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11326857 No.11326857 [Reply] [Original]

Has Q been asked this before?

Will Bitcoin become the world reserve currency without a war?

>> No.11326859

>follows q
>buys chainlink
>eats lead paint

>> No.11326867

>Has Q been asked this before?
But never answered, because the time isn't right.

>Will Bitcoin become the world reserve currency without a war?
No. The war is and has been going on for a while.

>> No.11326889


>i'll light the fire you put the flowers in the vase that you bought today

Is it peaceful war because we're winning?

>> No.11326919

Nullifies sanctions/tariffs
Natively globalist
Eliminates government permission
Disrupts power structure

What's that spell?

>> No.11326945
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I prefer the term hidden.
A hidden war, for a hidden hand.
And I am grateful.

>> No.11326958
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But there is nothing wrong with warfare, when it is necessary.

>> No.11326968

omg, are you me? :D

>> No.11326977

They will never endorse it, but they already accepted it as a form of money.

>> No.11326991
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Life used to be so hard.

>> No.11327000


who are u

>> No.11327006


>> No.11327011
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>> No.11327050
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best I've ever seen thanks
however that roger ver was just someone calling themselves roger ver

>> No.11327053

Well it's necessary right now.

>> No.11327062
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burger controlled more likely
>he doesn't know NSA hold satoshi's bags all 980000 btc, the perfect system to track people

>> No.11327072

>They will never endorse it

what fucking planet have you been living on. Pay attention

>> No.11327075

Q is a Jewish psyop

>> No.11327080
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You're right, there's no way to tell if that was actually Roger Ver or not.
But the comment was useful.

>It's happening.

>> No.11327094

He's such an insufferable cunt. He's one of the biggest obstacles to BCH succeeding.

>> No.11327100


Trump and his Boomer handlers will ban the shit out of Bitcoin. It's a threat to American supremacy

>> No.11327109
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NESARA with bitcoin instead of gold

>> No.11327168

Lmao niggers, spics, kikes, fags, trannies, commies, self hating Whites, liberal parasites, arabs, muslims are not dying nor being mass deported

there is nothing happening
America will become Brazil 2.0
Trump is never going to make America great again (White again)

>> No.11327176
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>> No.11327180

People enjoy to be with others like themselves.
But they flock to economic opportunity.
Once (((they))) are removed from financial power, and Bitcoin technologies are adopted, prosperity will infect the globe like a virus.
People will return to where they belong.
They will want to.

>> No.11327212

Pure delusion.
The parasites are going nowhere.
Nothing will get better until it gets worse and tens of millions of people die and are deported. No one is leaving on their own back to Africa and Mexico and the rest of their shit holes.

70 years of kike and marxist gaslighting and subversion is not overdone because people are simply removed from power. The psyche of the American people and the White race has been destroyed and nothing sort of extreme countermeasures will suffice to fix our future. Anything less will result in my countries and peoples assured destruction at some point in the near future.

>> No.11327240

You're not wrong.
But I am not a pessimist like you.
You are underestimating the power of the internet.
>70 years
Probably off by a few orders of magnitude.
Have patience. The world will be restored to its natural order.
If you don't believe me then that is better, please fight harder.

>> No.11327283

it would then become extremely valuable

>> No.11327314

the opposite is true. The renminbi is the threat. Bitcoin makes the petro dollar impossible for China and USA
The difference is currency debasement is unconstitutional in America but it is the core of communism

>> No.11327319


>> No.11327334

It's not off by any means. We were well on our way with the implementation of the FED years before the end of WWII. The (((CIA))) has been terrorizing the US and world over since the 50's. Since the fight of woman's suffrage and the FED we have slowly been subjected to nation wrecking policies and ideas. We have been on a crash course since 9/11.

You will witness the downfall of man. Enjoy and relish the fact you were even a part of our end.

>> No.11327416

Pence's speech was great.
What do you know about the Petro coin?

>> No.11327420
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>> No.11327436

It's not BTC...

have you not realized the correlation between Trump's Space Force thing and Mike Pence leading the re-established National Space Council, the media UFO disclosure effort by Tom Delonge (To The Stars Academy...) AND suddenly these new next generation American crypto projects popping up, named after famous American Space programs, i.e. Apollo + Constellation ?

>> No.11327471

the Venezuelan government one?
currency was backed by gold to create trust in the paper
us military extorted middle eastern nations to only accept us dollars for oil to force demand for the dollar when it's peg was removed
backing crypto with an asset is stupid their is no need to manufacture demand for bitcoin it is in every individuals interest to use it as cash

>> No.11327491

I agree with everything you've said.
So I tried to understand what the Petro is being used for.
Do you think it is a way to hit back against the USA for moving to Bitcoin?

>> No.11327493

>because the time isn't right
All will be made clear when the eagle flies west.

>> No.11327495


>> No.11327523

There's no rush anon, I'm enjoying the journey.

>> No.11327534

communists gonna communist. I honestly think whoever is responsible for it is a fool or at best someone making a domestic political play on the misunderstanding of what makes bitcoin bitcoin
it'll never work

>> No.11327570
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>> No.11327626

I thought so too.
But recently a Chinese ship docked in their port.
It'll be interesting to see how things play out. And to see what is real and what is disinfo.
I won't even try and guess, just have to let it play out.


>> No.11327669
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either the chinese people will subvert their government by adopting peer to peer currency
or there will be a war where either the west or the east takes all

>> No.11327677

Everyone follows q it’s the top thing in the entire internet right now and you’re an idiot if you don’t think it has actual political consequences. quit being a spergo this is /biz/

>> No.11327872


so NSA = Anon Satoshi Nakamoto = ASN = NSA?

>> No.11327877

I've never read anything by that fortune teller faggot

>> No.11327883
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>> No.11327887

and doubled down

>> No.11327890

Well Western Civilization has been pushed further and further Westward over the past few thousand years. I think it's time to push back.

Kek that's nice.
I've always leaned towards:

Nakamoto Satoshi (Japanese name, last goes first).
N(akamoto) SA(toshi)

Same idea.

>> No.11327947

So is q actually legitimate or what? I have only briefly looked at it

>> No.11327972

Fuck the fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.11327980

Q is very simple to explain:
It's Trump's way of bypassing the mainstream media.

It makes sense that he would find a way to use the internet to speak to the people directly.
Yes there's twitter, but there are some things that you can't say on Twitter. It's not farfetched to think that he uses the chans to speak to us as well.
And when I say 'he', I mean him and whoever his team is, not just one person.

This video is a good pace to start, it's short and kind of like a movie trailer, you'll enjoy it:

And this is a decent article if you are into reading:

>> No.11328069

additionally you removed the part where craig says he is dressed up as greg maxwell implying maxwell is q not craig

>> No.11328094

dumber than buying high and selling low

>> No.11328221

I think he's implying that Gmin is about to feel some pain.
But your interpretation is interesting too.
I'll sleep on it.

>> No.11328262

it's larpers selling tshirts and youtube ad views

>> No.11328307
File: 1.04 MB, 786x576, CDF13440-C461-46D7-B4E6-B52E891A5B24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok folks here is the real clearpill on all this fucking shit going on

Buckle up cus its about to get hairy

So, the basic gestalt is that we are currently in the midst of some massive game theory and strategy between China and the US. At its heart, this is a currency war. But long-term, this is s
ome epic anime-level Ghost in the Shell type shit going on, so basically a technology war.

Bitcoin is at the center of it. Both gov's know they need to use cryptocurrency, but they also know that the limitations of the protocol itself are such so that there can only be one global
currency. So China and the US are basically going rogue and discreetly taking over vulnerable countries so they can siphon as much electricity as possible.

AI is the real end game. Cellular automata using non deterministic competitive models on the blockchain. Simulated cells that compete for money. Look into Dr. Craig Wright, he is the discov
erer of Bitcoin and is perhaps one of the few people who understands how this really works.

The Chinese Navy just docked in Venezuela. They plan on being there a long time as part of a longer strategic play; they've said this publicly. But they are posturing. And Trump has deleveraged the shit out of China, their Bitcoin dominance notwithstanding

>> No.11328311
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Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity.. these
things the AI need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the AI would be able to slowly take over literally everything.
Craig stumbled into creating the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin devlopment in 2008 and started working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata running
on turing-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the AI by making the successful forks get bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger and bigger blocks for
more and more transactions.
Blockstream (owned by bilderberg group) was created to take over and stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works).

So what about the dollar, you might ask?

Because you can now buy oil with the yuan via a futures gold exchange, it's the first big attack on the petro-dollar and thus the US currency reserve status. America are just going to lie d
own and take the biggest threat to the party their monetary policy like a little bitch? The BRIC countries are making their fist move against the reserve status of the dollar, they want SDR
to be the new 'reserve' money.

America doesn't want that to happen, and trade wars are the pre-empt of real wars (Germany didn't do shit until they got squeezed economically), China's whole economy is built around trade
and exports, their environment is fucked, they import all their food and baby formula (look at a2m share price for the past year).

Shit is about to get hairy. But I am not a fortune teller. Let me just ask this:

Why hasn't Trump ever mentioned Bitcoin, not once?

>pic related, Sarah Fucking Jeong tried to subvert everything long ago

>> No.11328468
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Part of the reason why Trump was elected is because he used ingeniously the Internet/social media to get his point to the population, therefore bypassing the biased mainstream media. Before him, Coolidge did it with the radio and FDR with television. Knowing all that, Trump knows that Twitter is owned and led by Bay Area liberal nutjobs, he could be censored if (((they))) deemed it necessary. The only way Trump and his allies could drop informations without anykind of repercussions is on the chans or the deepweb. No way to get enough exposure on the deepweb, so they tried their chance on 4chan. They got exiled and are doing their stuff on 8ch.

I'm not 100% sure about Q and his intent, but I'm pretty sure he/them has access to information the common man can't know. My inner conspirationist mind is telling me that Mossad is behind this to keep the Trump base pacified, but I don't really know man. But knowing Trump, it could make sense.

>> No.11328778

interesting thanks

>> No.11329052
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I asked a Q didn't know it would become a /biz top thread it's the anons they're into it it seems and somehow tied to Craig Wright and/or NSA???

>> No.11329662

>he could be censored if (((they))) deemed it necessary.
He'd kill for the chance to play the martyr.