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11346487 No.11346487 [Reply] [Original]

RIP economy

>The nation’s largest super fund, the $140 billion AustralianSuper, has revealed fears of a potential property market plunge, unveiling a contingency plan and warning members it will “freeze” property funds for up to two years in the event of a crisis.

>AustralianSuper from mid-November will prevent members from investing more than 70 per cent of their savings in its property portfolio option, to which investors have flocked in recent years chasing high returns.

>The fund has also changed its rules, giving it the right to freeze any attempts at withdrawing savings from the $1.7bn property option, prohibit the switching of funds out of the option, and stopping any new contributions into the option for a period of up to two years “in exceptional circumstances in response to a market stress event”.


>> No.11346511

How do i make money in this upcoming downturn? Short big 4 stocks? Someone please respond, my life depends on it

>> No.11346514

there wont be a crash. but best of luck

>> No.11346520

Also a few of the banks stopped people (boomers) from using their smsf to buy investment property.

>> No.11346636
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I'm getting my money out of Australia.


Good luck!

>> No.11346681

I think being short the Aussie is an astute move. Re shorting the banks - tough to time it right, but, obviously a huge upside if you can. I'd add shorting both Genworth and QBE (the mortgage re-insurers). That may prove more asymmetrically rewarding. So much relies on timing

>> No.11346749


Between that and Australian govt wanting backdoors into all privacy tech (guarantee further economic stagnation and further loss of good quality jobs), it's legit time to leave. Fuck this place.

>> No.11346755

You stupid Aussies got raped by Miners. If Australia is so reliant on mining royalties then why did you faggots let them get away with very low taxes?

>> No.11346756
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Good advice.

>mfw timing all this fraud

>> No.11346766

>implying we have any say in what the chinks do to our beloved country

>> No.11346782

holy fuck that auction was so awkward hahaha
Approx 14:50

>> No.11346798

perths housing market has been ruined for a long time. if i could get a job over there id probably do it in a heart beat

>> No.11346819

Buy btc. Even if it doesn't move in price you still make money against the falling aud

>> No.11346873

I worked on a project at NAB that did exactly this. Same project that restricted lending to new apartments. The banks have known for a while that this was coming, but it won’t be Armageddon.

>> No.11346883

100% this. Gina got rich, so did Andrew Forrest. No one else.
>time to seize the means of production

>> No.11346966

>tfw unironically support the nationalisation of our resource industry

>> No.11347185


>> No.11347276

i think the Australian property market is fine. there are only a few good locations int he entirety of Australia fit to live. in the long term having a nice place with a good view in a centralized neighborhood will pay off.

>> No.11347277

Melbourne and Sydney will be fine, maybe slight weekend dippo

>> No.11347321

Beward the new bail-in regulations Ausbros

>> No.11347489

I will kill Rupert Murdoch and Gina Rinehart

>> No.11347513

They say dippo there? Are australians faggos?

>> No.11347855

>Are australians faggos?

Are you just now learning this? Lurk more.

>> No.11347932


Gough Whitlam wanted to do it in the 70s but it seemed a bit expensive and the plan fell through

>> No.11347956


ITT: new home owners or real estate agents saying it's fine bro..


>> No.11347975


>> No.11348030


melbourne is going to run out of water in 12 years or something lol, it will become a ghost town

>> No.11348050

bet you bought bitcoin at 20k

tardy tardy buys all time high
tardy tardy starts to cry
market falls and houses crash
tardy tardy left with trash

Chads like me enter the market at the right time.

>> No.11348076

uh, i mined my bitcoin back in 2013. stay mad though.


>> No.11348191
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de-sal sweetie

>> No.11348327

I own a house in Byron Bay. Give it to me straight, how much will it dip

>> No.11348371


cost of housing and land in aus will always stay above 300-450k at the current cash rate.

you'll be fine

>> No.11348883

Currently have 50k hoping for a deposit. I guess I'll just keep putting money away

>> No.11348948
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It's depressing looking around on Google Earth, and you can SEE how new a housing estate is, by how packed together the buildings are.

>> No.11348956

GMA is already cheap however. Better to just short the banks & REA etc. Long SGP for when labor gets in, thank me later ;)

>> No.11348958

thats why you should buy land and we arent in a bubble, faggots

>> No.11348963

Good thing my super goes back into infrastructure and not the property market.

Scoop up what you can from the bottom.

Sydney gets 100k new residents each year and that number is growing rapidly. 40k or less dwellings built a year, no one wants to live on the outskirts. Dont ever expect to be buying property in the city for less than 1m bro.

>> No.11348968

hey dudeskis can i discuss how long the banks have been shoring up for? got an email address? <3

>> No.11348972

How do I, as an american, buy property in australia after the housing collapse? If I can not how do I buy property in canada?

>> No.11348991
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bring it

>> No.11348994

Buy the listed property groups (SGP, MGR, DXS, AOG). Literally 10 years of 40+% returns if you gear conservatively and sell whenever the PE gets too high or need to rebalance with the trend. AOG is the best buy currently, I hold ~40k worth in AUD.

>> No.11349002

Literally me. Got 50k and waiting. I was told capitulation will be in april next year

>> No.11349218

Every fuck from Syndey still wants to move there and fuck it all up so probably not much, most likely stagnate

>> No.11349600

perth is such a fucking shithole jesus christ. the housing market there is so fucked

>> No.11349687

t. Real Estate shills

>> No.11349716

Switch to USD like the rest of us

>> No.11349722

When the economy & markets crash every sydney-sider will be selling their holiday houses in Byron Bay, I highly doubt it's immune

>> No.11349724

Perth is fuckin comfy tho unless you live in the North of it

>> No.11349883

Being too early is as bad as being too late so be careful

>> No.11350037

Locked out? Lolol

>> No.11350615

keep the thread going goys

>> No.11350688


I'd pay a premium to live away from the east coast too desu

>> No.11350739

jeez m8 when did you buy into AOG? looks like its been getting JUSTed for the last few years

>> No.11350741

Got out of Melbourne 6 years ago. Best thing ive ever done. Place will go the way of san franshitsco in 10 years trust me.

Perth is comfy as. Good engineering jobs, decent house prices, best weather in the country by FAR, and fuck all SJWs.

>> No.11350752

how do I survive?
t. Uni student in Perth with most of my savings in Crypto

>> No.11350755
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>Good engineering jobs
>had an interview at woodside last year
>got to the final interview stage (they flew me over and put me up for the night)
>tfw fucked it up

>> No.11350759

the solution is find a nice white country to move to that has good rules against shitskins and other diseases

>> No.11350764

Got high and fucked a Grindr trap all night?

>> No.11350766

wouldve much preferred that t b h

>> No.11351096


Yeah just move to Belarus I am sure everything will be fine. Fucking retard.

>> No.11351122
File: 19 KB, 250x182, BAC28C8F-6FEC-4ECE-8AC0-4211B00E6E2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobory gibs a flying fuck about you cooks get the fuck out of our board faggots

>> No.11351480

you leave.
t. ex perth cunt