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File: 14 KB, 278x278, sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11341273 No.11341273 [Reply] [Original]

What is so special about him? Isnt he a philosphy major? How did he get the privilege to do a PoC for the worlds largest network of banks?

>> No.11341282

>paid shills spamming biz
Yeah nothing new here, thankyou mods

>> No.11341296

Sergey is a networking genius with insane connections. This network he is building is a sure thing.

>> No.11341301

Lol either Chainlink has the largest network of shills, or autists of 4chan are really onto something

>> No.11341326

I think he just got lucky, and managed to meet with and network with the right people at the right time. That or Sergey is merely a front for the bigger institutions developing Link to give the project a more grassroots feel. I don’t see why they would bother with that though. Maybe it’s a San Francisco thing.

>> No.11341351

>managed to meet with and network with the right people at the right time
this. He was able to take advantage of it because he is hella smart in a way that's not typical IT kind of smarts, which made him stand out.

>> No.11341456

He was pursued and handpicked for this Job by SWIFT. He is going to make SWIFT and the network of Banks that own SWIFT a ridiculous amount of money.

>> No.11341495

>Why Jesus
What is so special about him? Isnt he a carpenter? How did he get the privilege to do a speech for the worlds largest network of jews?
You in the year 33 AD

>> No.11341508

he PAID for SWIFT. He wasn't picked by SWIFT for anything, SWIFT doesnt endorse him at all. He is not a swift certified partner or application, or he would have to display that logo somewhere on his site.

About pay program sergey is in

if swift endorsed him, he would show up here

>> No.11341606

If you research Sergey, he is an alumni at several start up clubs in NY and SFO. They get mentored and build business relationships. Someone likely gave him the idea of decentralizing the smartcontract oracle. Probably whilst discussing swifts need to have a highly available and 100% accurate oracle system.

Sergey has obviously leveraged the contacts he built to create a reputation and develop his product further which is one if the missing pieces for smart contracts.

He probably met or was put into contact with swift, ic3 etc from friends who further helped design the solution. Swift would have instructed what they needed the poc to do.

The fact is that Sergey and Chainlink are a part of the inner ethereum circle. EEA is now working with hyperledger. This is the decentralized oracle system of choice.

>> No.11341637

he didn't. he's just one of many projects trying to do the same exact thing, centralized oracles. none of which is particularly impressive or important until we can find a way of doing decentralized oracles.

but you won't get some washout like sergey researching hard problems decentralized oracles, it's a lot easier to just pull data from centralized services and claim it's decentralized, although you won't trick people building alternate solutions with this.

>> No.11341660

>part of the inner ethereum circle
i can assure you neither serger or chainlink are of any interest or respect of anybody actually working on ethereum itself, with the exception of gavin wood, who himself doesn't fully understand what chainlink does, but has used it as an example in the past of an oracle service, nothing more.

>> No.11341676

Swifts partnership program has a defined eligibility criteria.
Basically you have to offer a product or service that Swift is interested in.
The registration fee prevents them from being flooded with spam requests and allows funding of resources to review applicants.
You generally have to know someone in swift to qualify or have a strong reputation with other partners.


>> No.11341710

Maybe I should have clarified that they are in with the enterprise ethereum alliance. IC3 and Consensys are board members

>> No.11341713

>1 post
kys FUD shill

>> No.11341725

EAA has hundreds(?) of memebers by now, so i wouldn't put any weight into somebody being a member being good for them, it's more about members that matter being good for ethereum.

>> No.11341730

yeah, but they are not endorsed by swift.
>Please note that initial registration for the SWIFT Partner Programme does not provide any formal recognition by SWIFT. Those registering for the SWIFT Partner Programme will not be listed in SWIFT collateral or on our website.

nor are they a certified app. until that happens they are literally nothing but paying a fee.

>> No.11341734

Fud, prove it. Team has specifically stated they continue to work with SWIFT, if that was not the case SWIFT would order a cease and desist. Nice try though, I am not selling.

>> No.11341744

did you read the partner program? its literally what it is, access to work with SWIFT API.

>> No.11341753
File: 1.00 MB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_08-08-02.51.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure sure

>> No.11341857
File: 720 KB, 1538x312, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total scam

>> No.11341898

>when a simple whois blew this fud out of in less than 5 minutes
kys and stop posting this you pajeet faggot

>> No.11341905


>> No.11341930
File: 163 KB, 1764x1746, 1538921902214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes, you just have to ask and then show up.

>> No.11341944

link is shit

>> No.11341947

Gavin Wood is kind of a big deal. He was the one who did the bulk of the implementation of Ethereum, so he has a much more developer-oriented view on things. Exactly the type of person who'd see the immense value in Chainlink.

>> No.11341979
File: 43 KB, 431x580, b8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting that face

>> No.11342014

link is shit