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11315606 No.11315606 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about walking to work 5 days a week to save some money.

It's about an hour one way (4.9 KM).

Anybody do something similar? Is it really that bad?

>> No.11315613

If you've got the time then why not?

Depending on how busy your route is you could listing to podcasts or try to learn a new language. To save money I went to work on a bike for a total of 2 hours each day. Fantastic way to get in shape and I didn't have to own an expensive to maintain car.

>> No.11315614

How much is one hour of your time worth?

>> No.11315618

you'll get fit in no time
I say do it anon

>> No.11315620


Why not just get a cheap bicycle? Will save you money, but also not as time consuming as walking.

Also you get to piss of NPC wagie boomers in their financed cuckboxes.


>> No.11315633

Adding to this, it only sucks when it's raining outside. And even then a good waterproof coat is a lot cheaper than keeping a car on the road for a month.

Getting a bike wil make it faster, and seeing as 5KM is jackshit, you'll probably be just as fast on a bike than with a car (no fucking around with traffic and parking )

>> No.11315637

Get a bike, unironically

>> No.11315651

I did this when I lived a similar distance from work. It sucked during the winter, but was pretty nice overall.

>> No.11315654

Professional wagechad here

My work is 4 miles away from home. Tried taking train, costs way too much over time AND in many cases is as slow as walking. Walking is good exercise but its extremely slow. You think its an option now but you'll be losing 2 hours of your day to just walking - it sucks. The ultimate chad option is bicycle. You can get one on craigslist for like $150. Also, walking makes you sweatier than biking so you show up to work a mess, but on bike the breeze keeps you cool.

tl;dr buy a bike

>> No.11315656

Biking is good for halfway of my route. The other half has major construction and honestly I wouldn't want to take a bike considering it's a very tight squeeze.

Also, winter is coming. Do you guys bike in the winter too?

I don't do anything on weekdays anyways.

>> No.11315662

I also live in a very construction heavy area, biking through it kind of sucks but its still better than walking over time man trust me.

Walk to work for a month and you'll see what I am talking about. You're going to be exhausted and you're losing 2 hours a day mate. Time is money.

>> No.11315675


I don't bike in anymore cause I moved cities and now my commute is 12 miles.

I used to bike daily though, summer and winter. Around 5 miles each way. Not that intensive but the consistency of doing that over the course of a few years turned my legs into ripped fucking quads of steel and my glutes popped out like a latino bitch. Cardio was on point too.

I even got hit by a pajeeta who turned into a junction while I was crossing it. Not much damage done - split lip etc. but her insurance had to pay me around $8,000.

>> No.11315771

Summer or winter, but both are very mild here. I did prefer biking in freezing weather though, since you warm up very fast even if you only ride at a moderate tempo.

The only difference might be that you don't have many bike paths / roads or some sort of weird culture where everyone driving a car instantly wants to murder you for "getting on their road".

How cold are your winters / how hot are your summers? How often does it rain?

>> No.11315794

Winters are freezing and summers are extremely hot. I live just outside Toronto.

>> No.11315808

get a 4 stroke 125cc scooter

very cheap to buy - if you have balls and you know the area. streets where cops cant drive through because to wide. dont even pay for registration or insurance. just get a fake license plate from the junk jard.

you only expense will be gas and the mileage on these are god like. you wont be stuck in wagie traffic. just pass by. and they are fun to drive pretty fast also.

i did this myself and had a 10 mile (18 km) commute. taking the side roads and taking it easy driving chill. i barely needed 25 minutes for one way.

with your 4.9 km you will probably dont need more than 10 minutes

>> No.11315812


Yeah you are cycling in a road going 25mph but a boomer fucktard in a shitbox wants to dangerous overtake you to join a queue of traffic 1 second faster where you will pass him again anyway

If you want to experience the insufferability of the normie then try cycling in a city.

>> No.11315924

Well you're going to be freezing your ass off walking as well then. You're going to stay cooler in summer on a bike, and warmer during winter after a kilometer or two. The only issue would be snow, which will make it very difficult.

Yeah dealing with idiots on the road is the most dangerous part if there isn't a sheet of ice. My luck was that my route would take me through some country roads. The only danger there is assholes in white company vans going 140 km/h on an 80 km/h road, while it's dark, foggy and raining. I bought a special high powered light that with a very rapid flash setting for that.

I kind of miss biking, I was in great shape, lifted after work and my job involved warehouse stuff so I was very physically active.

Now I turned into an office potato that takes the bus because it's too far. I gained at least 30 pounds and lost a lot of muscle too.

>> No.11316246


I'd gladly hit and run your pathetic normalfaggot "lifes". Take your shitty two wheels off the road. Same applies to motorcycles.

>> No.11316267

Doest worth it.

You will waste a lot of calories (will have to eat more carbo/protein/good fat), you will have to buy new shoes faster and you can always get robbed or have another problem.

You dont make money for saving some pennies that will cost your health, you make money earning more and using your money properly.

>> No.11316271

>I even got hit by a pajeeta who turned into a junction while I was crossing it. Not much damage done - split lip etc. but her insurance had to pay me around $8,000.
how'd you get insurance to pay out that much?

>> No.11316273

t. American mutt too fat to walk/bike

>> No.11316302

what's the advantage of getting a junkyard plate over just registering it...?

>> No.11316393

Buy a 4 stroke dirtbike if you plan on running from the cops. They can go almost anywhere. Go look on youtube there are tons of videos of people easily evading the cops on dirtbikes.

>> No.11316407
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Lol holy shit how fat are you exactly?

>> No.11316453

>The other half has major construction and honestly I wouldn't want to take a bike considering it's a very tight squeeze.
Can't you just dismount for that part of the course?

I just get off the bike whenever I have to cross a road with heavy traffic, because you never know what obese, neurotic carfags are going to pull.

>> No.11316493

Winter biking only shits out when there's ice everywhere. Even a road bike navigates snow fine. But when there's ice everywhere that it's difficult to walk, you and your bike will spend a lot of sideways time on the pavement.

>> No.11316544

This, not worth the risk. Insurance is piss cheap on mopeds and motorcycles. I pay $90 a year.

>> No.11317103

i use my bike

>> No.11317117
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OP get a bicycle it will take 10 mins to work. or jog to work. I always walk/or bicycle to work free cardio

>> No.11317128

lmao bro i don't even walk to the fucking bathroom. i use my hoover board or my Denali . walking is for peasants.

>> No.11317152

Been doing this for a few years, really improves my mood to walk in to work.

>> No.11317167


I don't cycle anymore sadly, but nothing is more pathetic than a fucking cuck who tries defines their masculinity around a combustion engine strapped to a shitty steel frame.

I bet your facebook profile pic is your car. Sad cunt.

>> No.11317301

>tfw just bought a bike two days ago
Feels like savings, man.
Saves money, saves time. Rent somewhere close to work and it's nice.

>> No.11318321
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Patrician choice.
No sweat when reaching the workplace.
It folds and is like 1/4 of a bike' space.

>> No.11318701
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i was on a summer work in germany, worked in mcdonalds in a industrial zone, 13 km from apartmen, 3,3km closest bus station. Getting a bike was enlightening. A used bike (30-70€) is your best option. You will enjoy it.

>> No.11318714
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my nigga I just ordered this one yesterday

>> No.11318730


Ride bike up until construction. Get off bike and walk with bike. Construction ends, get on bike.

Anything else lad?

>> No.11318763
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After calculating it out, I would only save close to $3000 a year. Doesn't seem worth it considering the physical toll it would take on my body. Take it from someone that used to run competitively.

>> No.11319814
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>> No.11319827

Ahead of its time so you will get harrassed by normies, but pretty good for short distance travel.

>> No.11319830

>vehicle maintenance
>only 3k
>so you will get harrassed by normies
lolwut, really?

>> No.11319847

I used to take a 70 min train then walk half an hour to work in all kinds of weather. Mile and half. Not doing that anymore.

>> No.11319856

For sure, my buddy has one and normans make fun of him or constantly beg to try it and bang it up.

>> No.11319860

>normans make fun of him
people are so stupid, what is there to make fun of lmao
the brainlet meme is real

>> No.11319863

in the netherlands people bike like 15km or 10 to work and its sort of normal so yea 5km should be nothing

>> No.11319864

Just because it’s different they think it’s nerdy or uncool or something. Just total sheep behavior, some people think its really cool.

>> No.11319868

hmm, I imagine most people here would either not care much or would think it's cool, even in bumpkin areas i'd really only expect some light banter and nothing else

>> No.11319870

I miss frugal threads on /biz/

>> No.11319871

>what is public transport