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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11319681 No.11319681 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone redpill me on assblaster saying something like /biz/ i.e the common goy wasn't meant to have chainlink and thus tptb want it back

"The ico had 32m cap. To buy presale you had to buy in chunks larger than 300 eth. Surely there were some bizraelis here. Now. When ico went live, the available market cap for purchase jumped instantly to 30million, leaving only 2mil left for purchase during the ico outside of presalers. In order to participate in the ico, you had to purchase minimum of 100 eth. This is where most of biz came into play. There were several pools being shared around etc, but they were mainly in the ico camp, not the presales. The remaining 2 mil market cap sold out in about 5 mins counting a 3 min site failure due to traffic. So, Biz honestly does only make up probably 5 percent or so of the link holders, not counting the few large biz whales who were in presales. Infact, 95% of the circulating supply is in the top 100 wallets.
What assblaster said was right, we werent meant to have this, and they want as much of it back as they can get."

>> No.11319693

The conference yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering pothead that runs this scam. Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $0.30 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone. Once it shoots through the $0.20 mark, unabated FEAR will rip through all stinky linkies. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing bittrex. The $0.10 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded Nodes will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in LINK will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to binance to salvage some self respect. The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.05, and most probably sub ICO levels. From that day forward the deluded stinky linky wagecucking engineering nerds who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages. Deluded stinky linkies will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto. I warned you stinky linkies. There’s still time to get out. Sell NOW. Don’t be deluded, don’t be a stinky linky

>> No.11319699

Woah, that is some ancient pasta from the very beginning of LINK history here.

>> No.11319701

The massive plothole in your little “theory” is that if there were powers that be who didn’t want chainlink in the public hands, chainlink would have just done private placement instead of an ICO. The reality is chainlink ICO’d during a time of altcoin hype and all ICOs were selling out quickly. Chainlink is not some secretive special project that /biz/ has foiled for a collective group of special interests.

>> No.11319706

But it is just like request and will fucking moon hard when blockchain returns to the limelight. Do not underestimate the power of collective autism

>> No.11319710

This is going to be one of the hardest dumps on main-net and the project will basically fail because people will never use it for anything other than to PnD, which will completely fuck the tokenomics and make the whole thing useless. Sergey will realize this and just disappear along with the rest of the team. SWIFT and co will realize this, and begin to quietly remove any references they have to this embarrassing experiment which - who knows, might have succeeded if it wasn't for the retards who infest this place and run painfully obvious shill and fud campaigns. Many of you will experience the kind of hopium crash which actually kills people, and I suppose suicide is a fitting reward for some of the more smug retards who clutter up this board, but I hope it isn't all of you.

There will be no more memes, no more dreams of lambos or whatever NPC tier 'rich person's car' you've picked out in your imagination as you're left in the dirt holding a bunch of link bags. Even a fraction of the money some of you invested in link could have helped you make it during the next bull-run in a legitimate project. Imagine that. THAT is what you should be visualizing. Not your stupid fucking holiday home, not your imaginary future "faithful" gf / wife, nor an early retirement where you don't need to toil away at menial tasks for your betters from inside your 9-5 existential prison cell - you should instead be visualizing yourself scraping together what little money you have left in the wake of your devastation to try and ride something like BAT or Holo up, and your dream of MILLIONS OF DOLLARS suddenly becomes a much more realistic 100k-200k at most. I mean it's not bad - more than you intellectual runts probably deserve. You'll all see I was right. I always am.

>> No.11319716

He was offloading his bags at ATH. Note how he disappeared soon after the massive dump from the retest of ATH. AB was creative and well spoken as far as biz larps go, but his motivations were no better than any other pnd scheme.

>> No.11319717

"my theory"

if I was the one touting this I wouldn't ask for clarification on it you fucking knuckle dragger

>> No.11319720

The worst decision of my entire life has been, and remains to this day, unequivocally, absolutely and indisputably, my choice to purchase LINK.

>> No.11319722

I just clarified it for you

>> No.11319724

You have the spirit of a boomer.

>> No.11319728
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Listen I genuinely care about about Anons financial well being. Its hard as shit to get ahead in life now, not just working 9-5 for the rest of your life. The sooner you start saving the sooner you can get ahead in life. Chainlink is a meme started by 4chan (an infamous trolling board) to lead people to financial ruin. This is NOT A JOKE. Don't let your saved wealth be thrown away over night. Vitalik Buterin the creator of ethereum said himself the days of making x100 or x1000 are over, that right the guy who created the second most popular crypto said himself those days are over. Now 4chan is trying to get people to lose even more money after the December/January bloodbath. Smart money already exited the crypto world. Crypto is basically a highly specialized database, companies don't need this. They will just create their own private blockchains. There is no need for crypto chainlink isn't even needed to run the nodes. Think XRP when you think chainlink. The company ripple (smartcontracts) is doing well but the coin XRP(chainlink) isn't even needed for the companies technology. Considering what Vitalik said "The days of making x100 or x1000 returns are over." Chainlink needs a 399900% increase in price over the next couple of months to reach $1000 this is ludicrous. Don't fall for it, chainlink its a meme to fuck you over. Consider this for chainlink at current price to reach $1 you need an increase of 700% or a 233% increase every month until EOY. This is a 4chan meme to siphon money out of the hands of the already vulnerable.