb, but considering that the ribeyes normally run $10-14lb, it lets you eat better on the cheap. Above all of that, the shop follows halal rules for non-pork meats, so you don't get any brine injection or fillers. Say what you will about Islam, but they do beef right.

>> No.1135843

I come from a poor family that's the first gen of Canada
>tend to blame other people or an excuse to why they are where they are
>blame everyone else for their problems
>spend impulsively on food and fast fashion
>tend to buy what makes them feel good/better short term
>addicted to a vice - gambling, drugs, smoking
>speak a lot of their grind and how they have dreams but never move towards it
>don't plan for the future

Might just be a reflection of myself though, although I've been doing much better lately

>> No.1135865

Upper class talks about work, but all the work they do is super fucking easy and mostly consists of:

meeting other rich people
making phone calls
sending emails and reading articles while in a comfy office or even on the beach or whatever

Yeah sure, leading a company can be stressful, but try being a bus/taxi driver for 20 years and see if you're still optimistic and cheerful.

>> No.1135866

There was an article recently about Mark zuckerbergs' wardrobe.
Everything looks the same yes, but it is all tailored with fine materials etc.
It's the old money way of showing your wealth.

>> No.1135873

>Their personalities also heavily go around avoiding work, seeing it as painful in a way.
To be fair, they get less reward for shittier work, what with their low education levels

Their children also tend to run around like headless chicken in school because of the dreaded tests, while ordinary folks wonder what all the fuss is about.

Cooking for yourself and having no dishwasher is a huge time sink. Plus, buying groceries becomes obnoxious when you can't buy half the food in a store because it's only sold in portions way too huge for a single person and you don't eat enough to justify buying fresh foods which would mostly spoil long before you manage to eat all of it.

Basically, fast food is less wasteful. Even if it's associated with a bad conscience, fucks up your body and drains the joy out of your life.

It's much easier to invest your money when you aren't dependant on it for survival. Getting a few cents from your hundred bucks is worthless.
Getting a few thousands from your hundred thousand actually makes sense and justifies the effort of investing that shit.

>> No.1135875

No, this is the new money way of showing wealth. Old money was known for exactly the opposite, i.e. very expensive wardrobe

>> No.1135876


There was a study that showed the more you make the less stressful of a job you had

CEOs have tons of advisors they delegate all their tasks to

>> No.1135878

yes yes they are

>my sister
>barely makes above minimum wage
>me: you should invest!
>her: with WHAT MONEY anon!
>i notice a bag, asks what in it
>her: oh those are my new Jeans!
>me: how much were they?
>her: about $300


>> No.1135879

>Cooking for yourself and having no dishwasher is a huge time sink. Plus, buying groceries becomes obnoxious when you can't buy half the food in a store because it's only sold in portions way too huge for a single person and you don't eat enough to justify buying fresh foods which would mostly spoil long before you manage to eat all of it.
>I'll take freezers for $100, Alex

>> No.1135881

I meet tons of CEO's due to my work (consultancy), and 99% of them are really dumb but VERY good with people. Like "I cant open my email even if you showed me twice" dumb. Now you could say that they're a different generation, but I'd say it shouldn't be hard to doing something as easy.

And yes, most companies are lead by the upper management, i.e. the people under the CEO. Most CEO's don't really do much "work", their daily routine is mostly about meeting other people. Obviously every company needs a CEO, but being in management is actually much harder and demanding in a lot of ways.

>> No.1135882

Bruh hand washing dishes takes half an hour at most, even for a family of four

Just playing devils advocate here

>> No.1135883

Dried rice, beans, corn and pasta can be bought wholesale and in bulk, if you are organized it is not an ordeal to leave them soaking in a pan before bed then plop the pan on a hob at dinner the next day.

Potatoes, collard greens, celery, carrots, onions and garlic aren't that expensive, neither are herbs and spices unless you buy ready made sauces.

Trimmings like chicken hearts and hambones have to be cheaper than ground beef in a mcdouble, you are not paying someone to make it for you. There is no difference in quality either, it is purely psychological.

Stressed people end up with shitty personalities.

>> No.1135885

Buying nice clothes make more sense than invest fucking $300. Who'd people rather trust/hire? Some slob or some guy who dresses nicely? And how people treat you has a huge effect on your ego, self-esteem and optimism, which then has a huge influence on everything you do.

Fake it till you make it, anon

>> No.1135886

I would say that's part of the purpose of a CEO

Every company needs a face man to represent them in a likeable way

>> No.1135887

no one cares what brand your fucking Jeans are, nobody grabs you from behind lowers your pants just to see if you have Levi's on

>> No.1135889
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>Are the poors really poor because they're bad with money?

No. they are poor because they are too easily manipulated by the media and subliminal advertising/marketing by corporations. Part of the reason is that they have yet to come to the realization that they are being played as fools. And if they do come to that realization normally they get suckered into conspiracy theories, which naturally neutralize any legitimate threat to the establishment.

Also the poor are always used as swing votes for career politicians, so it makes political sense to keep them poor, always dangling carrots in front of them, and then throwing around excuses of “hurr durr economic crisis, hurr durr we’ve all got live within our means!” to pacify any dissent.

So in essence it’s a self-perpetuating cycle of poverty that fails to correct itself. And neither party has any motivated interest in correcting it unless they get some sort of compensation or sainthood out of it.

>> No.1135895

Actually more expensive brands look better due to better fit, materials and better quality.

I'm not Lagerfeld but even I can tell good quality jeans from a bad one.

Also goes for shoes, shirts and jackets etc.

Obviously you should not spend $300 on a white t-shirt but there can be big differences between a $10 and an $50 t-shirt, not to mention tailerd stuf vs. what you can buy in Zara etc.

>> No.1135900

>300$ jeans

I got a 120€ coat. It looks awesome. My other coat is 50€. And my shoes are in the area between 20 and 50€.

How the hell could you ever say paying the price for a new computer/smartphone/multiple years of sports/a month's worth of food/etc. on a fucking jeans is reasonable without being rich?
For that price, I'd expect tailored suit pants. Not that I know what price those normally are, but you get the point.

>> No.1135901

So you're saying Marx was right and the poor is just a bargaining chip

Something to scare the middle class into staying in line. Someone to rile up

>> No.1135903

>Actually more expensive brands look better due to better fit, materials and better quality.

haha no, they get destroyed just as easily as any other and they look better? no one is looking at the seams on your jeans

>> No.1135906

Not to mention take the fall when there's a colossal scandal the company can't cover up.

CEOs, in conjunction with what you've said, seem to act as the liability cushion to soak up most of the heat before being thrown aside to make room for the new figurehead.

Being the face to represent the faceless also makes you the target to the bulk of the public's wrath. No such thing as an easy job, I guess.

>> No.1135907
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>upper class
>hard work

pic related.

>> No.1135913

people are too lazy to work with a whole fryer chicken. i personally love them. people have no excuses. watching netflix is not excusable

>> No.1135916

Many places saving up money or investing it in non-depreciating assets will be punished. If you save up enough money the support from the government will be cutt off. This forces or at least trains them to spend up the money they have to make sure they keep their support. This does prevent poorer people to actually get out of the rut. If they don't spend all their money, they will lose money.

>> No.1135920

The money has to come from somewhere. Busting your ass and using the money wisely allows for the typical I-wear-a-scarf-and-a-sweater-west-and-a-pink-polo-while-i-laugh-at-the-working-poor-fags.

Pretty much

You are so wrong I don't even know where to start.

One of the reasons people high up are less stressed is due to how they are and how they work. They don't let stress pile up as easily.

Tech literate =/= Smart.
Being good with people is an monumentally important and worthwhile skill. Most CEO's excel in the fields where it mattered towards their success.

The exception is the kids who inherit business.

This is true, but stress is also dictated by personality, not as much environment.

The money has to come from somewhere first. Usually someone succeeding in their career and using the money well.

>> No.1135922

>ignoring preparation time and effort

>> No.1135924 [DELETED] 

I don't subscribe to Marx's views that we can live in some socialistic utopia. We’re not quite evolved as species to accept the fact that everyone can be equal without triggering our innate psychological biases.

Capitalism is just a fancy word for business what humans have been doing for thousands of years anyway.

It was only advances in science and technology that propelled exponential growth up to the present age.

But now we are reaching a point of economic stagnation which I’m sure you’re aware of. Simple matter of fact is that there are not enough jobs for everyone. Businesses thrive on information asymmetry like they always have in order to compete. So some people will get jobs and become wagecucks. Others will become NEETs. The few will become wagelords and start their own business. Its as simple as that. However there may come a time in the near future where NEETS > wagecucks, which could potentially destabilise the global economy. I don’t know how that’s going to play out but would be interesting to live through it nonetheless.

>> No.1135934
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I am reluctant to commit to the belief that everyone is a product of their upbringing, but I don't know of any other root cause besides environment. It would imply that certain souls are innately evil whatever body they were put in which sounds superstitious.

>> No.1135935

>The money has to come from somewhere
From their parents.

>> No.1135937

Price matters in so far as it is a imperfect proxy to quality and it is more cheapskate to spend more for something that isn't meant to be expendable and replaced and so on.

>> No.1135938

>I am reluctant to commit to the belief that everyone is a product of their upbringing
Unless it goes completely off the rails (lifelong boarding school, for example), there will be a lot interaction, subconscious copying and belief adoption from the parents. Not to mention general questions in times of distress.
Blaming over people or other things is also the keystone for people who don't do very well or are very happy.

The parents money has to come from somewhere

>> No.1136012

From THEIR hard work.

>> No.1136020

>The parents money has to come from somewhere
Yes. From a period in time where most wealth was derived from labor. The US has transitioned over the past 30 years into a capital-intensive economy, m8. "By the sweat of your brow" gets you considerably less now than it did, and pumping some money into investments gives you considerably more.

>> No.1136025

Who the hell spends more on their trousers than their shoes? Is this a trick to obtain wealth?

>> No.1136028

Pretty much. Grew up poor with my mother. I'd regularly beat her at monopoly as a kid. Wasn't until I was older that I realized it was because she was bad at math and subsequently with money. 25 now and making more than her with better saving ability than her. At least growing up poor helped me learn to live within my means.

>> No.1136031
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>> No.1136036

Middle class fag who would go to lower class fags house often, this is so fucking true, he had 6 brothers and sisters, that Welfare money inspired me to be a Welfare leech, I never did go that route though, I wouldn't be able to go online and complain about niggers if I did.

>> No.1136050

Can't speak for everyone but my family was poor for a long time because of debt. They financed new cars, refused to pay back loans and used their credit cards to pay bills. Both of my parents are educated and well paid too, just bad with money. I had to sit down and help them call debt collectors to pay back their shit because they couldn't get a mortgage loan with so many unpaid loans. Ended costing about 24k after negotiating settlements to pay back everything. Now they are debt free for the first time in over 25 years. Fucking insane.

>> No.1136054

Could you even get welfare? Seems like they only give it to single moms. Food stamps you could get but section 8 and welfare checks as a healthy white guy is close to impossible. They barely even give that shit too black dudes which is why they are always crashing at different baby mamas houses.

>> No.1136055

>work smart not hard senpai
I'm at work right now writing up a rough draft for a technical document collecting a fat check. Shit is easy easier than some shit job at mcdick. Only reason they pay this much is because you need to have skills to do it. Doesn't mean I'll bust my ass doing it.

>> No.1136058

>all of it is easy.

>> No.1136061
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Poor people are poor because they're stupid or willfully ignorant. The internet exists; you have no excuse to not understand how credit cards work, or how mortgages work, or how investing happens.

There are no outside factors that can "force" a person to be bad with money. They deliberately choose it. Ex: my parents financed new cars every two years for about 20 years. I will not. My sister ran up over $8,000 in credit card debt in college. I will not. Because my brother's stupid car is such a money sink, he's living paycheck to paycheck. I will not.

I have less than half the credit history of my brother and sister, yet have better credit. My parents are going on 30 years of history, and I'm only ~50 points behind them.

It's all a choice.

You should first start by building up an emergency fund: 6-9 months of living expenses saved. After that, why not invest that extra $200 a month? After the first year you'll have over $2,500. In two years over $5,000. And this is assuming you never earn more and never spend less. Pic related.

>you need to spend $300 on jeans to look nice

Are you retarded? I haven't bought a new pair of pants in probably 2 years, and I'm consistently the most attractive and well-dressed person in most situations. A healthy diet, proper sleep, and exercise(!) are way more important than spending a bunch of money on ill-fitting clothing.

>> No.1136070

>you need to spend $300 on jeans to look nice

Never said that. If you have problems reading I suggest you start with that and not clothes, my man.

>> No.1136084

>Buying nice clothes make more sense than invest fucking $300
So you're saying that it's better to spend the $300 on clothes, rather than save and invest.

Why do you feel like you need to spend so much money on clothes?

>> No.1136089

Nigga, I've spent way more than $300 on clothes. I have 7 suits (one for every day), 4 pair of shoes (all good quality, lasts like 5-10 years with proper care), then leasure clothes, a good coat (make that two), good shirts etc.

Depends on your job I guess, but you should know that it's literally the first thing people notice and judge you on.

Obviously if you spend $300 every day you have a problem, but it makes much more sense to look good than investing $300, because you wont make shit on $300 while dressing well potentially can get you your dream job.

This goes for the slobs ITT and not really for the original poster. But I assume most of you dont dress well especially if you think $300 is a lot of money for clothes.

Thats a good pair of Oxford shoes, and half of a good suit, and if you dont own either I suggest you do.

>> No.1136104

The problem with that graphic is that the "mc Donalds Meal" is presumably way more than one serving of food and extremely calorie dense.

I think calorie/$ a McDonalds burger is one of the best values on earth.

>> No.1136113

It's a well known rule of thumb that you shouldn't have children until you're financially stable. Sure, stuff tends to just happen, but that's more the fault of the environment you're in and not the individual person.

A freezer I think is what you're looking for. You can keep hearty lentil stew in the freezer for months. Buying fast food instead of making your food is a problem with self control, not income.

>investing when you're poor
That true, but most 'poor' people are poor because they are in debt. You should be investing any extra money into debt payments. Every cent you pay down, is a guaranteed net gain of however much interest you would have gotten charged if it remained unpaid.

>> No.1136291

>That true, but most 'poor' people are poor because they are in debt. You should be investing any extra money into debt payments. Every cent you pay down, is a guaranteed net gain of however much interest you would have gotten charged if it remained unpaid.

Amazing amount of truth into this. If you've got a credit card with a $5000 limit, at its max, and a reasonable 13% APR, and you pay $100 on it every month, it'll take 6 years (72 months) to pay off. Upping that to $105 a month shaves it down to 67 months. Bumping it to $125 brings it down to 52 months. Adding just a wee bit more takes years off your debt.

>> No.1136301

Not really that specifically. It's more that they're stupid with money. This goes a long way though, all the way back to the starts of careers. Somebody making 40 grand a year with two kids isn't going to be rich no matter what, they're life is over.

>> No.1136327

Everything comes down to the choices you make and your self-discipline. I am making double what I made from 5 years ago (40k to 80k) and not that that's anything to brag about, my family has gone from lower class to solid middle class in my area and I'm only 29.

It came from my habits and self dicipline. The people I see buying lunch every day, not doing any studying, not working on themselves or hustling or getting up early to attack their day, those people know all too well what it takes to succeed. They're not disciplined enough to make it happen.

Same with fitness. it's no mystery how to get a decent if not great body. Its not expensive and any disciplined person can do it. Everyone knows how to do it but they dont have the dicipline. Thats why there are slobs

Same with the aforementioned food argument. People know when they eat at McDonalds they're eating a plate of shit and wasting money compared to buying in bulk and researching recipes and diet plans and shopping around. they do not have the discipline to behave properly in this realm.

There are distractors and enablers in all these departments. The stupid fall for the Dr OZ or think they're a victom, but most people are not stupid.

Most people are in the same ballpark in terms of IQ. It comes down to the dicipline to hit it hard every day, stay awake and pay attention, so that poverty is impossible.

>> No.1136335

it is not like you can invest your foodstamps in the stock market.

>> No.1136341

Surely you can sell them.

>> No.1136380

>mfw i am lazy with everything you listed
>I am still successful because my parents were successful and made my life ez mode

If I was born poor I would have been the worst welfare queen of them all.

>> No.1136389

Free will is a cope, so no, merit and hard work are vapid concepts as we know them.

>> No.1136489


So add $5+ to your calculation for the home-made meal. Time is money.

Honestly, I think it's "cheaper" to eat at a restaurant if you live in a city where it's convenient and there are good low-cost diners.

If you look at the opportunity cost of grocery shopping, food storage, preparation, cooking, cleaning, and some amount of spoilage/mishaps... it is cheaper to eat at a restaurant if you make more than like $15/hr depending on where you live.

Being more specific... the time that goes into home-cooked meals is worth more by working at your job than the savings you get from not eating out. Division of labor and all that.

>> No.1136507
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Well, to put it in exact words :

Being born poor = Higher chances of poor education = Higher chances of staying poor because you don't become smart enough to be good with money.

Simple as that.

>> No.1136621

Depends what you mean by "bad with money". Wealthy people look for return on their investment. If they spend money on something, they want something of greater value in return over the long run. This characteristic is only one of many that wealthy people exhibit. But just because you have this quality, does not mean you'll be rich, since good decision making also comes into play.

Those who are poor either have poor decision making skills, or they just spend their cash on things that don't provide any tangible return on their investment.

>> No.1136626

For 90% of people, being poor is the effect, not the cause of bad money management. I have friends that wear outfits more expensive than their paychecks and finance a $30-40K car, then complain they can't afford DirecTV and praise Netflix.

>> No.1136731


>> No.1136778

it's been shown pretty well that there is no such thing as "poor education" and there has been no evidence that simply providing better resources will improve competency. Better teachers might be able to motivate kids better but that's still just theory.

Being born poor = priorities do not include luxuries like education + most likely dumb to begin with + poor diet + discouraging local culture = more likely to fall into bad habits that guarantee low income.

We have been fooling poor people with the "muh education" meme for decades now. Lately we've been doing it with iphones and political movements. They just make other people wealthier. The answer if you are yourself genuinely poor is to remove any and all poor people from your life, forever. From there you can either follow someone or take your own risks but institutionalized education is the last place you want to waste your time in. Reading books is free, access to the internet can be free, and there is almost no successful career path that requires broad, generalized knowledge you'd get from some course or program. You make money with specialized, challenging work that hopefully is something relatively few people do. You're already behind everyone else by possibly hundreds of years in terms of cultural context, shit doesn't change if you splash around in the same pool that they use a few times.

>> No.1136779
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I'm poor and this is what I notice

>people buying brand new cars despite working a 40k/year or under job
>people trading in their new car after a few years for another brand new car, they think this is a "good deal"
>when people have extra money they think "what should I spend it on" the concept of saving doesn't even register in their brain
>collecting useless trinkets and gadgets
>having kids in their early 20's or teens
>spending $75+ a month on a phone plan, buying the latest flagship model phones
>use payday loans and get financing for basic shit like appliances
>do not understand the concept of interest
>think investing is gambling
>getting married after knowing somebody for a year
>don't read

I'm trying to not be poor but the hardest part is getting a good job, frugality can only go so far and you need a good income. It's extremely frustrating to see people with good income blow it all on retarded shit

>> No.1136787


>I'm trying to not be poor but the hardest part is getting a good job, frugality can only go so far and you need a good income. It's extremely frustrating to see people with good income blow it all on retarded shit

Dis right here family.

>> No.1136807

>Bill Gates is worth 1 Billion Dollars

>> No.1136810

Sounds like my dad except he's probably worse because he owes a good bit in back taxes too.

For someone to be as good at math and science as him, he doesn't know how to budget for shit. Great guy but damn.

>> No.1136816

Search instead for dicipline

Search Results

>> No.1136829

TFW cashier and all I see is consolidated credit person after person. Slate cards etc... Mfw these people look rich but are fucked. But still doing better then my Neet self.

>> No.1136894


Anon, you're not a NEET, you're employed. Shitty employment, but employed.

>> No.1136929

Hahahaha your a retard. I shop at target, kohls, JC penny, tg max, and thrift stores and I dress like an executive.
Your gonna be poor forever anon. I don't make much but I still invest all my extra money.

>> No.1136932

what youre not seeing is the 10+ years those rich people spent driving a bus and a taxi before they got there

youre seeing results without the effort that went into it and expect to get the results for yourself without said effort

>> No.1137039
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oy fuckin vey every single point you made describes an innumerable amount of people in my life. saving this post

>> No.1137067

No billionaire anywhere is wearing $12 shoes

>> No.1137210

dude you compared like a whole family meal against something that woud still leave me hungry

>> No.1137213

I doubt 12 dollar shoes even exist nowadays

>> No.1137222

>cashier and all I see is consolidated credit

Are you doing their taxes? What the fuck do you know?

>> No.1137224

if they have worked for that money, you won't see them wear a 800$ badass-gansta sneakers either.

>> No.1137426

-bulk non perishable food, rice beans etc
-thrift stores for furniture and clothes
-buy your electronics directly from the Chinese
-library for books+ internet

>> No.1137498

And? Isn't that even the fucking point of being a parent? To give your child the necessary tools to succeed so they can achieve the highest amount of profits.

>> No.1137523

Poor people with low incomes growup in stressful conditions and research shows that their brains actually develope very differently that those who grow up with less stressful lives.

Poverty actually has an affect on how your brain develops, no the other way around.

Your whole post sounds so obviously self-defending it's a joke. In reality you're not more genetically superior than some other poor fuck struggling through work just to come home and play Payday 2.

>> No.1137539

We really shouldn't let people borrow money to buy depreciating assets. Also we should inform them that every dollar you spend when you're young could easily have turned into 40 by retirement. That $300 pair of jeans? Your retirement fund is down 12k. Congratulations.

>> No.1137544

There's alot more to it than that. I grew up exceptionally poor (was homeless many years as a child, no father, crazy mother who did drugs and slept with homeless men who would beat me and my brother). It took exceptional amounts of effort to become even a functional adult. When you grow up like that, and your parent doesn't give a shit about you and you have no link to a better life, crawling out of poverty seems like an impossible task. You're more thinking about survival.

By contrast, my ex of 6 years was wealthy (her home costed over a million dollars) and observing her life, the difference is that it was stable, her parents loved her. Her friends were the same, all successful and moving up in the world, doing podcasts, going hiking in Vancouver and skiing and basically all being highly motivated individuals. They all had stable home lifes. Compared to the peers I grew up with, they were fat from eating cheap frozen food, and their only ambition was to get a bag of weed at the end of the week as their entertainment. Was that just their "nature" or "personality"? I really don't think so after I got to know how shitty their home life was.

My ex wasn't really special, but she was a great artist and her parents were constantly pushing her to improve. The big difference was everything in her life was stable that she could explore all these talents and possibilities. Everyone was also pretty and socially radiant, bred to be that way.

When I refleced on myself, I realized I didn't have anything remotely like that. I had to start worrying about money and surviving from day one really. My first job was the day I turned 16. She had never worked a day in her life until age 22. It was like we were from two different worlds, and later when I was 26 she couldn't wrap her head around why I wasn't running my own business like her posh friends. Now I am, but it took me alot fucking longer.

Not sure what good that rant is. I think I need to finally sleep.

>> No.1137545
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You need knowledge about social skills, society, the culture you are in, psychology, human behavior and other things just to know how to be a good person. There are 3 obstacles preventing most people from achieving this.

1) The difficulty in learning it all, people rarely get the basics of all of these

2) Gaining the right knowledge as opposed to all the useless meme versions

3) Someone could know all this yet still choose not to be a good person, though they are unlikely to remain a poor slob now that they know there is a better way so they aren't part of this equation.

3 and general randomness is why I can't attribute it 100% to environment, though environment overwhelmingly plays a role. People are like stock prices, they gravitate towards their fundamental valuation to a degree but often behave very erratically.

Back to the main point, I generally agree with the "fuck the poor and their whining asses" sentiment, however this applies more to few in 3 who remain slobs for whatever reason, not those afflicted by 1 and 2. They do need help, just not the kind of help liberals give them by showering them with welfare checks, more like a drill instructor who gives people inspiration, discipline and skills. The alternative is basically to allow the rest of society to wallow in their degeneracy while you sit around doing nothing but complain about the duty heaven has assigned you to lead them and teach them.

>> No.1137549

>research shows
>one study with a sample size of 49
>doesn't take any other variable but income inot account.

>> No.1137550


fucking sneaker heads

>> No.1137552

Sounds like you're still angry and dissapointed at the lack of understanding from your ex anon.

>> No.1137554

>availability of resources and familial social standing doesn't affect early brain development
Sorry nigger but you're wrong
Other anon may not have provided sufficient proof but you are.

>> No.1137555

>time is money
If you have no passive income, your time is worth $0/hr off company hours, so who gives a shit.
>I think it's "cheaper" to eat at a restaurant
Well, you think wrong.
>opportunity cost
Not having enough of a passive income so that you stress about literally half an hour at most per day is much larger a loss
>half hour spent cooking costs more than driving a mile or two, waiting in drive thru for 10 minutes, driving back home, and eating your meal, and you can spend that extra time at your generic 9 to 5
Do you know how I know you are poor?

>> No.1137561

>"Data on family income, stressor exposures, physiological stress responses, socio-emotional development, and parent-child interactions were collected. About half the participants were from low-income families."


There's no glaring flaws in the scientific model they used.At anyrate the conclusion is obvious anyway. Anyone with half a brain knows that stressors influence your developed psychology, this just shows that they also cause real physical changes in the brain as well.

>> No.1137564

yeh. yeah I am. I'll drop the baggage someday.

>> No.1137567

Preparing meals is easy, see >>1135883 . Washing dishes is easy if you rinse plates after and don't burn food and oil onto dishes or anything.

>you can't buy half the food in a store because it's only sold in portions way too huge for a single person
I don't get it. If it is sold in huge portions, a few units should be enough to fill your stocks to reasonable levels and you won't buy half the food in the store.

>fast food is less wasteful
if it is really a huge problem you can easily waste less time and expense by microwaving canned beans and the like, there are a variety of options available to suit your needs

first 2 meals are 900 calories, a can of beans is 40 cents and has 300 calories, mcdonalds hamburger costs $1.29 and has 250 calories

>> No.1137579

You're right for the most part, but
>trading on a secondary market where prices are heavily subsidized by speculation
>not gambling

Of course there are investment vehicles like bonds, dividend-paying stock, and high yield savings accounts, but let's be honest, when you say "investing," most people think stock exchange.

>> No.1137612
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Where did the first $2M come from???

Its like you don't understand
work hard now so you don't have to work hard later.

Study hard to get higher degrees and go from

min wage 1000 shekels/month
3000 shekels/month, bachelors
6000 shekels/month masters
10,000 shekels/month doctorate
25,000 shekels/month professional

Its like Arnold says, its the last reps that really matter.

16kpa/18years = 888/year of study if it helps retards and drug addicts also make this much

40kpa/22years = 1818.year of study
Marginal increase of 200%
no brainer

75kpa/24years = 3125 per year of study
other marginal increase of 200%
no brainer

120k/26 years = 4615 per year, phds are less good at 150% marginal increase

200kpa/28 years= 7142 per year of study professionals are pretty set though. 150% marginal increase.

those last 10 years of study are potentially 16x more valuable valuable.

Bachelors you're 1 year behind, career earnings
masters you're 1 month behind, career earnings
phd you're 3 months ahead, career earnings
professional you're 8 months ahead. career earnings
Dat return on time.

>> No.1137679

This guy knows what's up. I'm proud of you anon.

>If you have no passive income, your time is worth $0/hr off company hours, so who gives a shit.
This is the best argument against people who say "time is money!" Unless you're a freelancer who has no set schedule, you aren't making money in your off time.

>when people have extra money they think "what should I spend it on" the concept of saving doesn't even register in their brain
I think this is one of the most important points. The overwhelmingly vast majority of people I've known have that exact line of thinking, "what can I buy now." If you changed this one thing, most people in debt now would get out.

And I know how you feel with that frustration of people with healthy incomes doing stupid shit and throwing it all away.

Good work getting out of the life you lived growing up though. That's awesome, anon.

>> No.1137693
File: 77 KB, 995x1194, food cost comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something interesting in regards to food.

This shows the cost per calorie and cost per gram of protein of various foods, mostly from Costco. The bottom chart includes the costs for an item two fast food places: a mushroom burger at The Habit, and a bacon turkey sandwich at Panera.

As you can see, the restaurant foods are *significantly* more expensive than bulk foods; about 4x more expensive per calorie and 10x (!) more expensive per gram of protein. And this doesn't even include things like dry beans, rice, lentils, and raw meats.

Unless you literally only order mcdoubles from McDonalds every time you eat out, you cannot say that eating out is cheaper. You're simply wrong.

>> No.1137702

Something about your post makes me think you got a lot of help from mommy and daddy

>> No.1137884

Fuck yes LOL

Everywhere I go with people around my age 19-25 they fucken spend so much money on pointless shit and they only work min.wage jobs like their phones will be iphones wearing overpriced shit and their bank account balances below $300. They always ask me why I don't spend shit on the things they buy, and I just laugh at it off that they will have little money saved.

I save my shit from working min. Wage jobs too money doesn't come easy to be spending shit on stuff you worked all week for. Makes no sense.

>> No.1137885

>the next nine to five
Poors work part time. It is part of why they are poor; part time jobs are trash and need to be eliminated.

>> No.1137915

Yeah? Rice and beans?
You can live off of rice and beans?

>> No.1137927

The poor are poor (in the US) because
1) They get sick
2) They have unplanned children with women who aren't their wives
3) Their high schools are abysmal
4) Easy jobs got automated

>> No.1138285

No people are poor because their income sucks.

People like their cherrypicked expamles but their are tons of extravagant spending rich people and thifty poor people. It largely comes. Down to the quality of the job/circumstances.

>> No.1138430

>extravagant spending rich people
All parent's money and they end up poor, unless their parents accept being exploited long enough.

Those who go from rags to riches, never will spend money unwisely.

>> No.1138432

>it's been shown pretty well that there is no such thing as "poor education"
So you're saying that any room full of kids with an adult standing at the front is a perfectly effective classroom, and can be expected to produce the same results as a highly skilled, experienced and well-resourced teacher?

>> No.1138446

Actually he's saying that dumb people are still dumb after sitting in a good classroom. It's hard to believe but true

>> No.1138454

A dumb kid who gets a good education will generally do better than a dumb kid who gets a shit education, even if both may be 'still dumb' at the end of it. The one who gets a good education is also far more likely to complete school.

>> No.1138460

>>1138446 I had a statistics Japanese teacher who made me hate statistics. I know SHE did it because later I found out I actually like it with another teacher. I'm not dumb. But She was I guess.

>> No.1138469
File: 331 KB, 723x546, by-permission-of-steve-breen-and-creators-syndicate-inc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The merits of academic education are just not there typically and there is a place in society for the less educable .

>> No.1138472

... okay?
But that doesn't change the fact that 'there is no such thing as "poor education"' is a ridiculous claim.

>> No.1138473
File: 44 KB, 575x220, libarts-humanities-starting-salaries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$25,000 if he's lucky
But that's not even slightly accurate.

and according to http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=77
the average starting salary for people who go to trade school is $35,720.

Political cartoonists fucking suck, I swear.

>> No.1138478

Yes but you can't do much with brainlets, like manlets they don't learn

>> No.1138483


>mfw everyone around me eats out
>always at places with shit food
>people eat out at lunch too

I know how to cook for a lot of people, was brought up making big meals so later on in life i just got used to making large batches of simple meals and eating them the rest of the week.

When i learned how to pickle and make sauerkraut and fermentation starters, forget about it, my food bills plummeted. My cupboards were stocked with food for weeks and week for next to nothing. I would never have known how to make this if i constantly ate junk.

>> No.1138485

I can't believe there's a serious debate on 'should people cook food or just eat McDonalds all the time'.
Americans are fucking disgusting.

>> No.1138487


"b.bb.bbb..bb but w...ww we might actually have to make the food ourselves!!"

>> No.1138489
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It has to do with education.

The US Public education system does not teach finance.

The majority of what I learned about balancing check books and paying off credit cards, I learned from my father.

The schools did not teach that.

So basically, if you parents were dumb and poor, the schools won't teach you how to handle money either.

So its no wonder poor people use pay day shops to cash their checks while educated people do not pay the fees at their direct deposit banks.

>> No.1138493
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probably accurate b/c of self employment tax.

also study done by a college
> I smell triangles.

cherry picking much.
Best paying trade, underwater welder. vs worst paying degree. Also leaves out unemployment risk. Welders only get to weld when construction is happening. Constantly moving with the cranes.

>> No.1138497

Or maybe the man who draws cartoons for newspapers is just pulling numbers out of his ass?

>> No.1138500

The debt and time out of workforce discount what remuneration the degree route can get you, especially since there is encouragement to earn worthless degrees as that has become an industry onto itself. In my high school, Sped kids got financial literacy learning, everyone else wasn't taught because if they were they may not go to college.

>> No.1138510

I like the concept of the illustration except I dress just like the billionaire and I'm still broke! :..)

>> No.1138522
File: 139 KB, 640x480, Peas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What stores are you going to?

Vegetables are sold in 12 OZ bags, frozen, microwave that shit nigga.

Luncheon meat, and shit like that aren't in 50 lb bags

And the stuff they do sell in 50lb bags, is like rice and beans. Shit don't expire.

>> No.1138526


guys wtf is the white stuff for 1.50 ? is it salad dressing?

>> No.1138537

Yeah, Walmart
pieces of shit fall appart so fuckin' fast.

>> No.1138542

no idea what a sped kid is.

the debt hurts very little if you do it right. its mostly a loan at 6% or less. its one of the best loans you can get.

I can't argue worthless degrees. You have to run your numbers up front. a degree needs to get you at least 45k starting.

Welding is still 1-2 years.

The loans do make you eat a dick if you let them go full term and don't advance pay them.

>> No.1138643

Milk, son, milk.

>> No.1138666

A billion dollars and no fucking shoes.

>> No.1138676

Well, spending money on flashy stuff won't make you rich anywhere...

>> No.1138679

>when people have extra money they think "what should I spend it on" the concept of saving doesn't even register in their brain

>> No.1138682

poorfag here, can confirm

>> No.1138684

well, if you want to date you have to at the very least have good shoes and a nice haircut.

>> No.1138820

I spent about 1500 AUD on clothing in the last few months. But I consider it a investment. They will likely last me ~2 years and its all dress pants, shirts and shoes, socks ect. With some jeans I want to rock a more casual look.

Image is important for business success. But on the other hand I do things like catch the bus instead of buying a car. Which takes longer but gives me time to do accounting or read books.

>> No.1138864

Poor have more opportunities to waste money than rich people, they also have less opportunities and higher risk when investing money.
Also the jobs they are more likely to join will never allow them to get rich by working hard (janitor, security guard, cleaner, etc.)
In the end it's just statistics, when you are rich you have a lesser chance to stumble at something that will make you lose money.
>it's been shown pretty well that there is no such thing as "poor education"
You have no idea of how bad is a public school in a third world country

>> No.1138868


maybe you should talk to him about it so you don't have to front the bill when he's old

>> No.1138886

Yup, just as difficult as getting a government job these days and not being a nigger or feminist!

>> No.1138950
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>cooking for yourself and having no dishwasher is a huge time sink

>step one, turn on oven to 450
time of completion: 5 seconds
>do whatever for a while. Come back and put a tray of multiple lbs of chicken in oven
time of completion: 1 minute
>do whatever for a while. Come back in 40-45 minutes and take out tray
time of completion: 1 minute
>after letting it sit for 10 minutes, put in dishes with wrap over and put in refrigerator
time of completion: 2 minutes


You can make food for three days if you do this. A week if you put two trays in. Put in oven, put rice on stove, LITERALLY DON'T NEED TO DO ANYTHING FOR 50 MINUTES YOU JUST LEAVE THEM THERE AND GO TAKE A SHOWER OR SOMETHING. Maybe put some kale in a pan with olive oil for one minute.

>5 minutes for preparation
>this is literally less time than waiting in line for fast food

All you fucking need to be healthy is poultry, eggs, butter, bread, kale, potatoes, apples, milk
Stop being retarded and making shit single-serving

>> No.1138953

Whoops forgot to add
>when immediately done cooking, place all trays in sink with a bit of soap inside and turn on water
time of completion: 40 seconds
>come back, put on gloves, take soapy sponge and swipe off all sides of plate
time of completion: 10 seconds per plate, 5 seconds per silverware, 20 seconds per cup
>put away
implying three meals a day, total time would be 3 minutes and 45 seconds a day.

>> No.1138970

If I was a millionaire I would not give my kids anything. Whats the point? The most I would do is give my kids a loan if they provide me with a business plan when they are older and I will hold them responsible to it just like a bank would. Finances are a hard lesson to learn but a very important one.

>> No.1139024

The long-term effects of fast food on a person's body costs much more whenever you factor in healthcare costs.

I'd just stick with the big ass bag of rice and rotisserie chicken combo desu.

>> No.1139156

>Having kid in their early 20's or teens
Even though it might not be financially smart, having children at a younger age like your early twenties is ideal considering that the risk of birth defects increases as you get older.

>> No.1139206

Actually, this is only really true for women. The risk for birth defects is highly correlated with a woman's age, not the man's.

>> No.1139225

Your estimation 1 to 40 takes inflation into account, right? These $40 would be pretty much worth not much more than $1 is today, and it's why your statement is realistic.
Unless you mean investing money, not hoarding it.

>> No.1139254

Sperm quality decreases over time as well, just not that drastically. People had kids way earlier than 35 before this century.

>> No.1139282

there also weren't age of consent laws and medical progress to sure up the death as a result of childbirth outcome. It is really is a privilege to delay and even opt out considering what had to be endured.

>> No.1139292

>rice beans etc

Learn to read what he wrote.
There are other foods you need to get besides those, but you can have a pretty decent diet for cheap.

>> No.1139382

i see where this is going, im not letting this sophisticated thread turn into a pedofile preaching or propaganda thread

>> No.1139442

Lol you've never handwashed dishes in your life. Also, try washing dishes when ur kitchen only gets cold water because your landlord is a slumlord.

>> No.1139448

not gonna lie, you probably look like shit anon

>> No.1139469

>liberal arts

>> No.1139471
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>> No.1139496


This is all true. Great post.

>> No.1139499

It's just their mindset in general. I find some of my poor friends/family blame the companies they're in debt to for their debt. I have a friend who constantly used to blame telstra because $3000 is too much to pay back and not himself for using phone data to download 10GB+ files. They also think that when they get paid it's a lot of money so that $15 meal doesn't seem like much and just live off takeaway until their money gets low. Plus my sister took out a loan just so she could say she had money in her bank account. She blew the loan on shit and is now paying it back with interest.

>> No.1139500


Why do people do any of this shit? Holy fuck doing any of this is retarded.

>> No.1139533

>watching netflix is not excusable
True dat. Why pay 10 dollars per month to have somebody type "watch <tv show/movie> online" and click the first result for you?

>> No.1139559

You're right.
Every mid to low income person on the planet should not buy expensive clothes, or fastfood, or shiny nick knacks or useless garbage like preprocessed food and porn.

Learning to grow our own food, do without and repair our own things is the way things should be.

Fuck investing, fuck banks, fuck loans.
Just work a 9-5 live with parents and relatives on land they buy and help each other and consolidate their wealth.

What's that? The filthy rich all lost their money overnight?

>> No.1139671

You can't a billion dollars by just being good with money.

Make 20k a year spend 10k to live. Save $10k a year for 50 years still only have 500k at retirement age.

>> No.1139674

>use tinfoil so you don't have to wash up said trays

>> No.1139697
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>Those who go from rags to riches, never will spend money unwisely.

>> No.1139699

>rich people are frugal
As a percentage of their wealth maybe. Even buffet has a plane.

>> No.1139712



>> No.1140288

>All parent's money and they end up poor
Why do you people deify the rich so much here?
Being rich doesn't magically make you an expert on spending money.
Just look at Ibiza and those Instagram kids.

>> No.1140301

And whats your point?
Poor people cant organize to earn money?
You got that right and its because crab in a bucket mentality

>> No.1140304

75% of it is because they have no desirable skills but poor money management is part of it. When you're poor like that you get stuck in a weird mindset where as soon as you get some extra money you immediately blow because you have no idea when you're going to get money that's not just going to be thrown on bills/food. It's easy to say "why don't poor people just save their money" when middle class people have money to spend on luxury items while still being able to have some savings.

>> No.1140312

Yeah all they need to do is invest 200 hundred dollars a month to become multi millionaires what retards

>> No.1140534

>ah if I'm not making $200k a year there's no point in saving or setting up a safety net or anything, just yolo it and live paycheck to paycheck

Are you actually that retarded? Go self-defeat somewhere else.

>> No.1140588
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How to burn the fuck out of chicken 101
> current year
> Didn't brine

He doesn't know about inflammatory oxalates and and cytokines.
Poultry bread kale and potatoes are some of the

Change to grass fed beef and wild game and fish. rice and starchier tubers and peas.

>> No.1140604
File: 101 KB, 400x275, 32239176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> asking for permission to meet basic needs
> not knowing how to turn on hot water heater
> Not having a competent landlord who knows how to bill properly.

You fucked up way upstream.

>> No.1140611
File: 222 KB, 840x1200, Buffetsama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffet is the 3rd richest individual on earth commanding $60,700,000,000
Everyone on the planet has essentially given him $8.50.

7,125,000,000 Billion people on earth.


>> No.1140613

Middle class people are just as bad as the poor about spending. People blame the banks for the housing crisis but the middle class taking loans they 100% planned on not paying was also a big cause of it. Look at the idiot middle class that got wiped out by Madoff kek. Middle class is just as stupid as the poor, just look at the retards here who try to shame people for saving for the future instead of spending now because the only way to enjoy life in their tiny middle class mind is to spend money.

>> No.1140615

Yes, he is that retarded. 99% of this board is neets pretending not to be neet to impress one another.

>> No.1140665

>Having kid in their early 20's or teens
> not be financially smart
Why? Kids don't get less expensive to have as you get older. All having kids in your 20s means is that you'll have less money in your 20s to spend on frivolous shit. The only* reason some people get into financial trouble once they've had kids is because they don't get the 'cut the frivolous shit' part. Having kids in your teens is another matter - supporting older kids is a lot more expensive than supporting younger kids.

*when I say only, i acknowledge that a few people will have jobs that can't be combined with having kids. But lets face it, there aren't that many oil rig workers and lang-haul truck drivers out there. For most people, having kids is something they can work around

>Look at the idiot middle class that got wiped out by Madoff kek.
Madoff dealt with rich investors

>> No.1140671

Yes, but not all rich people are rich because they're good with money

>> No.1140712

How are we defining poor? I thought it was mostly about how much money you make. It seems like you guys think it's mostly about how much you have on hand, but that kind of doesn't make sense because you're still heavily limited by how much you make-- if you make 1/10 of what someone else makes it'll take at least 10 times as long to have as much money on hand. I also don't get the people who say poor people spend impulsively and then in the same post say they buy things that are too expensive-- surely you'd have to save up to buy anything that could reasonably be called expensive?

>> No.1140734

what's a "dividend-paying stock"? I googled it and there's just articles on which ones to invest in

>> No.1140764

I just started reading "The Richest Man in Babylon", so yes. You could give them a million dollars, and, very likely, it'll all be wasted in bs.

>> No.1140769

A stock whose company pays the stockholders dividends from the profit instead of reinvesting the money on new projects.

Basically the sentiment with the shareholders who own dividend-paying stocks is that the money could be used by themselves to yield a better return at the same level of risk the company would take by using it to fuel its growth. It's a matter of opportunity cost.

>> No.1140774

autist here, neetbux are real
before you rage, I also have general anxiety disorder and ADD but the government doesn't care, and I'm trying to get a job but only two companies have shown interest in 7 months and neither hired me, probably because I have no experience

>> No.1140782

>surely you'd have to save up to buy anything that could reasonably be called expensive?

Not with the invention of credit cards, which made it unbelievably easy for the financially unwise to rack up debt from buying trinkets they couldn't afford otherwise.

>> No.1140789

> be me
> 29
> have only worked low income jobs
> traveled to 23 countries
> will have a MBA at the end of the year
> have $250,000 net worth

Poor people deserve to be poor

>> No.1140807

But it still want ostentatious. It was basic cuts but expertly crafted out of fine materials.

>> No.1140808

Then make your own experience as a freelancer.

>> No.1140819

They don't actually. A quality pair of jeans will outlast a shitty quality pair. The real issue here is the sister isn't in a position to buy those better jeans. This is besides the point that those jeans in particular were likely only $300 because of branding not quality.

>> No.1140868

I don't think you can be a freelance cashier/stock boy/cleaner/gopher/any entry-tier job and I don't have the experience or education for stuff I really want to do

>> No.1140871

>traveled to 23 countries
what for

>> No.1140875

Literally how? Even without those trips this looks dubious. According to ASPE a low income job nets about $10/hr before taxes, assuming a 20% tax rate that gives you $8/hr. Let's assume monthly expenses as follows: $250 for rent, $150 for food, and $50 for other. I honestly think I'm lowballing here, but hey, benefit of the doubt. With 2087 working hours in a week, this gets us: 2087 * 8 - 12*450 = 11296 a year, or $941 each month added to savings. Take this and invest in with an annual return of 8%, for 12 fulltime working years (assumes part time from 16-18, and then fulltime from 18-29) gives us...

around $200,000. This was with monthly expenses of $450, which is honestly kinda low, I also lowballed the tax rate.

So tell me, how did you manage it? Especially considering you did not work full time since you mention the MBA, and the expenses should be higher because of the travel.

>> No.1140889

He conveniently left out the part where he gets financial support from his parents.

>> No.1140890

become a self-employed tiler or wax floors

>> No.1140902

First off, where the fuck do you think you are? Second, why are you trying to act like a mod? Thirdly, why are you such a stupid triggered Amerifat that associates having children when you're young and healthy with pedophilia?

>> No.1140906


You can buy nice jeans without it being $300 dilweed.

And investing can mean anything. Investing into your own business, investing into someone else's, etc.

>> No.1140926

Eating out and renting are the most obvious money wasters I can think of, they both depend on where you choose to live though.

Like anons have already said, in some places grocery shopping is more expensive than fast food and buying a house is impractical for a kid at his first job. Of course the obvious choice is to not live in these places.

>> No.1140930

>the "just move" meme
just stop

>> No.1140935

Alright, here is the real deal.

If you are a billionaire, you are a household name, you can dress HOWEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT and people will still love you, know you, want to fuck you madly.

That is why you see Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dressing lame as fuck.

Now, when average Joe dresses like that he is literally average Joe and nobody will give a fuck about him and his life.

When average Joe works on his looks, dresses sharply and in expensive brands, he will stand out, get laid more with higher quality women and get better job prospects.

>> No.1140948


K, then stay poor. I don't really care.

>> No.1141104

Don't forget:
>Waaahhh I'm poor
>Spends Money on cigarettes.
>Wears pro weed clothing
>Has tattoos and/or peircings
>eats fast food
>has the latest iphone.

>> No.1141180

That's dumb. You're not showing up in an interview with jeans no matter how expensive they are.

Spending $300 on a nice pair of dress shoes for an upcoming interview or something makes a lot more sense, not buying fucking normie streetwear so you can go clubbing with your galpals.

>> No.1141218

It's a shitty meme that assumes it's easy peasy to emigrate. It's really not.

>> No.1141544

You're fucking stupid

>> No.1141561

Related: https://unqualifiedreservations.wordpress.com/2007/05/01/what-if-theres-no-such-thing-as-chaotic-good/

>> No.1141566

Stop discounting yourself. That's the hiring managers job. They litterally hire retards to be cashiers, stock boys and gophers. Do you know what a pain that is? You just have to be a little nicer and work a little harder and you're in.

There's also temp jobs. to get experience.

I wouldn't know though. I've never worked min wage. Always 10$/ hour or higher.

>> No.1141575

>There are no outside factors that can "force" a person to be bad with money. They deliberately choose it.
That may be true as long as you're talking smart people. People don't choose their IQ, which is ~50% genetic anyway.

>> No.1142534

Well, they wouldn't be poor if they WERE good with money, would they?
If they were, they'd be well-off, or childless.

>> No.1143259

20% tax for 10/hr? I get 14% for 20 an hour, 800 a week

>> No.1143281
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>10 seconds per plate, 5 seconds per silverware, 20 seconds per cup
ew. remind me to never eat at your house.
takes me 20 minutes to do a full rack, because i give a shit. my dishes fucking sparkle.

>> No.1143288
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>$250 for rent
haha where do you live, in a fucking bus? a studio apartment in arizona, where property is dirt cheap, is going to run you at least $400 a month and that is for a real shithole.
>$50 for other
other being electric, transport (bus) etc. which is more than $50.

i'll tell you why poor people are poor. they insist on spending $300+ a month on car payments + insurance.

>> No.1143298

yea try telling us about your sick health insurance or whatever great price gets you a benefit of $800 for low tier work.

>> No.1143308

>be me
>come from upper middle class family
>no debt, some savings
>about to be cut off from parents
>not easy to find jobs
>I don't make wasteful purchases
>live austere lifestyle
>still can't into not being poorfag
this sucks, how do I get rich quick?

>> No.1143310

My entire extended family, close family friends, and acquaintance network for much of my life were Serbians and Croatians that moved to the US is the 90s because of the war. We lived in a collection of St. Louis, Chicago, Ohio, and Pittsburgh. I saw pretty much every immigrant family do the same grueling jobs: driving taxis, doing construction, and working in factories.

I can say that in the past 25 years there has been a big divide in which families became rich and which families became poor that almost completely revolved around the ability to handle money: To be more specific the ability to delay gratification seems to be the most important.

My father drove taxis for 15 years and still put us into a modest sized house that is completely paid off and got 3 kids that ended up getting into state schools on scholarship. A lot of this could be contributed to genetics, but if anything it is a genetic predisposition towards delaying gratification. The ability to study, work, and save while all your friends are out having fun is something that compounds and pays dividends, yet poor people don't have a grasp on.

We have a family friend named Milo that earned more money than almost any other family I knew because he owned 5 diners in the area with money that he managed to take out of Serbia with him back in 88 before the war. He would almost buy expensive clothes, chains, and rent the newest BMWs. His wife was taken care of, his kids were given the nicest things, and he never really altered his consumption even after 1 or 2 low revenue years. Eventually his business crumbled and his lifestyle caught up with him and Milo was in for a world of hurt.

The funny thing is Milo is smart and hardworking, probably more so than my dad. He had a string of successful businesses but he never managed his finances prudently. Any money that came in went out excessively, whether it be to starting a new diner, buying a new car, or going to greece for vacation.

>> No.1143317


So I have found in my experience that the money important factors in being wealthy, or at least being well off are the ability to work consistently, the ability to delay gratification, and the ability to set a long term goal that is attainable. Luck also pays a small part (but no as much as people think). Some could say my dad was lucky, but realistically he didn't do anything that thousands of immigrants don't do every year: He made as much money as he could without dying from exhaustion, when he realized that the amount of money he could make was low he lowered his expenses as low as he could without starving to death, and he put his nose to the grindstone for 25 years.

I'm not saying I could do what my dad could do, or that I know exactly what it takes to be rich. All I know is that most poor people I have met are poor because of decisions they have made. Sometimes its not their fault, but more often than not it is very apparent why they are such collosal screw ups.

>> No.1143319


life is too short to invest in forex

>> No.1143542

Found out the other day that I've spent $10,000 on Amazon in the last two years. I can't even remember most of what I bought.

So yes.

>> No.1143596

My first post on /biz/
I totally agree
My parents raised me to be frugal
I remember one time I went to a friend's place out of state for a week. He wanted to just eat frozen TV dinners. Those aren't even enough food for young guys. I grabbed some eggs, sausages and other sh*t and was able to cook us a few meals for the price of one of those unsatisfying TV dinners

>> No.1143606

Everything in this thread I have heard is taught by American pyramid scheme companies.

>> No.1143614

I've noticed poorfags spend literally all the money they made during the week on alcohol/clubs/party on Friday-Saturday.

Seems like the only thing they look forward to is getting hammered next weekend.

I like having fun too but I know how to keep it cheap when I go out.

>> No.1143985

Good post, welcome to /biz/. You really don't need to sensor yourself here though.

>> No.1144055

Just buy some used designer clothes on ebay or thrift stores if it means that much to you. Shit is in great condition usually and you can get it for $0.10 on the dollar.

>> No.1144060

When you live in poverty, psychologically there is no reason to save money instead of spending it. Any money you save will be eaten up by fines, something breaking and needing replaced, basically by necessities. That's why adults who were welfare kids immediately spend their excess money on enjoyable things, because they expect it to be taken away from them. People are not rational actors or robots, when your life sucks you spend your money on things that will make you briefly happy.

>> No.1144070
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you must be soo embarrassed

>> No.1144197

Ah, right. Good catch.

>> No.1144360

Fucking poor people
>Be poverty bro living in a shithole apartment owned by a slumlord with his parents.
>Become fervent communist blaming the bourgeois for his shitty life.
>Goes to local community college without any kind of degree in mind, dosen`t even take classes that could lead to one.
>Depression and the stress of college makes him take one class next semester while working a construction job for $500 a week.
>Buy new phone.
>Buy PS4 off of anon writing this greentext.
>Won`t enter the union "Because it`s a big time commitment."
>Still wants to focus on being a career MMA fighter.

Then there`s my parents who have spending habits that drive me insane:
>Netflix, Tivo, HBO, and cable.
>Father refuses to switch to a faster and cheaper ISP because he`s afraid of losing his Comcast email account.
>Sister is going away to an expensive college without getting ged classes out of the way at community.
>Constant eating out despite it being unhealthy and expensive as shit.
>Setup a small ($1.5k) trust fund for me with my birth/baptism money but didn`t for my sister because the fund wasan`t doing so well when they were gonna set one up for her.
>Father has a $60k stock portfolio with TD ameritrade
>Somehow makes $8k then starts to panic when his stocks start to go down.
>Won`t just cash out and put it the money into a index fund or something despite being so close to retirement.

>> No.1144380

goddamn you are fucking pathetic

>> No.1144392
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I'm poor and I'm quite good with money. I have £25,000 in savings despite having a really shitty low pay job.

>> No.1144396

you gotta be kidding me

>> No.1144425

Because most people in their 20s have a negative net worth, a child setting them back would mean compounding interest and house appreciation will be beyond their grasp; they'll have to one day settle for a "starter home" that's actually a 1930 piece of shit ready to fall apart. Starter homes should be smaller yet stable homes that appreciate with value, not a house that happens to be relatively affordable.

>> No.1144459

>all that junk food


>> No.1144479

Half the world does. Most of Europe used to subsist on vegetable stew.

>> No.1144513


$10 for beans. lol.

>> No.1144529


Btw. if you cancel the fires, cokes and nuggets. and replace them with regular burgers. You can probably feed at least 8 to 10 persons with this amount of money.

So the fast food wins every time, if you're not a retard or a nigger.

>> No.1144659


I wish there was an IQ threshold for this board.
Please, grow up.

>> No.1144989

Of chores we should. People are adults and have the right to make their own financial decisions. Socialism doesn't work bro.

>> No.1145005

Im about to give some super profound advice so listen up.

1. Stop spending money on liabilities and if you must buy used. We live in 2016, ebay, amazon, craigslist exist. Saving 30% makes a huge difference in the long run. No excuses.

2. Become obsessed with asset aquisition. Sit your ass down, learn about finance and how you can use debt to get maximum returns on your investments ie. Rental properties, commercial real estate. Even if you dont have the money to invest yet. Learn it.

3. The most important step that changed my financial future. Create another revenue stream. Even if it's going to thift shops and flipping small items and trinkets on ebay outside of work. The liberating feeling you get when you realize that there is no such thing as a "fixed income" is indescribable. It'll snowball and you'll be constantly seeking/finding financial opportunity.

There you have it.

>> No.1145021


>> No.1146099

My friends always complain about how I'm rich but they have bigger houses, more expensive cars and spend a lot more on clothes, eating out, holidays. I just live sensibly and count my money.

>> No.1146413

I went to an interview in jeans. Still got the job.

>> No.1146425

And no.

Someone who doesn't make a lot of money in the first place is still going to be financially ruined at the first moment of bad luck, no matter how smart they are with their money.

It's a complicated question, with a complicated answer. So it's kind of silly regardless.

>> No.1146431

The only thing smarter that they're doing is their homes. Assets are infinitely more valuable than legal tender.

>> No.1146451

>When i learned how to pickle and make sauerkraut and fermentation starters
protips? do i just mix some chopped cabbage, salt, water and live culture yogurt? what are the ideal amounts? how often does a batch fail?

maybe you could make tons of it and try to flog it to local grocery stores

moo milk

that wouldn't make much difference, fast food is only bad when you eat too much of it and don't eat much else, it is the same with rice and chicken, you need fruit and veggies too

carrots are quite cheap, a cup of concentrated OJ each morning is fine too, sweetcorn and peas are good to add to meals, sauerkraut and coleslaw is good, beans are part of your "5 a day" as well apparently

>> No.1146553

What does he do for a living?

>> No.1146751

>I am reluctant to commit to the belief that everyone is a product of their upbringing
The thing is, upbringing never ends. You never stop learning.
And everything you do, scars you literally for life.

By the time you realize all your habits are shit, you are 15-25, or even older. At which point you can finally stop being a victim of your upbringing.

>> No.1147255

"I am a product of my past, not the collection of it"

It took being homeless for two years for me to realise the only real thing holding me down/back was myself. I can't tell you how many """real""" homeless people blamed da gub and muh minorities for being homeless the few decades they were.

I pulled my shit together, got rid of the "boo hoo poor me" bullshit, and I'm currently working a minimum wage part time (in California) for $12k a year. Yea, I'm not doing amazing by any measure (and I'm homeless still), but looking at all the people I used to associate with, I'm not bad off at all.

>> No.1147302

red pill you here:
real wealthy people don't need to dress fancy for people to know they are rich, they know from their house, where they eat, job, etc. Plus suits lose their novelty when you where them everyday for work.
Poor people HAVE to dress fancy to trick anyone inot dating them. It's literally the only thing we got. If we dress bad we get kicked out of places, harresed by police, etc. I ride a bus to work and I always wear a collared shirt so I don't look ghetto when the metro police show up.

>> No.1147572


you inspire!

>> No.1147631

I only need to shell out 45 eurobucks for a nice pair of brand jeans that fit perfectly

>> No.1147645

>implying welding isn't going to become over saturated due to every <90 iq slacker with a 1.2 gpa thinks it's the easy road to he high life.

>> No.1147680

Good for you man. I respect the hell out of you for that.

>> No.1147687

This right here, I wholeheartedly agree.

>> No.1147698

>No higher education, messy houses, expensive day-to-day lifestyle (relative to their income), frequently unlikable personalities, a lot of small purchases that add up to not having any money left over. Funnily enough, poor people has a tendency to buy expensive clothing. Their personalities also heavily go around avoiding work, seeing it as painful in a way. Also a tendency to following first impulse. These people are the ones that think “I want money so I can fuck bitches!”. Generally a bad sense of money and what makes you happy.

This is me :(.

How do I change?

>> No.1147739

the price for the shirt and shoes should be reversed

>> No.1147776

I know from personal experience that it is true.
They put their wants over necessity. And think items and going out to eat is a luxury they need "right now". I grew up watching my mom go into grocery stores and buy things she thought looked good, fun, etc blowing everything and walking out like she achieved something by getting everything she wanted but not a dime in her purse. She still does this and it makes me sad because she has zero savings due to wants and keeping up with the Jones on Facebook.
She has no idea she can't budget worth a shit. I'm glad she isn't one of those morons that brag about being bad with money.
It's an all too common thing and the worst part is they like to blame everything they can think of as the source of their finances.

>> No.1148113


>> No.1148408

I used to work at a grocery store and the left image is spot on of what a foodstamp welfare leech had in their basket

>> No.1148459

the millionaire next door covers this pretty well

>> No.1148472
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and I know one 30+ guy (from work) whose mom runs he's bank account, pays the bills and rent because otherwise he would instantly spend everything

>> No.1148512

>mom runs he's bank account
Maybe you should ask your mom to correct your grammar.

>> No.1148525

and maybe you should do something to your asperger syndrome,,

>> No.1148564

yeah i know. you would need at least x2 the hamburgers to be able to compare it to the groceries

>> No.1148570

I feel ridiculous because I bought $100 sunglasses honestly