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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11312422 No.11312422 [Reply] [Original]

I've been wage slaving for the past 13 years, and finally it's over. Since 2016 I've made
the financial decisions w/ cryptocurrency to accumalate in the upward 6 figures. I've been pretty comfortable lately - and that's why I'm giving this information to you bros.

TELCoin - The next lambo moon mission. Right now you can accumalate pretty hard, or arbtirage.
They're going for ~0.0000035 and 0.0000041 on FORKDELTA, and they're going RIGHT now for ~0.00001 on kucoin. Do I need to do this math for you? Huge arbitrage chance here boys.

This is the exchange


website for the token https://www.telco.in/ incase you wanna DYOR and actually HODL TELcoin

Enjoy and give respects

>> No.11312426

Wow easiest shorting of my life they're alot more expensive on kucoin.

>> No.11312430
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Transpride op!!!

>> No.11312433

Just picked up 250k

>> No.11312436

Going to go ALL in on this niggershit

>> No.11312437

Is this real? Wtf

>> No.11312438

Nice racism kid

>> No.11312443

Imagine being poor in 2018 when shit like this happens lol

>> No.11312450

Just crosstraded 50k to gookcoin nice arbitrage OP

>> No.11312455

Trannies should fucking be gassed

>> No.11312462

What's wrong are you a nigger lover or something?

>> No.11312480

stop spreading this OP, you're going to ruin a good opportunity by reposting this on /biz/, everyone should sage this thread

>> No.11312483

You're actually retarded not buying this KEK

>> No.11312490

Nah biz should know were a family nigga

>> No.11312493

How do you arbitrage

>> No.11312499

Wow kill your self of you're trans lmao

>> No.11312528

Just buy a stack on ops link then send them to your kucoin TELcoin wallet address. Wait for those to send. Confirm. Sell those. Send the ethereum back to etherdelta. Repeat.

>> No.11312531

Just got 275k thanks OP

>> No.11312536

Tel will be on binance by 2019 Q1

>> No.11312610

Thanks anon I'd tip you if allowed

>> No.11312620

No, the team very specifically said "it's too expensive for us."

Also, I had a friend call one of the telco's that this team mentioned they "partnered" with and they have never heard of Telcoin.

Don't worry if you get scammed you should be---oh that's right the first paragraph of the whitepaper says your finances are not their responsibility--you're fucked.

>> No.11312655

Hodling 2.5mil right now

>> No.11312661

While you may be right don't bash the arbitrage chance here it's a huge difference I'm up 3 eth already by shorting chinkcoin for the past 2 hours
Started with 1eth total.

>> No.11312702
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Kek brainlets won't understand

>> No.11312852

Got 600k will I make it op

>> No.11312911

Nigger faggots protesting

>> No.11312927

>24h Volume on ForkDelta: $783

lmao at this arbitrage

>> No.11312931

Because they are valued alot lower on there in reality that's about $4400 on kucoin. If you're too fucking dumb then you do not deserve free money lol sorry

>> No.11313028

175k bags thanks faggot

>> No.11313233

lmao scam

>> No.11313255

alweys do the opposet whet biz says lel

>> No.11313300

Believe the fud but you are missing literally free money

>> No.11313319


>> No.11313343

I wonder if people actually fall for this or it's op who made fake volume, kek

>> No.11313385

Nice just picked up 105k

>> No.11313455

Kek poorfag here just made .3 eth arbitraging this for 2 hours hehehehe

>> No.11313471

Fuck you get with 2018 nazi

>> No.11313695

What is up with your picture OP

>> No.11313740

Fucking delete this OP or the money won't be so ez to get when 500biztards know

>> No.11313766

the Sminem posted this

>> No.11313940


>> No.11314249

Actually made mad fucking gains from biz for once

>> No.11314350

You won't make it biz with out at least 1mil

>> No.11315072

>i-it's not a mental disease you bigot!

>> No.11315456


>> No.11315688

Just went all in

>> No.11315813

Thank you anon :3

>> No.11315841

Just shorted kucoin fuck those gooks good arbtriage post

>> No.11316053

How much are you up

>> No.11316156
File: 6 KB, 273x184, goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey op

im trying to help my family tell me if this shit will moon and why


>> No.11316249


You can’t short TEL.


Its not a good opportunity the 24hr volume on forkdelta is 3.2ETH. And the lowest sell is 33% higher price than on Kucoin

This is a shit opportunity, why is /biz/ entirely filled wih fucking retards.

>> No.11316269

its not so much about a moon (which is potential because of the binance announcment) but there is some sweet arbtiraging you can do right now. Buy the stack for .000003199 , and 4x your gains by selling on kucoin. I know a lot of people are probably doing that instead of HODLing for now. HODL after forkdelta is dried up / more expensive

You're actually retarded. The reason the 24H volume is down on forkdelta is because of the current PRICES on forkdelta. If this was the volume recorded from kucoins PRICES it'd be around 42~ ethereum

Fucking know what you're talking about, or fuck off.

>> No.11316350

brainlet alert - they're 0.00000526 on kucoin (thats 5 zeros for you pajeet) and they're 0.000003199 (lowest sell order) on forkdelta. Can you read? LOL also you sure as fuck can short TEL faggot. You must have ZERO idea about how ethereum works I guess kek

>> No.11316362

Don't worry anon you will be comfy =]

>> No.11316377

Just dropped some eth and got 500k

>> No.11316558

Literally free shekels kek

>> No.11316830

Kill your self

>> No.11317366

Don't sleep on this or you'll stay poor lads

>> No.11317477

Praise be to sminem

>> No.11317643

OP i respect the info but fuck off with the tranny shit dude

>> No.11317755

Nothing is a secret here boy go back to discord KEK

>> No.11317841

>brainlet alert - they're 0.00000526 on kucoin (thats 5 zeros for you pajeet) and they're 0.000003199 (lowest sell order) on forkdelta. Can you read? LOL also you sure as fuck can short TEL faggot. You must have ZERO idea about how ethereum works I guess kek
Compare the REAL tell/eth price to the price on that scam contract link OP posted. ITS FAKE TELCOIN. this dude is talking to himself in this thread thru his vpn. And you can't short on kucoin faggot. This is a scam

>> No.11317845
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>> No.11317904

You are retarded if you fall for this.

20,000$ daily volume would still be shit for arb. But the coin your trying to arb is not the same telcoin on Kucoin. I posted the accurate TEL fork delta sell prices and they are higher than Kucoin. And no you can’t short on Kucoin and that has nothing to fucking do with Ethereum. You are either OP or you are severly mentally handicapped.

>> No.11317922



>I-i-i-im literally going to kill myself if I don't get a vagina today

Please do it!!!

>> No.11318066

This fucking streetshitter comes here everyday with this fucking scam. Kys faggot

>> No.11318913

Hopefully no one fell for the fud and missed the free monies

>> No.11319101

quant $20 soon