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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11329835 No.11329835 [Reply] [Original]

I've been wage slaving for the past 13 years, and finally it's over. Since 2016 I've made
the financial decisions w/ cryptocurrency to accumalate in the upward 6 figures. I've been pretty comfortable lately - and that's why I'm giving this information to you bros.
TELCoin - The next lambo moon mission. Right now you can accumalate pretty hard, or arbtirage.
They're going for ~0.000003199 and 0.0000032 on FORKDELTA, and they're going RIGHT now for ~0.00001 on kucoin. Do I need to do this math for you? Huge arbitrage chance here boys.

This is the exchange


website for the token https://www.telco.in/ incase you wanna DYOR and actually HODL TELcoin

Enjoy and give respects

>> No.11329838

I'm going to be straight here though. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women

>> No.11329847

Nice just picked up 350k

>> No.11329851

TEL is the lambo coin of 2019 mark my words

>> No.11329854

500k or you won't make it

>> No.11329858

Not the real TEL on FD.

>> No.11329860

Wow prices are so different just picked up 150k from ops link and they're 10x more on gookcoin kek

>> No.11329866

Imagine not having at least 2mil TEL

>> No.11329870

Wow that tweet is actually real

>> No.11329876

OP post Mew ill tip for this info since no other bums will here

>> No.11329878

Just need to accumulate 200k more

>> No.11329881

You're actually retarded not buying this KEK

>> No.11329888

Trannies should be gassed

>> No.11329891
File: 123 KB, 750x1334, Trannerz_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my tinder match OP

>> No.11329900
File: 111 KB, 750x1334, Trannerz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is HER second picture she is at least a 7

>> No.11329901

This is literally free money

>> No.11329904

Etherdelta is too slow no thank you

>> No.11329909

Forkdelta is The result of etherdelta forking by a good dev

>> No.11329921

Forkdelta wasn't made by a 45 year old virgin in his mom's basement

>> No.11329925

It's literally free ethereum just turned 420gwei into 720

>> No.11329937

Holy shit what an abomination to god

>> No.11329993

Nice got 21k bags

>> No.11330035

nice try
did they buy your sellwall?

>> No.11330041

60 percent TEL 30 percent link and 20 percent ltc

>> No.11330051

Compare prices to kucoin kek

>> No.11330065

look at bid/ask in both exchanges

>> No.11330068

>I've been blah blah blah
>I'm giving you a hurp durp
>Do I need to do the math
>Stay poor
>Poo poo pee pee farting noises
Yeah thanks dickhead I will surely do the needful and buy your worthless bags thanks for the tip

>> No.11330081

It doesn't take a genius to compare ethereum WEI and GWEI differences LOL but miss out brainlet

>> No.11330097

Mate there is a reason some people stay poor there entire life it isn't based on there situation it's based on their intelligence

>> No.11330122

0.0000053 ETH Kucoin ask
0.000006899 ETH ForkDelta ask

Now pack up and leave

>> No.11330143
File: 29 KB, 720x599, IMG_7696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're looking at the forked TELcoin lol look at ops link kek

>> No.11330146
File: 34 KB, 817x443, fdfdfdfdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAH should any one tell him ?

>> No.11330155

Why even try to help absolute fucking retards lol!!!

>> No.11330156


Blah blah curry niggers reported for fraud

>> No.11330162

Been arbitraging this shit for hours now OP thanks up 9 eth got a tip address you can post?

>> No.11330178
File: 251 KB, 400x300, 60316817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, almost forgot my pic.

I always imagine that you nigs actually live in sewers. Is that true?

>> No.11330186

ALL in on this shit

>> No.11330194
File: 45 KB, 620x330, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transpride op