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File: 18 KB, 300x300, Peter-Schiff-photo-via-Twitter-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11313069 No.11313069 [Reply] [Original]

This guy predicted 5 of the last 3 mayor financial crises some say even 6 - 7

>> No.11313078

Roubini's more based

>> No.11313081

A broken clock is right twice per day. When you constantly talk about the impending financial crisis, which he does, you’ll eventually be right. It’s not hard.

>> No.11313178


>> No.11313185

A jew who constantly talks about gold.
What a surprise.

>> No.11313330
File: 53 KB, 659x399, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i thought this was a joke so i looked up "peter schiff jewish" and it's actually true lol

>> No.11313335


>> No.11313341

he's a self hating one apparently

>> No.11313350

This guy really likes gold. He was wrong though. He continued to trash crypto while the market boomed.

>> No.11313403

Can you show me one video of him saying there isn't a financial crises coming soon?

>> No.11313963

Yeah Peter Schiff is a total idiot.
Literally all he does is tell people, every day, that a recession is coming and that gold will moon. And he’s been doing that, every day, for 30 years.
Over the 30 years recessions have come and gone, gold has mooned and cratered, but Peter Schiff never stops saying the same thing.
Literally he makes his whole living off of clicks from bullionfags who invested heavily in gold and want the comfort of hearing him say “recession is coming, gold will moon”.
Also, he told his followers not to buy bitcoin because it’s a scam and a bubble, until December 2017, when he changed his mind and told them to buy it (at the literal peak).
You cannot find a bigger idiot among financial prognosticators than Peter Schiff.

>> No.11313976
File: 54 KB, 555x547, 1536428158465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC $1 is a scam
BTC $10 is a scam
BTC $300 is a scam
BTC $1000 is a scam
BTC $20000 is a scam
BTC $100000 is a scam
BTC $1000000 is a scam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11313977

wow what a surprise. I'm just shocked. totally.... shocked

>> No.11314315

Very good. You understood the joke.

>> No.11314344


what prevent central bankers to print money to next 20 years, and financial crises never comes?

they have been doing this last 10 year, what prevent to them to continue doing this for example another 20 years?