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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11313886 No.11313886 [Reply] [Original]

>central banks buying stocks
>swiss central bank is the largest stock holder of Apple.
>dont even get me started on the japanese CB
>many such cases

Can someone explain to me how the fuck does this even make any sense? How does this even come close to being a free market?

>> No.11314182

>He thinks is a free market
>At least 34% of volume being made out on darkpools
>He dont know that (they) make the move then release the news

All markets are manipulated, some less, some more, you cant beat the market.

>> No.11314204

It doesn't have to make sense keep buying stocks goy we're going to the moon. Ignore this chart.

>> No.11314327



Are you talking about crypto? This isnt about market manipulation on some low level shit, this is straight up grand scale communism masked as free market.

>> No.11314346

A completely free market would destroy the world.

>> No.11314356

100% correct. ITs communism for jews and the rich who go along with jewish crime. and the government allowed the financial collapse and prosecuted NONE of the jews who collapsed the economy. We are ten years in to a total government failure and criminal jews are still running the wall street banks

>> No.11314370
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You would rather banks gave their hard earned $$$ to unwashed peasants to blow it on cocaine and whores ?
>B..but muh free market..
Fuck off and make your own $$$
Pic related since you are also a negroe.

>> No.11314385

>swiss central bank is the largest stock holder of Apple
>swiss 10 year bond yield NEGATIVE .03%
>swiss call money/ 24h interbank rate NEGATIVE .95%
>all the other swiss rates various amounts of NEGATIVE

everyone pay grug to borrow rock. grug getting paid to buy apple with other tribe's money

>> No.11314411

You're only free if you're born with $1,000,000+ in your name, and the market is just banks fucking with each other.

>> No.11314457
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>Central banks
>hard earned $/€/whatever

Are you retarded?

>> No.11314767

fucking red herron