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File: 1.40 MB, 1440x1750, 20181008_013058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11325742 No.11325742 [Reply] [Original]

Take a good look. You will never be 100 million dollar mansion rich. You will never fly a private jet to mykonos where you and your buddies will fuck famous models. If you weren't born into money, you wont make it. Give up Anon.

>> No.11325747

thats not making it fool thats exit scamming

>> No.11325768


>> No.11325771

id hate this life
just give me a 7/10 wife who unequivocally loves me 100% for who i am and a couple million $ and a private average joe lifestyle this kind of public richfag lifestyle is unironically annoying as fuck.

>> No.11325779

be fruitful and multiply

>> No.11325781

>implying he isn't masking his crippling depression with countless instagram photos surrounded paid escorts
Have you ever actually heard an interview of him?

>> No.11325790

*surrounded by

>> No.11325800

Mfw one of these girls is from my town and used to be my buddy's summer hook up

>> No.11325804

is he the chad model we must follow?, but how he avoid rape allegations and that bullshit?

>> No.11325816


>> No.11325819

all this money and cant afford a real camera. pathetic

>> No.11325824

this. Decent paid of place of living and couple of nice cars and income producing assets to fund my neet lifestyle.

>> No.11325848

dont those hos look like they think iys syupid. they all have a face like they cant beleieve this guy is paying them whore money just to watch tv

>> No.11325858

>is he the chad model we must follow?
Absolutely not. He is faux chad, tries to make his chin look strong and square by the way he cuts his pube beard, has to pay escorts to hang out with him, would have nothing if it weren't for daddy, and did so many roids his heart is a pile of shit

>> No.11325878

How is it even enjoyable to be surrounded by a bunch of dumb bimbos unless you're horny 24/7? I'd tell them all to get the fuck out of my mansion as soon as I cum.

>> No.11325898

The girl to the left has a boyfriend lol, poor guy getting cucked by Bilzerian

>> No.11325903

they look bored as heckies

>> No.11325906

>wife who unequivocally loves me 100%

anon i have some bad news for you

>> No.11325911


Eh I would set my sites on 8 figures at least, north of 20 million. It's not enough to just be stable. You need to be stable in this society, or any society to come, and you need a moat to be able to weather a storm.

>So 10 mil in equities - now your secure for growth, you don't really touch this, it just grows your overall net worth over long term, assuming everything is legit and the world keeps on spinning.
>10 mil in bonds, 3% draw - this you live off of. If bond rates fall you refill it every 5 years or so from equities.
>Last step is to have a nice farm somewhere remote. Learn how to actually run it and make it totally self sufficient.

Now you win if the economy does well, if the economy does poorly, or if there is no economy left because the world ended.

>> No.11325917

I could see 2, maybe 3 but like 12? why not 80 and go everywhere in two tour buses? Fuck.

>> No.11325925

which one? probably the ugliest one

>> No.11325933

Someones jealous

>> No.11325941

yes i know the chances are like .0001% but i wont stop looking for (((the one)))
this level of doomer is a little out there but its still not a bad idea

>> No.11325955

He is manlet, Anon

>> No.11325961

This motherfucker is so insecure he has to pay for whores to show everyone how alpha he is while he probably can't get an erection because of steroids and anticoagulants from his heart attack

>> No.11326015

this is a weird thing to do. not normal. not natural. sad man.

>> No.11326040

>being this jealous

>> No.11326041

>This motherfucker is so insecure he has to pay for whores to show everyone how alpha he is

>> No.11326044

>this is a weird thing to do.
>not normal.
kys normalshit

>> No.11326052
File: 114 KB, 1620x1069, Dan-Bilzerian-02-GQ-08Feb15_getty_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that this guy never tried and lives a life 100x better than yours

>> No.11326054
File: 57 KB, 800x498, thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw your ex gf is sitting on Bilzerian's bed in op's pic. I'm dying right now I can see she hasn't changed one bit.

>> No.11326069

he's not getting cucked. she gets paid to take those pictures. it's not like they fuck him.

>> No.11326094

What side mattress is that?

>> No.11326103


>> No.11326109

Orgy sized.

>> No.11326125

Full-they are just small

>> No.11326141

Had a chance to marry a fat rich girl but didn’t do it so now a schlubby guy from my town is driving a Porsche SUV around working for her father living in a giant house.

>> No.11326151
File: 1.06 MB, 960x960, 1538920943096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I needed someone to tell me I can't.
I'm gonna make it.

>> No.11326154

looks fucking pathetic. most of us neets here are unironically in a better state than this faggot and would never feel compelled to do this if he had that kind of money. Who the fuck would hang out with a bunch of women willingly?

>> No.11326161

OP never makes it because he idolizes rich kids.

OP never makes it because he doesn’t believe in himself because he isn’t already rich.

OP never makes it because he doesn’t realize the people who set up trust funds for their babies usually worked from the ground up and are incredible examples of smart financial risk-takers.

OP never makes it because he is essentially a self aware NPC with depleted T levels

>> No.11326164

id rather date a hot homless girl

>> No.11326182
File: 959 KB, 1092x856, 1518113158184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cuckold fetish posts aren't working now? We get it. You want us to feel bad for ourselves while you jews take over the world and fuck us in the ass while we cry over our sorrow. Fuck you, we will continue to call you guys out now and forever. Nothing gives me more satisfaction than watching you squirm when we say incredibly harmless shit like "the lolocaust never happened and here's proof" or "Jews aren't actually Hebrews but converts from Turkey"

>> No.11326198

Yeah but I did regret it for a long time

>> No.11326217

I bet putting a sheet on that mattress is a fucking nightmare.

>> No.11326281

just read this guy's wiki, never heard of him before

honest question; is he a retard?

>> No.11326323
File: 3 KB, 523x29, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, I didn't even know he had a wiki page.

>> No.11326330

Fuck you buddy Dan is awesome I want you to take this back. Watch some videos on him about the chicks he bangs. This guy is alpha as fuck. But I’m more redpilled than the average channer so there is that

>> No.11326507

>how he avoid rape allegations
This is why you always save the receipt, anon.

>> No.11326535

Unironically this

>> No.11326561

He has everyone who enters his house sign away their right to sue

>> No.11326605

Also part of it is a NDA so if you hear accusations they are violating the NDA

>> No.11326622

>if you're not born into money

fortune has to come from somewhere

>> No.11326696

sure id fuck these senseless whores but thats all they are good for... shit gets old quick op grow the fuck up

>> No.11326718

Why would I give up if that isn't the goal I'm shooting for? Lol retard

>> No.11326733
File: 226 KB, 394x397, 1536207639799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never handle having that many females on my bed

>> No.11326743

NDAs can't protect against felonies

>> No.11326749

I don't have to pay women to be interested in me. I already win.

>> No.11326793

this pic honestly stresses me out. Talking to any of them would be mind numbing, and I definitely don't have the stamina to fuck them all so whats even the point

>> No.11326816

ya cause all those hos are also experts in minutae of case law technicalities. if you are rich there is no law, just con men and lying women called lawyers who bribe people to keep you paying and playing

>> No.11326848

The thing is nobody really likes this guy. They just use him for money and for shout outs. He really has no purpose in life other to consume quick stimuli and dopamine rushes until he overdoses or kills himself from depression.

>> No.11326852
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 1538760577119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'3, fit Chad
>tfw I speak Spanish
>tfw Colombian women are hot, obedient, and like alpha men
>tfw a baller NYC penthouse in Medellin directly in funny of the best bars and restaurants costs less than $400k
>tfw $3k/month is more than enough to live a comfortable life and do whatever you want in Medellin, including expenses

Only an idiot would fall for the 100M mansion life meme. Why the fuck would I wagecuck 80+ hours a week to live a worse lifestyle I could for less than 1% of the cost. Fuck off

>> No.11326865
File: 59 KB, 736x313, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell

>> No.11326890

This is all bs. Cant u see that this is a businesss. Instagram stars make real money from followers. He has 25m idiots lapping up this shit thinking its his real life. All those chick shots are literally a pain innthe ass photo set ups including hiring models etc and looking for a good location. At best its him grabbing some women who are at locations and asking them for a group photo. This guy does not fuck all these women.

>> No.11326929

>your buddies

Jokes on you OP, I don't have any friends.

>> No.11326936

I was with a playboy model for 6 years of my life. she had a rich family. They bought her a home for 800k that i lived in with her, i make good money and she made decent money. We would hang out with very wealthy couples.. ever since i broke up with her I've been enjoying my life more than id ever imagine i would.. she was boring.. the wealthy couples were boring and empty.. hanging out with them was all about who is better than who and what looks good.. none of them could actually have a fun time because they always cared about what they looked like and how they're going to post it on facial media of what they're doing.. it was terrible.

6 years of my life down the drain.. i thought it was something i wanted.. it wasn't.

Do yourselfs a favor.. find a woman you love and that loves you back.. own the home you want.. not one that you think others will be jealous of thats so big it takes all your energy just to keep it up. Go on the vacations you wanna go on and don't worry about taking pictures and posting it on social media.. Escaping that life was the best thing i ever did.

>> No.11327004


granted my fat ass is not a Navy Seal or anything, but listening to his interview where he makes excuses for not following through with it shows that he really just wanted to be a badass on his own but failed, so now he relies on daddy's money

>> No.11327089

This over and over again. Who the fuck wants to live like Dan.

>> No.11327090


Jesus. This guy lives such a soul-less and empty life.

>> No.11327105


Big deal. There's millions of people who inherited MUCH bigger money than he did.

>> No.11327110

imagine being one of those bitches, laying in the same bed with 9 other orbiters
seriously depressing af, i feel sorry for each and every one of them

>> No.11327117 [DELETED] 

This unironically. Most people who dream about living like Dan are NPCs.

>> No.11327148

Reading this gives me hope in this degenerate-laden world

>> No.11327149

This unironically. If you're >18 yo and dream about a lifestyle like Dan's then you're a braindead NPC.

>> No.11327406

that's a lotta whores

>> No.11327440
File: 30 KB, 407x407, scanning op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and most 100 million dollar mansion guys won't walk on the moon either

>> No.11327455

Who cares? I'd be perfectly happy just having enough to live the lifestyle I live now minus the work part.

>> No.11327461

would rather cover my bed in bros who like to play nintendo

>> No.11327498


>> No.11327561

Those women don’t seem to mind though..?

>> No.11327598

i don't get it, wtf are they thinking? don't they know they're being exploited? lol

also this >>11325771

>> No.11328005

Forget the hookers and the mansion, this guy's an idiot and he'll just die of AIDS, drugs, or alcohol poisoning by 50. Give me the money and I'll start building a secret underground tunnel network where I can launch private mercenary armies for lucrative contracts to sustain it in the lawless frontier of Africa. The one reason I lean towards Socialism is because I see richfaggots like OP who throw their money away on stupid garbage.

>> No.11328038
File: 687 KB, 1932x2576, hyper-chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may be rich but you will NEVER be a gigachad

>> No.11328089

>unshaven face
>stupid hair
That's a faggot anon, not a hyper chad.

>> No.11328119
File: 62 KB, 426x364, tx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i'm living now.

sorry guys.

>> No.11328136


You're the incel faggot anon.

>> No.11328143
File: 464 KB, 1439x931, Screenshot_20181008-015156_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl was a nobody just a month ago. She lived middle class with her parents and brothers and then Dan hit her up in the DMs and flew her out to live with him.

>> No.11328158

She definitely downgraded. She used to have a name in her middle class life, now she's just "one of Dan's hookers."
Yup, but that's still a faggot. How deep up your own butt do you have to be to spend the time doing your hair like you're a woman?

>> No.11328191

Oh man, I can't stop laughing. This entire thread is filled with so much salt and jelly. Any one of you autistic, shut-in, neckbeard faggots would do anything to have a single one of these fine assed hoes wait on you hand and foot, instead of your mommy bringing tendies to you in your fucking anime jackshack bedroom.
Fucking losers

>> No.11328213

Nah. Keep feeding your own ego though.

>> No.11328217

why the hell he get an armenian citizenship, avoid taxes?

>> No.11328225

>still thinks women are capable of love

wew lad

>> No.11328379

I never understand how pic related works. I understand he pays these women to be with him but how does that work in practice?

>Is there someone around to make sure that they stay in that room or smth?
>When they leave they do not get paid?
>Do they actually have sex? How does that work with so many people?
>Is this just for photos or does he actually do this?
>How is this not fucking awkward? Putting a bunch of women, who all know amonst themselves they are being paid, in a room with one dude. I wonder what the conversation is like. Is there even conversation?

I am so fascinated by situations like pic related. I geniunly would like to see how it works because I have a strong feeling it's awkward and boring as shit.

>> No.11328436

Now that I think about it where do they sleep? All in the same room? Where do they shower? Do they just go home or stay at a hotel? Who pays for that?

>> No.11328451

In Armenian it says Tan Pilzerian

>> No.11328461

He is the pinnacle of hedonism. Literally everyone in my life is a hedonist to a degree. Therefore he has (((success)))

>> No.11328469

does he get to fuck them when ever he wants and can he cop a feel whenever??

>> No.11328488

What if that wasn't my goal?

>> No.11328541

How do you know he's not using his instagram fame as a coverup for doing exactly what you described?

>> No.11328549
File: 147 KB, 814x629, What's the difference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of these fine assed hoes wait on you hand and foot
>mommy bringing tendies to you in your fucking anime jackshack bedroom
What's the difference?

>> No.11328558

these are just photo shoots. the chicks are models hired through an agency. they arrive all dressed up, stay however long they have to just sitting around, then go home.

>> No.11328566

which one is she?

>> No.11328573

They sleep in that big ass bed and shower in his big ass shower. He lives in a mansion with modern amenities designed with a harem in mind.

>> No.11328592

Ah yes, so you think sleeping in that bed with 10 people is somehow comfortable for anyone? It's not.

>> No.11328646
File: 1.41 MB, 350x272, 1530561283740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded

>> No.11328668

no but i think this thread is

>> No.11328701

How is it any different than sleeping in a bed with one person? Once you're not alone, it really doesn't matter how many people are added to the pile. It's not like they're all trying to cram onto a standard king size mattress.

>> No.11328703

What happens if the one in the middle has to use the bathroom? Then the ones on the end have to get up too.

>> No.11328741

>How is it any different than sleeping in a bed with one person?
What?! This is bait right?

>> No.11328772

>ITT assblasted virgin NEETS who wish they had 1/10th of Dans money and pussy supply

>> No.11328790

>wife who unequivocally loves me

The only woman that will ever love a man unequivocally in his life is his mother. Men go from woman to woman trying to find that love but no one ever stops to tell him that. So I'm telling you anon. The sooner you learn it the better. It's like ripping off a bandaid. It hurts like hell ripping it off and realizing this but it is also so freeing because you've already experienced the worst so nothing can hurt you now.

>> No.11328802

my goal is a mere $1mil to live comfy neet life idgf about mansions and thots

>> No.11328813

Sounds like you could have hit the jackpot and had a nice slampig too.. You dun goofed NPC faggot

>> No.11328840

Unirconically think this guy has a tough life. So many bitches around. I would kys, imagine all the problems.. :S

>> No.11328861
File: 3 KB, 125x103, 1530757644208s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deluded shitpost fag, even mothers dont love you

>> No.11328923

>fully clothed, watching TV
Must be some boomer

>> No.11328991

unironically this

>> No.11329019
File: 222 KB, 981x760, 4AF942C1-3D6E-4296-97BB-91CA4A5D4D91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could never handle having a female on my bed

>> No.11329275

this guy knows whats up
this, why else would he attention whore so much on the internet with this "hey guys look at me, look at all the fun rich things i do, hey look, 10 instathots with me, isnt that crazy haha, brb fucking all of them lol ;)"
>that guy
incel who never leaves the house confirmed

>> No.11329291

social validation does wonders to whatever you want to achieve. I understand that you've never experienced it, therefore think it's a sign of insecurity.

>> No.11329409

Jokes on them - they’ll die just like everybody else

>> No.11329425

>have millions of dollars
>spend it all to surround yourself with braindead roasties
What an actual idiot.

>> No.11329470


Alex Jones actually said it the best - death is a great equalizer.
Whatever the fuck you are right now, in the end we all are equally part of earth again.

>> No.11329497
File: 111 KB, 1359x960, X4HVXhl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raced and Basedpilled

>> No.11330022

I don't want his lifestyle. The people who look up to him are generally low IQ.
I want his money but not his social media attention. I wouldnt care about flaunting it. Just let me do my hobbies in peace

>> No.11330048

Yeah they were fun girls

>> No.11330422

How dissapointed are her parents in her?

>> No.11330728
File: 1.95 MB, 4032x3024, 17B9A7C0-3CC0-4C0A-9FCF-1A79AED3B5B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will never give up you loser fagot

>> No.11330752

Not the life I envision, even if i was rich as fuck. A woman can be great. Several humans interacting with you constantly? What the fuck....

>> No.11330811

Always one of these ridiculous doomsday preppers saying you need 20mil lmao

You will with over 99% certainty not acquire 20mil, and if you do you will waste your entire life just to get more money than you need.

Then when you finally have your 20 mil at 85 years old, the world ends and you are "secure", it does not even matter because your life is over anyway

>> No.11330826

he doesn't pay these girls. the girls do this for free as Dan has millions of followers

t. a guy who used to have a couple million followers

>> No.11330855

Are you Colombian?

>> No.11330868


>> No.11330889

I have lived in model apartments a few times over the years. These pictures only fool people who've never had a situation like that. Women, especially hot women, are fucking disgusting and having more than one of them around would be constant nonstop drama.

Also I went to college with this guy he was a fucking loser at UF.

>> No.11331016

this, people often say that family is what matters, it really isnt

theres absolutely nothing

>> No.11331045

I mean.. sometimes he has attractive women, yes, but that pic in OP, and just 90% of his instagram are ugly hoes. I wouldn't fuck them for free, and to pay money for that? Uh well.. to each his taste I guess?..

>> No.11331072

Pity him. One thot is barely tolerable, why would he want to have ten around? If he wants to fuck different girl he should just call them over one by one

>> No.11331116

I'd like to believe that, but that's simply not true. Have you never observed a girl who is "dating" someone for 4+ years, they constantly fight, he's a drug addict or alcoholic, then they finally break it, and two of three years later they meet again, and the same shit happens all over? How can you explain that?

>> No.11331149

anyone know how rich this fucker actually is? how many million?

>> No.11331168

That picture looks pretty sad. I'll take a cabin in the woods and financial freedom any day.

>> No.11331186
File: 87 KB, 634x357, 58C3FF7F-6EC1-40A5-BA8B-BA2BDF67E937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11331293

No, but seriously how does this work?
He pays the hoes just to get the photos?
Does he fuck them?
Do they actually stay in-character while they're there, pretending to care about him?
Or is it purely business?

So many questions. No one to legit answer.

>> No.11331327

he was on the joe rogan podcast explaining some of it, who knows how much of it is bullshit though


>> No.11331364

>living in shithole
>envy me

also lol at the copers in this thread

if you arent born at the top of the capitalist ponzi scheme its fucking over

>> No.11331375

yeah some would rather drink then talk lol

>> No.11331386
File: 86 KB, 1300x865, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why spend time getting the hairstyle that gets the most girls? are you gay?

>> No.11331596

I just want to have a little harem, maybe 3 at once

Or a rotating pair every month or something

and a small appartment

>> No.11331786

Retards need their new Zyzz I guess.

>> No.11333172

No, it's wine.

>> No.11333194

Immortality is coming

>> No.11333205

His net worth is over ֏70 billion Armenian Dram.

>> No.11333216

this. Bilzerian is a manlet

>> No.11333226

No joke, I'm mad jealous of overindulgent lifestyle inherited money could buy. Suicidally so almost.
Sometimes I wonder why I was born at all.

>> No.11333229

he isn't a SEAL either. He tried out a couple times and was in the Navy.

>> No.11333236
File: 42 KB, 800x600, 1441988095779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11333244
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1531697915336s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anon has lived with the female species

>> No.11333277

left is some lord of the rings shit

>> No.11333284

Because doing something to chase pussy is pathetic.

>> No.11333383

Lol fuck off Dan.

>> No.11333440

that lifestyle gets old very quickly. i wouldnt be surprised if he ended up killing himself tbqhf

>> No.11333529
File: 1.71 MB, 500x240, MajorCope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11333542
File: 31 KB, 601x508, wagecuckIRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>said the wagecuck

>> No.11333586

Kill yourself with a cheese grater

>> No.11333620

Who is he?

>> No.11333625

if you have enough money so you can live comfortably without having to wageslave you have everything you need

who the fuck needs 12 thots in a mansion, thats not gonna be fun for long

>> No.11333649

It's literally just a marketable fantasy for idiots, I was drawn in at first because I have ungodly stamina and could fuck each of them thrice but I dunno if this loser even bangs them

>> No.11333738
File: 168 KB, 1013x1000, 1C38BDF4-4F78-4A68-B81A-7ABCBA039B6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>drooling zoomer detected

No faggot. It is. You’re the fucking weak little boy. Validation comes from within. Confidence comes from knowing you are doing the right thing for YOU, you turbokike.

Social Validation comes along naturally when you do the right things. At that point you’ll realize how worthless it is, and how FUCKING GAY it is to seek it out on social media or whatever platform.