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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11338855 No.11338855 [Reply] [Original]

You faggots aren't getting my bags

>> No.11338866

Link fences are cool but post fences are better

>> No.11338868


its called truth, retard

>>11338556 (OP)

OP is a retard

>> No.11338873

It's clearly pajeet attempt and it's at best just laughable

>> No.11338883
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>> No.11338884

Nothing was announced, nothing will be announced. October is just another month in the year. I am all in link, unless I'm waiting to buy back.

>> No.11339195

this post and all the replies to bump the post are done by 1 guy from a marketing company.. some anon exposed them last night

>> No.11339224
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>> No.11339257

I had higher expectations from their FUD this month. They promised so much but haven't delivered so far.

The discord tards promised so much more.

>> No.11339268

You just reminded me about that faggy warning thread. It's been quantity over quality FUD for months (Dawn Song, Astraea, Lenocinium, etc). They think spamming something will make it seem true, even if it doesn't make sense

>> No.11339347

The standard of FUD today is especially weak and illiterate. They probably lost some members after the fake website shemozzle and had to bring in some new pajeets. Tough work "managing" a 100 member discord of shitposting poorfags, lmao.

>> No.11339358

I just bought more

>> No.11339375
