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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 191 KB, 1080x1325, IMG_20181010_205041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11353880 No.11353880 [Reply] [Original]

WHY THE FUCK this is not yet spoken here more? This is HUGE! Why need to wait "more bigger partners" this is already fucking BIG. LINK IS atleast TOP 15 crytpo atm. We are way too undervalued. Only higher than IQ 140 understand this??


>> No.11353902

>considering yourself high IQ

>> No.11353908

They literally said “chainlink is interesting” thats fucking it

>> No.11353910
File: 117 KB, 1080x941, IMG_20181010_205945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy as fuck. Rocket lawyer will have beta running this year and live 2019 Q1-2

>> No.11353933
File: 86 KB, 680x748, 1518296246898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rocket lawyer is not using ditectly chainlink. Chaiblink will run in Openlaw and rocket lawyer uses Openlaw. So its like saying, the V8 engine is interesting in this car. Few companys make them.

>> No.11353953 [DELETED] 

i think rape is interesting too, but it doesnt mean im going to push rape on everyone.

>> No.11353962

They're official partners you ultratard

>> No.11353985

Lurk more you ESL pajeet trash

>> No.11353989

>ctrl+f chainlink
>0 results

>> No.11353993


It's not spoken more because OpenLaw is nothing right now. It would be like celebrating a "partnership" between Chainlink and a fucking Etsy store.

>> No.11353997

>that street shitter english

>> No.11354010

it's not rape if you're not pushing it on them, dummie

>> No.11354022

Accord and Openlaw are huge. Way bigger than even most linkies realize. By the time people realize it'll be too late for Nolinkers

>> No.11354031
File: 142 KB, 724x800, openlaw team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Openlaw topkek. pic related is Chainlink's biggest partner to date (yes the pic was taken in a gas station restroom in case you were wondering). Linkies legitimately need help

>> No.11354099
File: 110 KB, 500x379, -pal-1181-chain-link-1118 -wift-0-chase-hain-30072066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fud just confirms all. Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.11354110

thinking something is interesting and actually implementing it is 2 differnet things.

>> No.11354166

Try harder poor pajeet. You had 1 year to acculmate.


>> No.11354177

my linky stays super kinky $69 EO

>> No.11354580

Thanks kek

>> No.11354591

Hahahahahhaha we gonna make it hahahahaha

Based and Redpilled

>> No.11354806

I think Microsoft's approach is explained well by this quote:
"As described on the Web site, Bletchley is an architectural approach to building an enterprise consortium blockchain ecosystem. To be clear, this is not a blockchain stack. It’s Microsoft’s approach to bringing distributed ledger (blockchain) platforms into the enterprise and building real solutions addressing real business problems, while keeping the platform open."

To me, it says that they want to leverage existing technologies into their own to make it more accessible for enterprise rather than building their own stack.

"Cryptlet" and a "Contract Cryplet". Seems Cryptlets are a proprietary way of building specific purpose oracles that can be distributed, where as contract cryptlets fetch data in a decentralised manner.


>> No.11354872

>High IQ
>Got my LLB(law degree in England and commonwealth countries) did my clerkship
>Told my parents I don't want to work as lawfag just yet and I want to do computer science next year

Feels like I am gambling lads, law is make or break in the first couple of years. Nobody is going to want a 30 something with minimal work experience.

>> No.11354874

Cryplet Fabric itself looks to be an SDK that can fetch external data and write back on-chain to supported platforms, very proprietary. It'll be micro services built in any of the languages mentioned that can be deployed in a distributed fashion in Azure.

Their Contract Cryptlets, to me anyway, sound like the area where an external oracle network would come into play, especially from the quotes:
"In a private, semi-trusted consortium blockchain network where there are strong identities or trust between counterparties, the Smart Contract logic does not need to exist “on-chain” or be executed by every node on the network."
"Contract Cryptlets are themselves digitally signed and run within an enclave that attests that the code they contain ran unaltered without tampering in private. This allows for the code in the Cryptlet to be private between counterparties and even be encrypted to protect intellectual property."

Read that article above, gives a clear definition between the two.

For enterprises they would probably prefer a secure centralized (internal) resource in the form of cryptlets, with the option of interfacing with decentralized resources via contract cryptlets where needed.
Via SGX. a large use-case that often isn't talked about, which is possible with LINK is not even API calls, rather general private off-chain computation. By being able to off-load heavy computational tasks to a network of nodes to eradicate extremely high gas costs, or even enable scenarios that wasn't possible at all on-chain before is huge.

People will be able to create executables that a series of nodes can run while node operators don't even know what they're doing and consensus is still formed. It completely blows open to what is possible within Solidity today. Sergey talked about this on his latest talk.

>> No.11354910

With SGX, it allows nodes to call private API's they wouldn't have access to without the trusted party who creates the request in the first place.

For example, take SWIFT and ISO20222, no general Joe would be able to call their API's to trigger a transaction. Whereas, you throw SGX in the mix with WASM binaries, then suddenly nodes can call SWIFT's network as the trusted party who created the request gave you the permission to do that, while you not having a clue of what you're actually doing.

Sgx makes an incredible number of use cases possible, it removes the whole "Company X running nodes" mantra that I'd see every so often. They wouldn't be running nodes, rather bundling special certificates in binaries to be ran in enclaves. PSD2 integration being a prime example, once you have that certificate, you can call their API's.

>> No.11355225

So what I've taken from this is that sgx is more important to the link network than I, and most people, had assumed. Private execution means highly sensitive financial data can be processed by a "hobbyist" node operator, which gets rid of the "swift will only use their own nodes" fud. So possibly sgx is crucial to the whole rumoured swift integration, and iso 20022, rather than the "nice to have" add on I had assumed it was

>> No.11355274

hey i like rape just as much as the next guy, but there are only so many hours in the day.

>> No.11355285

Redpilled. Since when did marines start glorifying SJW... Accord is a much deeper partnership that OL. OL is a what startup.

>> No.11355296

>a fucking Etsy store

>> No.11355346

I'm erect right now

>> No.11355391

Them tiddies in the left tho

>> No.11355402

This is very bullish for shintaku

>> No.11355457


Ctrl + F Chainlink: 0 Results
>Hahahahaha Russian exit scam.
Ctrl + F Chainlink: 1 Result
>They literally only mentioned it one you brainlets.
Ctrl + F Chainlink: 2 Results
> It's not like Hyperledger is actually going to use nazi anime oracles, lol.
Ctrl + F Chainlink: 10 Results
>S-stinky Linkies...

>> No.11355521

Thanks Johny.

>> No.11355673
File: 472 KB, 1080x889, IMG_20180806_132613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Wellcome

>> No.11355690


you don't tounge the anus on the first date anon

>> No.11355942

world economy is about to crash though

>> No.11355973


>> No.11356044


>> No.11356125

SGX is new and untested technology that requires trust in Intel not to have any vulnerabilities in the design. Could be a game changer, but imagine if there are vulnerabilities found. Goodnight sweet Sergey if that happens

>> No.11356375

Someone already found vulnerabilities early this year

>> No.11356388

Oh you mean like this? https://www.pcworld.com/article/3297419/security/foreshadow-l1tf-is-a-speculative-execution-exploit-targeting-intel-core-chips.html

>> No.11356497

its so funny watching you retards post things to mentally one up each other. I can understand on forums with usernames but as anon it seems desperate

>> No.11356744

SGX is a possible feature that could be included into Chainlink.
Chainlink can work both without it, and with other possible solutions.
It is by no means a prerequisite.