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File: 55 KB, 852x1256, 1448318534727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11345014 No.11345014 [Reply] [Original]

I received a threatening letter in the mail from the Government. They are saying I must buy a license to own my dog or they'll fine me $200..do I really have to get a license or can I just ignore them?

>> No.11345019

they kill dogs

>> No.11346007


where the fuck do you live?

>> No.11346130

What kind of dog is it? You need a licence in a lot of countries for certain dogs like American pit bulls. My friend actually owned one without a licence, but he was always paranoid someone would notice the breed and report it. This is probably what has happened with you anon. Some people are dickheads.

>> No.11346182 [DELETED] 

I live in the USA and I have a shihtzu

>> No.11346498
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That's how you know they're the baddies, they literally bust into your house to kill your puppies if you don't pay the ransom money.

>> No.11346530
File: 98 KB, 657x527, dafee655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck the kikes are going after dogs now? When will they ever be stopped?

>> No.11346548

i always find it unnerving when the justice channel shows low level gov employees calling the citizens they harass 'victims' while laughing

>> No.11346581

what the fuck do jews have to do with this? dude there's no need for racism

>> No.11346590
File: 1.33 MB, 3972x622, License .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here on my phone. Here's part of the letter. It's actually a $500 fine :()

I live in the USA

>> No.11346593

>Falling for the furried Jew

Anon, I...

>> No.11346599
File: 1.62 MB, 4032x3024, Doggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my dog is a shihtzu

>> No.11346612
File: 75 KB, 1282x687, mordecai ep 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found the Jew.

>> No.11346618

and thats where you are wrong. the kikes got to rob everyone with their banking scams and economic collapses and they kidnap kids from dads in court and stealo peoples money with bullshit lawsuits, the least you can do is put a small amount of effort into exposing their kike scams and shitting down their throats and generally spreading the knowledge to let the world have a chance to be free from kikecollar crime 24/7. crypto is the end of kike controlled money so buy some good crypto and spread the goof news that the earth shall be free and prosperity shall reign while the kikes burn in a lake of fire with not one copper penny of the trillions they stole

>> No.11346632

>t. Jew

>> No.11346635


Look at that terribly dangerous threat, adorable. Honestly, anyone that still hasn't seen how the government is simply a successful protection racket should consider this whole case as a good example of it in action.

>> No.11346646

Ignore them and buy the same ammount or money's worth in landmines and sawnoff shotguns to fortify entry points

>> No.11346650


WTB Sam site for home defense.

>> No.11346654

A shih tzu is not classed as a dangerous dog, why would you need a licence?

>> No.11346663

If you can't afford a dog licence you can't afford a dog
Stop being poor

>> No.11346666


>> No.11346674

Give zero fucks, buy no license, and shoot anyone who tries to take your dog or fine you with your unlicensed gun.

>> No.11346678

Because only a degenerate could have a dog like that, its a fee against the owner for provide food to such a shame to the nature.

>> No.11346703

Land of the Free. It's for your own good, slave.

>> No.11346706

there he is that fucking teachers pet getting straight As for telling lies

>> No.11347206
File: 30 KB, 255x302, pus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racism is part and parcel of living in a big 4chan

>> No.11347365

No wonder they shilled the dog whisperer pretty hard