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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.78 MB, 4032x3024, 36834B55-0D11-480E-A36B-23DC17CA02B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11335249 No.11335249 [Reply] [Original]

Wealthy neet eating 4/5 restaurant
Still depressed
Eating alone obvi
Am i broken?

>> No.11335266

it's because your diet isn't plant based

>> No.11335282

>hue detected

>> No.11335296

Are you sure you're not picking your food from the children's menu? Or is this a burger thing?

>> No.11335297

>4/5 restaurant
posts poorfag beaner food.

kek try again, tercermundista

>> No.11335298


>> No.11335308

rice and fucking fries with ?steak?
and pineapple? and sio y sauce?
or is this some asian-burger fucked up thing?

>> No.11335357
File: 73 KB, 900x900, milddisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rice with fries

>> No.11335360

This is in portugal you fucking fags
The bill came out to 49 euro with a bottle of wine
I have this vlid i cant fill no matter how many hookers i fuck or how much money i spend. Im just fucking lonely
What is the answer based anons?

>> No.11335370

biz isn't your fucking therapist, get it together op and stop eating rice with goddamn fries

>> No.11335376

Void fuck me
I get hammered to kill the pain
I eat like this everyday
Thx btc

>> No.11335382

Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Stop the hookers and get a girl from newfoundland.

>> No.11335388

post your hands

>> No.11335406

If you're serious then start going to the gym. Being physically active is amazing for mental health. Also research Lion's Mane. I'm broke right now but I'm in a good state of mind.

>> No.11335407

I ate really well when I visited Lisbon

>> No.11335420

become a homosexual. it's the only way.

>> No.11335437


This is the real answer. Jesus Christ can save any man as long as you give your life to Him.

>> No.11335443

You put all your faith in the hopes that accumulating money would somehow bring you happiness, when you should have been focusing on finding out what makes you happy in life while you were accumulating.

>> No.11335466

>4/5 restaurant
not if pic is related, you're not
try some sweet potato fries at bread winners
dip it in the sauce

>> No.11335490
File: 25 KB, 700x318, 1536889222852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Void fuck me
OP is officially weirder than hentai

>> No.11335548

I dont eat the carbs desu
I figured you faggots can help me
I shilled you antshares at 2$ and walton at 50 cents. Just give back desu

>> No.11335570

Spirituality is the only way out anon. Magic mushrooms will accelerate the proccess

>> No.11335585

god im so fucking hammered i posted the reply twice

The answer is anons is make friends
I have mo friends
Doesnt mattr how much money you have you wont be happy unironically

>> No.11335593

Ive taken mushrooms 10+ times
Did heroic dose in the dark listening to hendric alone
I just need irl friends
Maybe im an npc idk

>> No.11335618

The answer ist that being a Normie or a NPC is like the most godtier thing. Even tough all of but despises them being on this board to trying "to make it" is just cope for their shortcomings of their fucked up youth.

Things like teen love with zero responsibilities in life are no meme anon

>> No.11335634

Is that steak boiled? So awful.

>> No.11335649

I'll be your fren, fren

>> No.11335655

If you want friends, have you tried picking up a hobby where you get to meet more people?

Join a pottery class, start doing martial arts, or whatever else you're interested in.

>> No.11335662

This. I love boxing, it taught me discipline and also instilled a good work ethic.

>> No.11335672

Also, fucking great for if you ever feel down. Hammer out some rounds and you'll soon forget about your problems.

>> No.11335673

>thinks 49 euros for a meal with wine is expensive

fuck off

>> No.11335730

Im still frugal desu
Most neets or wagies wouldnt eat like this everyday. Fuck off with your self righteousness
Yea man i taught myslef guitar, 4 languages, modern econ theory etc i just cant relate with normans i could just be a fuck desu

>> No.11335888

Can I send you a picture of my giant pink cock or are hands your only fetish?

>> No.11335927



>> No.11337016

I'm a wealthy business owner who ate an otherwise impeccable birthday dinner at an upscale restaurant with his wife and children earlier today and I'm still here and I'm still depressed.

Don't feel bad. It never gets better.

>> No.11337053

100% God bless you anons

>> No.11337061

beans, rice and plain fries. like nigger what the fuck? is that burger tier shit? thats a disgusting combo that even starving niggers wouldnt touch

>> No.11337116

I'm pov Ausfag, 100k+link. Lexapro, amphetamines and baclofen keep the void at bay.

>> No.11337148


Nah in burgerland there are $50 dishes that come with fries as the main side. “Steak frites”

>> No.11337161

Leaving your family is a kick that is worth it. Remember, as a male you can found as many families as you like, and fuck up countless lifes for your own amusement

>> No.11337170


My dream is to become wealthy enough where I can do nothing but eat expensive food that other people cook for me, workout to stay lean, and play vidya in my spare time. That’s the life man