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11354688 No.11354688 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been thinking about the actual value of crypto and which projects are necessary to deliver on that value.

1. BTC - a new type of asset aka digital gold
2. XMR - anonymous transactions
3. ETH - a ledger for smart contracts
4. LINK - backend for smart contracts

Quick rundown on each one:
1. Can be used as a store of value, hedge against other traditional assets, conveniently and quickly move large amounts of money (don't think it will be used in daily life like fiat currency is)
2. Self explanatory - BTC and ETH transactions are all public
3 & 4. ETH is the frontend of crypto, this is where the smart contracts reside (on the eth ledger), kind of like the internet today where the content resides while the actual processing of data and computation is done on the backend - LINK - which in the example of the internet is servers (=computers)

Of course I expect the crypto market to have many more coins and tokens than these 4, but in truth it seems to me like these 4 projects could fulfill the vast majority of all crypto use cases. Am I wrong?

>> No.11354710

everything else is fine, drop link cause its a scam

>> No.11354715

link is shit. add some zcash for their sapling pump at end of month.

>> No.11354749

One of the Chinese scam coins will become HUGE. I just don't know which one, the integrated always online culture is growing in China much faster than the west and in lots of "tech" cities in China people can't remember the last time they used cash.

Otherwise good list.

>> No.11354751

Tell me again how this "digital gold" will hold value if it's not being used? It's a fucking meme. For it to hold value it needs to be actually used. Only way for that is if the tech gets better and we get near instant transactions with small fees. Maybe lightning network will solve this or maybe some other tech will make it better. This whole "muh bitcoin like gold store of value" is bs. It's literally just speculation. Ofc it's still good atm since it is kinda anonymous and you can send big amounts cross border without any middlemen, but still keeping money in it with the intention to just hold value is not viable at all.

>> No.11354768

Walton chain might be a big thing in the new 'smart cities'. (not holding any currently)

>> No.11355339


>> No.11355356
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>> No.11355375

So I should buy OMG or ETH instead?

>> No.11355403
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>> No.11355491
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How come digital gold is not protected against the future, imagine that gold one day... is shit.


Get a backup NOW! You listened to me.

>> No.11355496

i think so, too.
chinese are actually at the forefront of several technologies.
just take logistics: its standard for many chinese to receive their (alibaba) package via drone already (while we are only talking about it in the west), and that package came from a 100% automated parcel center, where apart from a few technicians only robots work.
china is basically the NWO's experimental playground for future technologies, and therefore "smart" shit will be implemented (on a huge scale that is) there first. china basically jumped through the entire 21st century in one generation, so there is no hesitation to adopt virtually anything new (because everything *is* new), whereas growth and adaptation in the west is more organic and therefore takes time.

>> No.11355513

>but still keeping money in it with the intention to just hold value is not viable at all.
Well people do that with gold despite it being unspendable.

>> No.11355615

not bad anon
youll make it


>> No.11355637

Congrats, you made it through the valley of ignorance.
Your next stop will be margin scalping and shitcoin flipping. Be careful!

>> No.11355702

Gold at least keeps value somewhat(because it's useful for many things) and desu only boomers buy gold with the intent to never sell it.

>> No.11355814


>> No.11355945

I don't know enough about any of them t b h researching chinese anything is "bothersome"

Interesting way of seeing it and very likely correct.