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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11328047 No.11328047 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there no actual discussion here? We could be helping each other make money but all I see is shitposting on this entire board.

I started an Amazon affiliate site where I review products in my niche and link affiliate links two years ago, haven’t touched it since but it makes around $50 a month for me.

I obviously feel as though this site could make a lot more but I don’t know how to grow it beyond just writing more reviews. Does anyone have the advice?

>> No.11328081

Sounds like you're doing good to me. Keep writing reviews, it took you from $0 to $50 for what sounds like minimal effort and no money down.

>> No.11328090

Biz is currently only frequented by actual shills.

>> No.11328104

Link is shit

>> No.11328116

The thing is, there’s only so many reviews I can do. In the two years I’ve been gone there’s been 20 new products which would bring my review count to 80 instead of 60.

I feel as though I could bring this site to at least $500 a month but just writing 20 more reviews doesn’t feel it’ll be enough. I’ve also redesigned the site now that I’m getting back into it but I don’t see that having a major effect on things either.

>> No.11328153

What does Ple’s portfolio look like?

>> No.11328215

start making videos

>> No.11328230

Give it time. Rome's not build in a day. I built my computer using a website like it sounds like you have, people like the freely given info on product. Just keep in mind you're managing to make money on no money down, which is something normalniggers (like myself) dream of doing.

>> No.11328248

How did you go about starting your site? (specific steps)
Did you write the code or use wordpress?
How did you choose your niche? Something you were already interested in?
If you wanted to share more details of your experience I would listen
I had to call link shit above lmao but we could try to turn this into a useful biz thread for once

>> No.11328275

there was another anon here this month that talked about getting good at a couple of wordpress layouts and using amazon affiliate to do product reviews. more importantly, he didn't have any coding experience and just kinda started doing it. he then moved on to creating / hosting web pages for businesses.

no skill required, all passive income. would love more detail on getting started on product reviews / wordpress / affiliate links.

>> No.11328361

Good posts like these are /biz/ trying to recover
After at least 9 months to a year of getting assblasted by actual true shills and having brainlets with weak hands invade the board and overtake it, the culling that the bear market has brought has left only those with strong hands and those willing for discussion
We will pick up the bits of /biz/ strewn across the wasteland as we stand around in it like Grugs trying to figure out what to do

We're all gonna make it, bros

>> No.11328698

have a bump, anyone else doing affiliate sites?

>> No.11329362

I tried to think of a million niches, then went through each one on Google Trends to see if there was enough interest in them year-round to actually think a site was worthwhile.

Then I looked to see if there were too many “heavy-hitters” in the area, I had never written anything before so I didn’t want to get started only to consistently look like crap compared to some other site that is inifinitely better.

Eventually I found a product that fit these criteria and was also like $50-$300 per item, so I wasn’t earning $0.05 cents on every purchase. I set up a WordPress, messed around with a theme(never used WordPress before at that point) and started writing.

I would look at the reviews on Amazon and see why people were saying about the product, then write a review based on that. And I did that about 60 times before getting bored and giving up.

You should aim for being the number one site in your niche but if your niche is big enough it doesn’t matter if you’re 2 or 3. My site looks a little outdated right now but it still makes money, or the beer “money” it always made.

I came here asking for advice but what I’m going to do is make 20 new reviews to accounts for new products, then start making articles based on those reviews(so “The Top Ten XXX for Students”) or whatever, linking to my reviews and affiliate links in the article.

Apparently articles are the big money-makers, but I never attempted them because keyword research is intimidating to me.