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11311376 No.11311376[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

With all the stuff going on in the world ( Bret Kavanaugh). All the stupid #notallmen, incel, MGTOW, red pill etc. Male oppression of women.

Also with my personal upbringing and dealings with men. My oppressive cultural and religious background.


I never wanted to be a 'bitter' man hater, but god damn it I can't help it. Futhermore I am thinking with all the cruelty men put women through now and in the past; aren't women entitled to hate men? I mean if there is one group in history that is entitled to hate their oppressor, isn't it women hating men?

>> No.11311815

>Bret Kavanaugh
>I cannot remember how i got to the party and how i came home. I don't even remember where it was.
>I am so stressed out by the 100k questions from the poly test (2 questions in reality)
>Everyone denies that the party ever took place
>After 36y prior supreme court election i will come up with an original #metoo story

Giving women the right to vote was the start of the end.

>> No.11311842

>>Giving women the right to vote was the start of the end.

Truth. A vote should represent the interests of a family not an individual. Letting women vote just opened the flood gates for divide and conquer battle of the sexes bullshit in politics. Politicians literally plot men and women against each other and they're loving every laugh.

>> No.11311893

Men are mostly raised by their mother.
Ask yourself the right questions OP.

>> No.11311960

Back to your containment board, fucksticks.

>> No.11312001

>Mommy i have posted it again. LOOK!

>> No.11312012
File: 38 KB, 636x382, 41AD953F00000578-0-image-a-56_1498483777147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest problem is the definition of a true man has changed. In the old day it was someone who didn't take shit for anyone. Who could support himself and a family. Worked hard, could make & repair anything and was an outstanding citizen. Woman looked up to their husband.

Now life is a lot different, the women have the same medicore jobs like their husband. The kids get raised by daycare while mom drift away with watching lives of celebrities and consuming. And the men loses hisself in consuming, videogames and porn.

Result :
She wants the celeb dreamlife, and knows that her husband can't give them. Blame them for everything becomes dominant. Treat him like a cuck

He : loses hisself in games and porn becomes angry and blames the world

>> No.11312063

You posted a fine fellow with your one and done op, but the rest of your post is inane drivel. You want change? Arm up and start blasting, just like men have had to do in every war. But you won't, because you're a woman and complaining is like breathing to your kind.

>> No.11312731

Did you know that people's necks girth are strongly correlated with their testosterone levels? Wanna know why men's necks are more than twice as thick as women's?

It's because men evolved to take punches. When you're in a fight you need a strong neck, otherwise your neck could snap with a single hit. For the same reason men with higher levels of testosterone have more robust chins.

Who is oppressed again?

>> No.11312741
File: 374 KB, 764x1069, 1512407064412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hatred of men is natural for women, men, and all non-binary persons
i myself have since many years back only ever self-inserted as female in the anime or media i consume and the last few years i've almost singularly watched all-female and yuri anime because i cant stand the presence of men in real life or in media

>> No.11312754

>1 post by this I'd

>> No.11312771

> A vote should represent the interests of a family not an individual
So let the women vote but not the men?

>> No.11312778
File: 6 KB, 222x227, yum yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pic is roughly my neck size
Haven't thought about it since high school. Fun memory.

>> No.11312786

If it was women who had established the system in the first place, sure. But, men established it instead so men make the rules, and it would be insanity for the creator of something to give the entire project away and lose all control because...equality?

>> No.11312792

The most harassed people on the planet are handsome men. Try going out with a very handsome male friend once or twice.. Women are sexually uninhibited - you're just not good looking enough.

>> No.11312803

Thank the high heavens I haven't considered sexual prowess to be worth two pennies since middle school. Saves a ton of grief that I see my peers undergoing because they are also similarly unattractive like myself but they keep trying anyways. They'll make it because law of averages, but at divorce rates of 50% or so I doubt it'll be worth it.

>> No.11312816

/pol/, SJWs, rabid Christians and Islamic militants are all just examples of people who feel ostracised from society and who cope with this feeling by deluding themselves that they only fail to integrate with society because they are committed to a pure idealised vision (of a white homeland/smashed patriarchy/Christian hegemony/Islamic hegemony).
It's all the same shit. Losers justifying the fact they're losers by pretending that they're only social failures because they're "above it all". Cope. Cope. Cope.
The ultimate irony is that if the /pol/tards and SJWs both put down their pitchforks for a second they might find some common ground and be able to date each other.

>> No.11312824

Nobody starts out feeling ostracized, anon. Very real events lead to it, and those pitchforks weren't picked up on a whim.

>> No.11312899

By all means do hate man if that is the conclusion you reached. Commit yourself to your cause and try to reach your envisioned form of society by all means.
My convictions are radically different than yours, but that just means I play the other side of the board. It's up to our own skill to decide who will be victorious in the end, just never have mercy and also never expect it.
I can only tell you that you should be careful about your hate. Hate is weak, it makes you blind and act impulsively. Act upon conviction not hate. Hate might lessen over time and make you prone to empathy and mercy. Conviction lets you pursue your goals without emotional attachment.