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File: 3.32 MB, 1920x1091, link all forks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11327489 No.11327489 [Reply] [Original]

Sergey giving a speech in the current day of september 8th. tomorrow he has a 2 hour workshop. he is also speaking more later on this month. Is now a good time to fully go all in. Only really holding Bat and Jnt to sell for more link. Do I do it?

>> No.11327511

rory said in the past that we will know when mainnet is getting close by the increase in marketing. Look at how much more sergey is talking. They actualy did hire a director af marketing. Articles are appearing in the nasdaq. I love bat and Jnt, but I think it's pretty clear for all of us, chainlink is a safe long term future investment. Plus dividend staking aloowing for constant income streams. I may be able to retire. or at the very least be able to live my life by by having dual income streams from link plus job that I enjoy doing. Link is the greatest treasure the world will ever see

>> No.11327513

I don't think so anon. A workshop isn't seen by many. It won't make headlines. ETHSF was a bust. There wasn't even a stream of his 2 minute shill. Link could be great but you are early. Price will drop.

>> No.11327520

no you dumb faggot. binance is in danger of being shutdown. and if youre not retarded you know binance is the only place with enough volume to liquidate your shitcoins. stay in fucking bitcoin

>> No.11327558
File: 35 KB, 720x599, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. LINK is the only legit project left in crypto.
I've been all in the past 3 months and I'm very happy with its performance.
This IS only going to keep growing as mainnet gets closer, more and more partners announce their usage of LINK just like Zeppelin, Accord, MP etc did and Sergey shills at more and more conferences together with Adelyn.
Going all in on LINK right now before linktober goes in full swing is the best move anyone can make.

>> No.11327566

did anything happen the last time sergey spoke? did anyone even listen? the CTO - CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER - grades homework as a teachers assistant.

>> No.11327594

tell me about this binance danger, i am unaware

>> No.11327608

also link is on bigger excahnges now, so Im guessing this is a larp- fud

price spiked 8% before he spoke

>> No.11327641

link is a security and binance sells link to usa based investors who arent qualified to purchase. its a huge problem. binance will probably be gone in short fashion. all other exchanges who allow burgers to buy link without complying with USA securities laws and regulations will also get shut down as well. being in chainlink or any other alt shitcoin with all of this shit going on is fucking retard level

>> No.11327684

binance is literally the highest volume exchange dealing in link and theyre in danger of being shut down. if this doesnt scare you off buying chainlink until this is all dealt with you are an idiot. if binance goes down, your position will not get liquidated if the price moves a significant amount. binance is the highest volume exchange out of all of them that anybody in the world can access as of now.

>price spiked 8% before he spoke
hes actually buying the top of the rumor spike

>> No.11327750


I didn't hear about binance being rumpored to being shut doen, can somoen give me more details about this. I have all my link on the exchange, how do I get it off and what's the safest way to do it

>> No.11327768

omg are you 10 years old or something? how the fuck do you get shit onto the exchange to buy but you dont know how to fucking get it off? how are you still not fucking selling your link back to btc?


>> No.11327807

Workshop was pretty successful.

good number of projects (9) using Chainlink. When compared to some of the more well-known tokens too:
0x: 10
MakerDao: 13
Kyber: 8

>> No.11327834

Oh look its SEC faggot again

Tell me about the magic wand that the SEC can use to halt trading on decentralized networks???

Did they stop drugs sales on the dark net too???


>> No.11327843

why would I sell out of link for btc? just because he us says its a security doesn't mean it will not be valuable sometime later on

>> No.11327846

I'm not saying link is bad or the event has no use. I'm saying I believe he could buy in at a better price. Who knows though.

>> No.11327855

(((they))) shut down reddit/dnms