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11316571 No.11316571 [Reply] [Original]

Blockchain expert here AMA

>> No.11316579

Thoughts on remme.io?

>> No.11316580

When bull

>> No.11316581

ZeroCoin vs ZKsnarks

>> No.11317054

What qualifies you as an expert?

>> No.11317060

how do you feel about IOTA?

>> No.11317071

just tell me which books I need to read to get a job

>> No.11317102

Can help. Get good at programming. Blockchain jobs are going to be popping up for the EOS Platform constantly. I'm a self taught programmer and just landed a job with an important player in the EOS game.

Get familiar with the tools, learn to write contracts, and you'll be on your way.

>> No.11317157

Shit forgot about the thread sorry

Never heard of it

Idk 2020?

ZeroCoin cause the supply is auditable and the trusted setup is less damaging in a monetary system. Also ZK-snarks is new and not well understood (e.g. zooko doesn't understand it)

>> No.11317196

I studied the blade & blockchain while you were shitposting here

centralized coordinator, custom crypto, ternary overhead... not much to take seriously and also unneeded

Job as a what?

>> No.11317202


>> No.11317256

why did saberhagen choose to use edd25519 instead of secp256k1 that everybody else was using for the elliptic curve

>> No.11317261

why is segwit getting such sluggish adoption?

>> No.11317280

can you explain how MLSAG's are more efficient than LSAG signatures? I understand the non-interactive challenge
keccak(KeyImage, c_1, r_1 ... r_n)
keccak(KeyImage, c_1 ... c_n, r_1 ... r_n)
is a lot easier to verify for the MLSAG's but i dont really understand how the MLSAG gets rid of the overhead...

>> No.11317292

This guy fucks.

>> No.11317307

wwwwwuuuuuhuui fck you

>> No.11317308

why did ethereum choose to go with the account based model when there are literally chains running right now that are running smart contracts with UTXO's

>> No.11317368

Are zil and nas chinese scams?

>> No.11317376

edd25519 is safe bruh https://safecurves.cr.yp.to/

Unneeded political gimmick. block sizes are already too big anyway


Meh, Vitalik tries to pretend accounts are better for "rich statefulness" keeping, but this is not really objectively substantiated. I guess it's more intuitive?

>> No.11317791


Safe Exchange.
Is it the ultimate Scam coin ? or a quick trip to Lambo land ?

>> No.11317794

Ok so you're a fucking idiot.
Got it.
Keep buying chainlink kiddo.

>> No.11318046

what are you're thoughts on tomochain?

>> No.11318270
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Just please tell me what alts to buy

>> No.11318675

do you love me

>> No.11319309

hey fk off

dont talk about zero coin

>> No.11319328

I'm a mediocre programmer currently working in web development

What should I do to get a job in blockchain? I was thinking about becoming a solidity developer

>> No.11319336

How much do they pay?

>> No.11319451
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vector space ai

quark chain



yw biz

ty OP for your thoughts on those projects