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11313070 No.11313070 [Reply] [Original]

>He works a 9-5
>He pretends to "really enjoy his job"
>His job isnt something he does for fun on the weekends free of charge

Why do wageys lie?

>> No.11313086

I enjoy making money.

>> No.11313109

Basically an admission of lifes of ultimate meaningless. You're willing to give away 3/4's of your finite time to just achieve normality (being an average person). You have a sad kind of sub conscious nihilism without admitting it. Life is meaningless enough without hopping on your bosses mouse wheel kid.

This is why im glad i made enough money to never work again. My whole life is dedicated to pursuing my interests, while you slave away for a master. Sad!

>> No.11313311

I am a sysadmin and I setup my own homeservers in the weekend free of charge, is that what you refer to?

>> No.11313327

if its not something you do regularly and consistently attempt to expand your knowledge on the subject simply because you find it interesting you're just a wage slave dummy doing homework to suck your boss's cock

>> No.11313333

Why do NEETs larp?

>> No.11313334

>>He works a 9-5
I wish.

>> No.11313406

7-3 patrician hours

>> No.11313417

They soak energy outa those things.

>> No.11313434

then you need to get up at 5-5:30 to get ready depending on your slobbyness
i used to start at work at 6am and had to wake up at 4am to be there at 5:30. worst job of my life
people i knew there had been doing that job for 20+ years 5-6 days a week

>> No.11313478

> work from home for a job on the west coast 3/4 weeks
>people come online at 11-12 am central
>Everyone knows I'm on central time and leaves me alone after 5.
>go to lunch at 12-1 and everyone else goes to lunch 2-3
>$125k base.
NEETs can fuck off.

>> No.11313566

>125k a year

so you make what i make every quatre in a year and you think you're winning?


>> No.11313664

There are 4 possible explanations for your claim
1) you're a cryptoshill and you're telling me what you make in a quarter because it's the only quarter you've ever made money.
2) you're a c-level executive at a mid-size company also possibly conflating base pay with full compensation.
3) It's daddy's money.
4) you're a liar.

So which is it?

>> No.11313670

lol wage slave cope. dude go to bef you have to get up and kiss your boss's penile cavity tomorrow

>> No.11313686

In the states we don't work on Sunday, Samir.

>> No.11313713

After 5+ years of neeting, I think I'd enjoy a job, but I won't even bother to apply. I can't jump over all those social sticks. If someone paid me to work yes. But getting paid to smile and nod, I can't do it.

>> No.11313744
File: 108 KB, 640x426, 023947759023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work for the emergency services
>get to see all kinds of fucked up shit no one else will see
>experience more in a week than people experience their whole lives
>get to BTFO idiots on a regular basis
>get a wide range of benefits outside of work
>get paid well whilst doing it

Life is good

>> No.11313752

what's the most fucked up shit you have seen in your service ?
Whats the saddest thing that you saw ?

>> No.11313767

I work 630-630 5 days a week and enjoy what I do. Not everyone is a lazy neet

>> No.11313775

I don't lie, I'm a cog in the machine, grinding down creative young spirits and reminding them of the futility of life.

The joys of being a wagecucked teacher.

>> No.11313787

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh stppppppppppppppppppppppp

>> No.11313808
File: 109 KB, 858x536, gzlLXbw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucked up? Probably badly decomposed dead bodies. Some of the ones left there for weeks, rotting, bloated and leaking with fluid. The smell stays on your clothing for days.

Or maybe people suffering drug induced psychotic episodes, running around naked etc like animals

Saddest? Ive seen too much sad shit to really remember it all. The most recent thing was a random guy hit by a falling object, which fell from the 25th floor of a building. He died instantly. Really makes you think.

>> No.11313916

Its cope

They have fooled themselves into justifying their actions because this is required to get through the day without succumbing to crippling depression

>> No.11314003

just imagine the odds to get randomly hit by a falling object from this high

>> No.11314119
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>stupid wageys wah waaah must be so hard how do they do it

k then how do u make money retard?

>> No.11314135

I do not enjoy my job. I want kids someday.

>> No.11314144

LOL 9-5. So naive. This is the boomer neet idea of modern full time job. Try with 7-7 at least

>> No.11314150

kek this
even if it was true, a job with a salary like that would suck ass
you americans only care about making money, truly the most miserable people on this planet

>> No.11314186
File: 3.66 MB, 3648x4319, 5j6vy5txr7q11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work 7-2:30, skip lunch
mostly just doodle around on my laptop all day
im not even sure what i should be doing most of the time
my own office
window overlooking a park so i can watch puppers play
the only people not moving up in this wageslave ponzi are the socially inept
hence why biz complains so much
you guys are pretty much worthless to society in the first place, and too brainlet to fake it
but that's not YOUR fault, right?

>> No.11314202

>the only people not moving up in this wageslave ponzi are the socially inept
That's true. I'm socially inept but I'm one hell of a worker. Can't participate though, so that in turn the tards can have their fun.

>> No.11314210

Im an IT security expert and love my job.

>> No.11314508

>Be me
>Work 8:30 - 6 as a "data scientist"
>Basically a statistician who knows how to code
>Only actually required to work from 9-5, work longer hours anyway
>Work on machine learning projects for fun on the weekends

I do enjoy my job. My hobby is somewhat similar to it. I ain't a liar like the "wageys" OP is complaining about.

>> No.11314849


NEET cope/10

>> No.11314865
File: 235 KB, 2696x1372, 1538152069782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made $32,000 on crypto
>plans to never work again

>> No.11315185

I've never understood this shit. I don't enjoy my life, so I'l have kids so they can do the same

>> No.11315266

In IT and I love the job. I often do work after hours either in my lab testing new things or tweaking networks to perfection.

>> No.11315290

it's probably because you can't read
his job isn't his life

>> No.11315418

Tips for landing entry level data science?

>> No.11315430
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, yum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have been able to enjoy my working life if my parents supported me while I pursued my passions for a couple years, or even just let me live at their house rent-free. My parents essentially kicked me out at 18 and I needed a real white collar job to pay off 30k in student loans once I graduated. I got scholarships too, but my parents wouldn't even let me commute to uni without paying rent to them. My dad is stereotypical boomer, he is talking what new car he should get a loan for while his son is living on student loans.

I have friends I went to college with who went to grad school, or took unpaid internships in NYC/DC/Boston so they could make connections to later get interesting jobs. All on their parents dime. Of my 20-30 wide circle of college friends:

>one runs a small gallery
>one spent enough time in brooklyn that he's in a semi-successful indie (tours and he makes 10k/yr from streaming)
>one is a top selling painter on an online art store (not sure if he sustains himself with this)
>one is a perpetual travel slut but I'm not sure how she supports herself, maybe writing
>two are on tenure tracks
>a couple others are doing post-grad academic bs, but it might work out for them
>a couple other work corporate/startup tech jobs

So when I have actual assets, I'll be able to support my children pursuing their passions. I could work a job that is enjoyable, but I would be making min wage or worse for 5+ years while I network.

>> No.11315443

> get shot by nigger

>> No.11315594

>8 out of 24 hours 5 times a week equals 3/4 of your time
huh...so this is the power of an American education

>> No.11315635

No guns here. I'm pretty safe. I think only like 4 cops have died on duty in the last 100 years

>> No.11315902

I double majored in math and computer science, did a couple of internships over the summers while I was an undergrad, and got hired full time as a data scientist immediately after graduation. As a student, you should take as many statistics, databases, and machine learning courses as you can and maintain a good GPA. The internships you do over the summers don't necessarily need to be in data science, but you should at least find something that will give you real-world experience working with databases.