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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11328470 No.11328470 [Reply] [Original]

My dad's rich Jewish private equity partner thinks the stock market will go up for another two years. Unfortunately that faggot doesn't give a fuck about bitcoin so who knows if he knows anything

>> No.11328626

He's right. All of the faggots here saying we're going to crash are wrong.

>> No.11328836
File: 86 KB, 921x637, 880BF3A9-AD6F-402C-A88F-5D3BBB5E6285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you next year

>> No.11328847

Oy gevalt

>> No.11328855

Amazon is going to hit $6k (or at least the equivalent of it, if they split the stock), so everything else is going to keep going up in the mean time as well. After that, it's a real crapshoot.

>> No.11328866

probably up for another year or 2. Bank stocks, retail, and most old energy stocks not included

>> No.11328885
File: 487 KB, 500x269, emma laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal Jew here.

Can you jelly poorfags cut it out with the casual racism?


>> No.11328941

>solar cycles
good luck with that

>> No.11328955

Correlation is not causation, the musical

>> No.11328986

Ignore these government shill faggots with 0 evidence to disprove the graph

>> No.11328987

It's ok as long as you separate diaspora jews and israelis
t. Israeli

>> No.11328992
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>he thinks "jew" is a race...

>> No.11329011
File: 593 KB, 750x692, 1538980420608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jew isn't a race you fucking mung.
Jew is a tribe with literal whites, literal niggers, literal sand niggers, literal Arabs etc.
I have heard plenty of ashkenazi bad mouth mizrahi and Ethiopian Jews so gtfo outta here with that 'muh casual racism'.
We're professional racists.