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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11332265 No.11332265 [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/ would rather gamble their money than learn how to trade

It hurts bros. Why are we as a board so lazy and low IQ?

>> No.11332393

im actually on risk management and using just ema crosses, but honestly i not sure what im doing kek

where can i learn? i mean, all that youtube faggots and the fibonacci retardation...

>> No.11333509

Give us some links then OP to help us out on good info to learn.

>> No.11333536

I need a 100x to make it

>> No.11333540

we are too intelligent to not be amused by the ridiculousnes of randomness.

>> No.11333559

It's pretty simple.
The return on successful gambles far outpaces the returns of stable vehicles.
The possibility of much greater profit tends to blind one to the associated risks.

>> No.11333562

I agree anon, retracement trades only work well in a clear and established trend, one bart and it all goes to shit

Are there ANY other strategies which don't involve meme Fibonacci psychology bullshit?

>> No.11333569

Same desu. What you holding?

>> No.11333591

hahahaha I can only laugh to people who are still here. see you in another few months faggots.

>> No.11333715

Well how do I learn? Don't even start with fucking books.

>> No.11333747

50/50 on REQ and QSP

>> No.11334427

You learn by doing.
So if you don't want to spend hours staring at monitors, you're kinda fucked.

>> No.11334454

Cause we haven't unveiled our true form yet, wait till we rebrand as /LINK/ EOY

>> No.11334461

You know how I know most of you don't have any business experience? You keep saying meme words that don't exist in the cutthroat world of business and finance, like "we" and phrases like "help each other". Everything has a price, if you want to learn how to make money online, invest one of the hundreds of courses that are shilled to you the second you go looking for them. Every once in a while biz has a quality thread of golden information, but threads like that are atypical. Less than 1% of this board is concerned with seeing other anons make it, and that's how it ought to be because that's how the reality is. Although, I guess it would be hard to know what that's like when most anons on this board waste their days refreshing biz and reheating junk food.