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11323604 No.11323604 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone redpill me on this, it seems like their dapps are getting decent volume, and the price is back to $5, is it a good time to buy ? https://dappradar.com/eos-dapps

>> No.11323608

>21 block producers


>> No.11323617
File: 10 KB, 712x697, huobi-eos-bps-collusion-sep-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, about that....
Rampant Collusion in EOS Exposed by Huobi Leak — https://www.trustnodes.com/2018/09/29/rampant-collusion-in-eos-exposed-by-huobi-leak

>The document shows Huobi votes f0r 20 Block Producers (miners) in EOS with 16 of them voting for Huobi in return.

>> No.11323624

Go mess with newdex then with radar relay. It's pretty obvious what's about to happen.

>> No.11323634

Still better then "soon" scaling solutions and no attempt to stop bimain centralizing the network

>> No.11323643

>better UX means better product
This is a scam not because of its functionality but because of its design and principles. A standard client-server model is superior to this, yet we don't tout that as the next Bitcoin. People who don't understand this are brainlets and will be responsible for whatever chaos this trash brings

>> No.11323677

>A standard client-server model is superior to this, yet we don't tout that as the next Bitcoin
The most utilized payment network is visa, which is a client-server model. Because it has a normie friendly UX.
Also, I did not draw the conclusion that newdex is a better UX than radar relay. You did that.

>> No.11323691

hi im a brainlet, whats going to happen?

>> No.11323732

DYOR but I think dapps are going mainstream and there will be a platform race as everyone tries to one up each other. Eth 2.0 vs EOS multithreaded vs Lisk vs NULS vs ....
Each will find their niche and the space will explode in usage and development as opportunity abounds.

>> No.11323739

I bought this shitcoin at like $10, am I ever going to make my money back?

>> No.11323740

Dan holds the majority of the votes and plans on being a dictator. If you like a theocratic monarchy coin, go all in

>> No.11323747

>The most utilized payment network is visa, which is a client-server model. Because it has a normie friendly UX.
This is true, but what's your point? This doesn't mean Visa is an Ethereum killer, but EOStards think that EOS is. Do you see my point?

>> No.11323785

My point is normies don't give a shit about decentralization or POW vs delegated POS. That is who we are trying to reach in the next phase.

>> No.11323800

>My point is normies don't give a shit about decentralization or POW vs delegated POS. That is who we are trying to reach in the next phase.
I know that, and that's central to my point. Whatever the outcome, EOS is a product for idiots who can't see the forest from the trees.

>> No.11323837

> idiots who can't see the forest from the trees.
Most of the people I talk with about crypto don't realize that USD is not backed by gold. I think you are far overestimating others abilities.
I do that too. I thought January was takeoff for currency wars where everyone would choose what they valued.
Instead everyone got scared and jumped back into USD because it was familiar and they were raised on it.

>> No.11323843

>Most of the people I talk with about crypto don't realize that USD is not backed by gold. I think you are far overestimating others abilities.
I'm not. I understand their abilities and I'm pointing out that their lack of understanding is why this coin has any traction at all. It's literally designed for these low-information morons.

>> No.11323897

>People who don't understand this are brainlets and will be responsible for whatever chaos this trash brings

Problem is you have zero understanding of the topic anyway so it doesn't matter who you think is a brainlet. If you think that a completely new profit model like this has zero value then you are struggling to understand the inherent value of having a completely new profit model.

>> No.11323917

>. If you think that a completely new profit model like this has zero value
It depends on what you mean by value. It provides no new value to anyone and exists only to fleece low-information market participants. I can make money from it, but that doesn't mean it's not garbage.

>> No.11323920

I love how the EOS shills completely ignore this

>> No.11323987

>It provides no new value to anyone and exists only to fleece low-information market participants.

Nope, wrong. That logic can be applied to any cryptocurrency even the ones that have no actual use case. This is basically saying all cryptocurrency is a scam. go back to r/buttcoin

> I can make money from it, but that doesn't mean it's not garbage.

Its a new profit model. The value of the coin is tied directly to how much it is used to cover the cost of upkeep through a staking system. Its a complex beast with a lot of moving parts. If you think its garbage you need to leave cryptocurrency because you are going to get justed super hard.

> I love how the EOS shills completely ignore this

It proves the coin is decentralized. The people who made the coin don't actually have control over it. It also shows that China wants to control this shit super bad. And its unlikely they will be able to long term. Which just proves that its probably the most decentralized crypto ever made.

China is doing the same thing with ETH and BTC as well. Its a fairly alarming situation in general.

>> No.11324011

>That logic can be applied to any cryptocurrency even the ones that have no actual use case
you mean ESPECIALLY those that have no actual use case. fucking hell m8
>Its a new profit model
No, it's an age-old profit model--take money from stupid people.

>> No.11324022
File: 74 KB, 245x152, brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It proves the coin is decentralized

>> No.11324076

>It's literally designed for these low-information morons.

The only true example of fleecing low information morons is the constant and repetitive notion that a decentralized layer one is a good practice. In reality its the biggest lie in the entire crypto space meant to fleece low information morons. If you decide to make a layer 2 solutions like LOOM or LN and that becomes the environment you think is ideal from a pragmatic perspective then you deserve to lose your money the moment you realize layer one's decentrality was left irrelevant from the discussion anyway.

SPoken like someone who who has no idea what any of this stuff is. The truth is, all crypto has at least one use case. I entertain the idea that even Bitcoin is useful as a hedge against governments gold and silver. But if you think that is not a use case then there is nothing much I can tell you.

Unless you can prove that Dan is actually a secret Chinese agent its pretty obvious he is kinda butt hurt right now seeing the coin fall into chinese hands.

>> No.11324172

No. EOS is permanently fucked. Unlike your Bitmain boogeyman the centralization in EOS is real.

>> No.11324188

There is one thing that is worth mentioning in this entire topic OP.

EOS is one of the only cryptos ever made where you can talk about how it has no use case while on a solvent platform provided for by EOS as its use case. The number of cryptos capable of doing this is nearly zero. The only ones in this space who wish to claim the coin is designed to fleece anyone are people upset about the above fact. If I am not mistaken the only coins right now capable of this are Steem, LOOM and EOS. TRX and NEO are soon to follow.

>> No.11325129

plz respond

>> No.11325367

The entire market pumps when it does pump. So yes. Its just a matter of when.

>> No.11325463

>implying the entire crypto market will ever pump again
anon you might as well just tell me no

>> No.11325612

EOS is corrupt
it's controlled by the exchanges that hold everybody's tokens.
they're gonna run a reserve on you fools and print out the difference.
no better than the federal reserve.

>> No.11325627



>> No.11326213

sidechains, intercommunication, and collusion was a lie.

eos is the chain of choice for game developers. deal with it.

>> No.11326310


Developers give a shit

>> No.11326353

I'm a developer. I chose EOS over anything else because transaction times fucking matter.

>> No.11326364

>EOS is one of the only cryptos ever made where you can talk about how it has no use case while on a solvent platform provided for by EOS as its use case.


>> No.11326372
File: 103 KB, 712x664, 1497202897801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i'm a developer

>i'm a larper

"Amazon Web Server will be your favourite 'blockchain' if transactions per second are the only metric you’re assessing"

>> No.11326382


any price prediction?

EOS has growing, when you see EOS reach its ath $ 21?

and do you see that EOS is going to replace ETH?

>> No.11326458


No price prediction a lot of companies will be utilizing the infrastructure the EOS has provided to spin up industry based chains instead of the typical on-chain deal. You can figure out where this might apply based on recent announcements.

> and do you see that EOS is going to replace ETH?
Depends on the time frame and if ETH will ever deliver on more throughput. Right now developing on EOS is easy. I can write smart contracts and get instant results from those contracts.

It takes me all of 10 minutes to launch my own smart contract and be able to interact with it on test nets or even the main net.

Also can use Javascript to publish my smart contract as well. Allowing pretty much anyone to write a contract in C++ and use an external service to possibly compile it in the future.

tl;dr - Ethereum needs to figure out their scaling problems soon or they will be left behind. Check out the amount of addresses currently using EOS. There are more gambling dApps on EOS than casinos utilizing Funfair.

>> No.11326499 [DELETED] 

Some of you guys are alright buy bitshares before November 5th

>> No.11327289

EOS will moon and 99% of /biz/ will get buttfucked when it does

>> No.11327399
File: 262 KB, 652x636, smug anime girl reacts to bitcoin and ether prices dropping by 82 percent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay account creation fee.
>find someone with a trusted account who can vouch for you to get your account setup.
>wait 48 hours for the account to be cleared.
>buy eos coins through the guy, because you have none.
>want to get some dapps.
>look for block producer.
>he wants 2000 dollars for 1 meg of RAM.
>must pay pedophile king Brock Pierce a commission fee, or the deal is invalidated.
>pay almighty block producer his pound of flesh to get enough RAM to run a dapp that's just a farting anime girl.
>get into a shitposting fight with almighty block producer.
>block producer is part of the supreme court.
>he reverses your RAM purchase, killing your farting anime girl project.
>complain to Brock Pierce.
>he cites eos constitution.
>account closed, all funds given to block producer.
>bitch on ribbit and biz about the tyranny of evil centralized mega shit corporations that answer to no one, and has absolute power to fuck you over without any kind of due process, or even an explanation.
>mocked endlessly for giving money to a gay pedo cowboy.

I seriously hope you guys aren't holding this shitcoin.

>> No.11327412

Pretty much, but majority of bizrelis that hates eos is just r/crypto faggots anyway

>> No.11327446

too easy to copy, worthless.
WAX uses a separate EOS network, same for eosfinex, probably every legit large project not related to block.one.
Why pay for fees on eos mainnet if you can launch a separate network? 21 nodes are trivial to copy

>> No.11327451


>> No.11327494

EOS is nothing impressive or interesting tech wise, its time in the top 10 is limited (and most of the current top 20 honestly) until new/in progress much better platforms will come up.

EOS is really enjoying the weak competition atm.

>> No.11327494,1 [INTERNAL] 

According To WalletInvestor, Investing In EOS Will Turn Out To Be A Favorable Venture For The Investors, They Believe That In 2023, It Might Reach $911.