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11349688 No.11349688 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn’t search for damaged cans at the supermarket to get a discount
>he spends money on hobbies and interests
>he owns anything more recent that a crt tv
>he orders food when out with friends instead of eating at home afterwards
>despite all this he still believes he will make it

>> No.11350076
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>> No.11350086

>he doesn't know how to make more money

>> No.11350121

>Avoids real wealth that is actually cheap for some more single digits on the bank account
If you think and act so poorly, the universe will treat you like it

>> No.11350162

I knew a guy who lived like this. He also worked two jobs and had a garden in which he'd jar shit tons of food each year. Last year his wife left him. Claimed that he was abusing her via neglect and emotional unavailability. She basically got half of all his shit plus alimony to subsidize the mental health issues she claims he caused her. He had to sell all of his shit. Saw him in the breakroom eating a bologna sandwich with mustard and white bread. Didn't even have cheese. He said that he had to cash out some of his 401k to pay for lawyers and shit. Eventually he quit the job (got fired) b/c he caused two accidents in the yard in the same week. Last I heard he went under surgery because he fucked up his liver from drinking too much. Didn't make it through the surgery. There wasn't a funeral as far as I'm aware. The guy had no family.

>> No.11350170

It all started when I was conceived by a young couple. My father was a coal miner and my mother sewed wool socks that the local book club would buy and burn to heat their houses. As you can imagine, this caused the local coal mining economy to collapse and shortly before I was born my father lost his job. I have always hated my mother for causing this. Over the next few years my family struggled economically. I went to elementary school in the local village center and completed my studies there in six years. I then went to middle school and eventually high school. By the time I was 18 I graduated and moved on to college where I was accepted into a prestigious S.T.E.M. program. I had to take on about $160k of student loan debt to complete my studies. While I was in college I met some people who I would sometimes meet with (I think they are called friends?) and even had sexual relations with several females. Eventually one of them said something mean to me and I have since avoided all personal contact with anybody besides my parents. I graduated college and began working for a large S.T.E.M. company which makes valve stems for other S.T.E.M. companies (I do not work in the manufacturing area but rather a very S.T.E.M. design lab that designs the stems). I make approximately $250,000 per year pre-tax with occasional bonuses throughout the year that equate to an extra 25% of my salary. After paying my student loans I have saved every cent because I refrain from eating and do not make contact with the outside world except when necessary for work (more on this later). I value every penny because of what my whore mother did to our family. I never want to live in poverty again and I have single-handedly pulled myself up by the bootstraps and achieved the American dream of saving every cent and not spending anything for any reason whatsoever.

>> No.11350174


Now on to the problem. I accidentally made oral contact with one of the people who also work at the stem S.T.E.M. design lab. Somehow (I do not know how) this individual has ascertained that today is my day of birth. He approached me at 8:36 AM EST this morning and asked if I would go to the local beer bar with him after work lets out (we are scheduled to be released at 4:30 PM but sometimes this happens as late as 4:34 PM, which further complicates things) so he can purchase me a beverage (non-alcoholic of course - alcoholism is the destroyer of wealth) to celebrate my birth day. I am worried that this individual may be trying to scam me of my wealth. I am also worried that I may be tempted to purchase a further drink at my own expense after the first. I'm not sure if I can afford such extravagance and would like some help deciding. I have posted a rough monthly budget below if it is helpful.

Income: $26,000

Car: $0

Phone: $0

Internet: $0

Housing: $0

Nourishment: $0

Total in Savings: $3,125,000

>> No.11350335



>> No.11350341


Autism - the post

>> No.11350452

damn id fuckin love to watch someone like this for a month and see how he thinks and lives and be able to extract his pure autism and then apply some parts of it to my life so i wont get distracted by petty shit all the time. i really do think that people like this exist