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File: 368 KB, 900x1000, xrapidscam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11322239 No.11322239 [Reply] [Original]


> Major banks and Financial services companies using xRapid and thus XRP by EOY 2018


> Cuallix, Mercury FX , Catalyst Corporate Federal

Cuallix HQ pictured right. They have rented office spaces or likely virtual locations in Hong Kong and US

>> No.11322325

I feel bad for all those poor dumb retail investors who don't realize that XRP and Ripple are separate things, and that banks using Ripple technology doesn't mean that they're using XRP.

>> No.11322326

Is 2018 over?
Wait for November 20th and come back and look at this post to see how retarded you are.

>> No.11322385

No matter what they are not using XRP bucko...
>Did you hear about the trade war between China & the USA?
Best go out and buy some sheep in New Zealand then!

>> No.11322475
File: 464 KB, 1024x768, shitty mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find a random shitty looking branch office in google maps
>hurrr durr why is this company worth millions of dollars

>> No.11322505
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That is the ONLY physical location customers can go to. Other two locations, they've rented small office spaces in TX and Hong Kong which might be virtual offices used for addresses to make themselves look international.


Ripple fags have been saying this January when Ripple announced that they would be moving banks testing XRP to production in Q2.


You dumbfucks kept losing money while XRP kept tanking with the rest of the market losing 93% from ATH and that shit never happened.

The strategy is always to STRING along dumb investors. It's the strategy of every shitcoin claiming an enterprise production and enterprise use cases. It's just fucking a vaporware marketing. Ripple is purely speculative like the rest of the market.

Now that that pump is over, it's continuing it's dump. It'll be back to -90% from ATH soon.

>> No.11322571
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lol no, you are not fooling anyone

>> No.11322600

Are you same guy that fuds ripple in every thread?

>> No.11322607

wow that's mcD hq?

>> No.11322611
File: 60 KB, 648x556, samjacklaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unlikely, everyone fuds ripple because it is unironically a shitcoin, even if it has a real world use case, shitcoins still gonna shit the bed in the end.

>> No.11322616

dude this is a small bank even in Mexico. Stop lying to yourself.

Think about how many branches your local small bank has. Think about how many branches a smaller national bank has (Think BB&T or Capital one).

This shit don't even have a location in every province.

>> No.11322621


Any scam can spin up a Wordpress website or list some locations. Care to show some google map locations of their branches?

That dogshit location is the only place they actually have a physical location.

>> No.11322625
File: 132 KB, 1080x1080, 1538867186890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is a scam designed to trick us into supporting the banksters who destroyed the economy in the 2008 financial crisis. I don't care if this SHITCOIN reaches $10 EOY. Waste of my time. Blood money.

>> No.11322643

Cualix doesn't even have a wikipedia page.

Not in top Mexico banks list. https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/careers/companies/top-banks-in-mexico/

It's called doing your own research, anon. I did it for you.

>> No.11322680

no, fuck off, there is the info of each branch office, you can call them yourself
this proves that op is wrong
because it is not a bank

>> No.11322692

it's a payday loan company + a small clone of western union (transfers)

>> No.11322707

so it is literally not a major bank.

How is this thread fud? It's just saying it like it is. Ripple is a tech company that loves to do shit like this and siphon money off idiots willing to buy XRP.

>> No.11322798

obviously you crypto satoshi anti gov fnatis haven't done your research. xrp is going to take a huge piece of the cake. either you jump in the boat or drown with your heavy bags filled with shitcoins

>> No.11322853
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Huge piece of the cake? You're not always going to get exponential increases like when it was valued at almost nothing.

> Was valued at 1/2 cent in early 2017 and a useless token until everyone caught the crypto FOMO fever

> Only pumps when Bitcoin gets into a major bull run

> -87% from ATH and dropping

> Severely overvalued now

> 95%+ of coin is owned by top 100 wallets

> Ripple, founders and Jeb McCaleb dump huge bags on you throughout the year

>> No.11322857

i think you are fooling yourself....your own map shows only 24 banks....

>> No.11322867

and op is claiming that there is only one

>> No.11322884

From reading other posts its not even a back its a western union....god you must be reaching for ANY scrap of 'proof' so you don't have to look at reality...You make a great case for Cognitive dissidence

>> No.11322896

nobody said it was a bank you retard

>> No.11322908
File: 106 KB, 750x985, pigfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here. There is only ONE physical location that you can actually find on google maps street view that shows a branch:

> https://www.google.com/maps/place/Calle+Ignacio+Allende+355,+Centro,+64000+Monterrey,+N.L.,+Mexico/@25.6707282,-100.3187633,3a,75y,7.02h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sfIWzhenQ0fvnbM_CwpCzsA!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo2.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DfIWzhenQ0fvnbM_CwpCzsA%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D7.0172195%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x8662be2659ca6edf:0x77dfa8d2d19c7c69!8m2!3d25.6708422!4d-100.3186993

Can you screenshot more locations or any other location addresses that show up in google maps street view? Cuallix is not small. It's one fucking branch.

>> No.11322928

I would be careful on who you call a retard....you ripple fags have a habit of being proven the true tards....

>> No.11322969

>only one pops up in google maps therefore there is only one branch office and they are a smoke screen company

>> No.11322973

I agree it was all about speculation before swell 2018. Since October 1st Xrapid/XRP is officially online and available for purchase. It's the first commercially cryptocurrency out in the market and it has plenty of partnerships with banks and institutions. Of course it will take some time but you seriously have to be a brainlet^99 if you think there won't be huge gains within the next 1-3 years.

>> No.11322988

>completely ignoring Mercury FX and Catalyst Corporate Federal

>> No.11323161
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, rippleScam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mecury FX site is a WordPress site that looks like it was made by a 13 year old girl

> https://www.mercury-fx.com

They don't seem to have any locations either. Just rented out virtual offices maybe. Example if you go to one of their 3 locatio, London here, you'll google will show other locations listed there but it doesn't show Merucry FX

Becket House
36 Old Jewry

Catalyst Corporate Credit Union doesn't seem to have any branches either. They have their office building address which is a suite in a building and reference locations of other credit unions as satellite locations.


Typical fashion of Ripple lies, hype and vaporware marketing. Seriously, if any Chinese cryptos had shit like this -- we'll call it for the scam it is.

>> No.11323282

>"Mercury FX was founded in 2007"
>"Cuallix is a financial institution with more than 25 years of history with operations in Mexico, United States and Hong Kong."
>"Catalyst Corporate Credit Union was founded in 1975"
anon nobody is falling for your bullshit

>> No.11323283

Ripple is the perfect scam to target pseudo intellectuals. I know one guy who bought up a ton and thinks ripple is some deep state coin that will take over the world. The guy is the perfect example of a pseud. Read one philosophy book and thinks himself a philosopher. Loves to hear himself talk and thinks he is smart as he knows "bitcoin is dying". Cant stand zerpfags and their coin.

>> No.11323314

come back when you have something other than "i can find them on google maps !!!"

>> No.11323363
File: 6 KB, 320x180, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.11323371
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>Old Jewry

>> No.11323390
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I think it's talking about pseudo-intellectual retards like this guy who Ripple seems to attract:

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKRIr7OBqkk

> XRP is the Supranational currency that is the powers that be have designed to the global currency sitting on top of all other fiat currencies KEK

>> No.11323422

Ha you have these types of people shilling every coin btc, eth every shitcoin.

>> No.11323486

>doesn't mean that they're using XRP

Fake news, sad!

>> No.11323573

Exactly that. In fact it's scary how accurate that green text is to things he has said to me.
No bitcoin doesnt attract psued it attracts neckbeards and ancaps. Not the same at all.

>> No.11323584

One year from now we'll see threads exactly like this breaking down how the 30 xRapid users really aren't that big. Two years from now it will be about how only a few dozen small banks are using it. Etc etc.

In reality, there will be even more indirect use of XRP because of the way Ripplenet was designed. xRapid users will be acting as liquidity providers, performing both the to and from XRP transactions and paying out at the destination. This way, banks don't have to hold XRP themselves (many can't yet for regulatory reasons) and they don't have worry about volatility, but they will still get all the benefits of bridging through XRP.

>> No.11323796
File: 60 KB, 820x503, Ripple5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ripple moonboys have been tracking banks and financial service companies testing xRapid since 2016. None of them besides dogshit like Cuallix have shown any interest in acutally using this in production.

> http://rppl.info/ - Look at the testing xRapid column

Besides the lack of interest from banks and FIs

> There isn't enough volume in XRP for it to be used as a bridging currency.

> XRP is not even traded in most corridors of the world so it can't be used as a bridging currency where it is not even traded

> Moonboys think market makers will suddenly solve the volume/liquidity problem.

But Market Makers first of all don't exist in most corridors, they can't magically create volume and liquidity and will encounter these problems if xRapid actually is attempted to be used:

> Market Makers will exist for XRP in different currencies if they can make a profit. Meaning there have to be high volumes to profit from

> Market Makers want to buy and sell as quickly as possible. They don't want risk. They absolutely DO NOT to want to HOLD

> The longer they hold, the higher the spread (higher cost of xRapid)

> The lower the volume, the higher the spread (higher cost of xRapid)

> The less market makers there are, the higher the spread (higher cost of xRapid)

> The greater the volatility, the higher the spread (higher cost of xRapid)

And even if all this were to ever magically work, there is a question of why XRP would gain value because it wouldn't be held. Ripple's David Schwartz who is smart guy provided a bizzare answer referring to Occam’s Razor and people would start holding XRP because it's a better asset than FIAT.

This Ripple xRapid scenario is like waiting not for a unicorn to show up but a bunch of flying unicorns to show up and have an orgy.

>> No.11323860

why even argue on such details?
just look at the glaring fact that ripple owns at least two fucking thirds of XRP.
there is literally no other reason to premine yourself significantly more than ~10% of your token other than for massive manipulation. 60-80% for yourself is pretty much proof for a scam - no one seriously interested in building a usable, believable platform would hurt its own product by theatening investors with such an insanely large possibility of manipulation.
knowing that, look at XRP's chart and pair it up with news about XRP: even drastically good news like xRapid going live doesn't make it pump.
geez, i wonder why. could it be because the whole thing is a jewish scam which works by them doing the following?
good news ==> dump premined numbers ==> people exchange them for hard-earned money ==> repeat
XRP doesnt gain much even with extremely good news because they dump until the pump is completely absorbed.
this will go on until the last late adopter has finally come to accept that bitcoin already happened and that wealth usually comes from working, not from putting your money into virtual lotto tickets.
use the experience, make a habit of actually informing yourself on upcoming technologies and wait for the next .com bubble, because this shit right here is a very transparent scam.

>> No.11323904

>This Ripple xRapid scenario is like waiting not for a unicorn to show up but a bunch of flying unicorns to show up and have an orgy.
is there a significant overlap of /biz/ and /mlp/ that i am not aware of?

>> No.11323947

>there is literally no other reason to premine yourself significantly more than ~10% of your token other than for massive manipulation.
The overwhelming majority of Ripple's coins are held in escrow and periodically released to the market so they themselves can't actually access them.

>> No.11323958

Fellow link bros....
Just now I found next big project called CYFM... 11 years old US company ..
First USA regulators approved and accepted crypto...
Get in now
Must read


>> No.11324110
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>You make a great case for Cognitive dissidence

>Trying to use big words so you sound smart but using "dissidence" instead of "dissonance" because spell check doesn't red flag it.

>> No.11324529

Keep your head up your ass if you want. Your questions have been answered ad nauseam in other threads. I'm not wasting my time, especially when you intentionally lie about the basic facts.

>> No.11324540

So first it was “banks will never use XRP”

Now it’s “only small banks will use XRP”

Next it will be “only one large bank uses XRP”

I feel sorry for you. Buy this dip instead of complaining?

>> No.11324630

yep, that was me, idiotAnon!

>> No.11325359
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>> No.11325389
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regardless of who is using it, it was never "banks will market buy your token"

>> No.11325401

All these posts complaining about bail out, bail in.

Congratulations, you just crowd funded a project for banks, lol

>> No.11325416
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>regardless of who is using it, it was never "banks will market buy your token"
they already do
this is exactly how xRapid works you brainlet

how many times do you need to be wrong before you say 'wait a minute maybe I should check this out'?

>> No.11326017

Nothing you said is true, prove me wrong.

>> No.11326870
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>there are people who bought fidgetspinner bags without realizing the boss man is the guy who opened MtGOX and sold it to Magikarp.

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.11326909
File: 270 KB, 900x566, cuallixHQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are not banks. These three unknown companies have a total of 1 branch pictured here. This after xRapid being hyped up since 2016.

> Cuallix, Mercury FX , Catalyst Corporate Federal

It shows that banks and money transfer companies have zero interest in XRP. Just as Western Union CEO stated:

> We are always criticized that Western Union is not cost-efficient, blah blah blah, but we did not see that part of the efficiency yet during our tests


> The practical matter is it’s still too expensive

Or actual credible banks SEB (2nd largest bank in Sweden), The Bank of Tokyo, Banco Santander (Largest Spanish Bank) below have stated, they have no intentions of using XRP:

> There is no demand for XRP (31m28s)


> We cannot use XRP (because of regulations, cross border regulations, lack of demand (liquidity))


>> No.11327197


Damn, this is Vechain-tier scam.

Jesus, I'm beginning to believe everything except BTC and ETH are fucking scams.

>> No.11327273
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Not gonna make it

>> No.11327288


No, currently nobody uses XRP except Ripple and Jeb as their personal piggy back to dump on idiots thanks to no regulation.

>> No.11327312

xrp "investors" (redditors) will prop up liquidity. haha, we did it reddit, we got bailed-in XD

thats enough, everything else can be done in a smart contract

>> No.11327777

>These are not banks.
Credit unions are banks

try harder

>no one will ever use XRP
>no FIs will ever use XRP
>no bank will ever use XRP
>no bank with "bank" in the name will ever use XRP << you are here
>no large bank will ever use XRP
>no top 10 bank will ever use XRP
>no reserve bank will ever use XRP