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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 935 KB, 1242x1626, BNB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11327663 No.11327663 [Reply] [Original]

>biggest burn they have ever done coming in less than a week
>lowest ever amount of BNB on hand to burn because of it's fee reducing was lowered to %25 this quarter and less traders are using it for fees
>in order to cover the amount of required BNB for the burn they will need to buy it from BTC and ETH markets.
>last burn was $30MM USD worth
>1000 orders into the depth of market only worth $1.6MM and takes the market to 0.00177
>price now low
Pic related

>> No.11327722

Literally free money. I’m putting everything into BNB. If I can double I’ll be happy as fuck. It should easily double, if not 3 or 4x from today’s prices.

>> No.11327743

maybe they already long bought/accumulated you nigger?

>> No.11327827
File: 214 KB, 345x336, 1537304922071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fud this weak
>hurr durr they market bought over $30MM worth it just doesn't show on the chart
>being this dumb

>> No.11327844

>what is bots
kys you fucking retard. come bet me on augur 25k$ that this shitcoin wont do shit.

ill wait

>> No.11327849
File: 800 KB, 220x220, 1536880741717.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it. I'm like 25% into it and have another 50% in orders but I'm starting to think there isn't going to be another dip. It looks poised to take off.

>> No.11327863

you are just mad it isn't dipping so you can buy more kys

>> No.11327886

>he has no balls
case closed pajeet, SAGE

>> No.11327894

That's literally not the way binance handles their fees

>> No.11327913

Sage bumped thanks newfag. You don't know shit about the dynamics of a burn obviously.

>> No.11327921

>he doesn't know they first burn the BNB they collect from fee's
>he doesn't know they collect fee's from transactions and withdraws.
the absolute state of biz

>> No.11327991

>hurdur multi-billion dollar a day exchange will just market buy bnb for a burn they knew of well in advance and not buy slowly over time so as to neither disrupt the market nor pay too much
Come on guy

>> No.11328099

>he thinks they bought that much and it doesn't show up on the chart
>being this new
volume and price on BNBBTC would be increasing dramatically if that were true. But it's been flat for over a month now.

>> No.11328481


If I hold BNB do I get dust of alts like KCS used to do?

>> No.11329158

front page is all lifestyle reddit bullshit, where have the bizbros gone?