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File: 7 KB, 225x225, omisego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11307002 No.11307002 [Reply] [Original]

Just think about this for a second.

Of all the ERC20 projects out there the only two that are held by f2pool is Maker and OmiseGO. Why is this significant? Well for a start it shows that of the countless ERC20 projects out there, f2pool have decided that Maker and OmiseGO are the only two worth investing in.

Secondly f2pool has been around for many years and they have experience and most likely have access to information that we common folk do not. I am absolutely certain that f2pool would not be wasting their time building bitfish with David if they thought this project was A) a waste of time or B) not going to be profitable.

I really think this project will pay off big time in the long run, perhaps not in 1 year or 2 years but certainly in 5+ years when the plasma network and DEX are fully developed, merchants are connected and word spreads to businesses. I don't think there's any other ERC20 project I'd rather have my money in.

>> No.11307085

inb4 neobag

>> No.11307102
File: 211 KB, 1200x1532, 1522341311330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask yourself, why the fuck did the devs dump a ton of tokens once the locked funds period ended? they got buttfucked by speculative investors as well as deadlines. these idiots cant meet their own deadlines on their own roadmap, i have no confidence whatsover in their project. they are clinging to the coattails of their larger parent company Omise. Omisego is a shit project.

>> No.11307109

also, i held 9k tokens in the winter. i dumped them for btc on the bithumb listing. thanks for your btc

>> No.11307127


Bro I'm so jealous. I developed respiratory problems holding this shit and it blows my mind if I just sold bithumb i would be well off right now.

>> No.11307249

I'll wait until I can buy it off of their exchange. Even if I have to pay $100 more.

>> No.11307269

Not selling at even 15 bucks was the biggest mistake of my life.

>> No.11307367
File: 846 KB, 2000x3000, Miss Universe - Leila Lopes - Chinese Laundry Fashion Denim launch party at Eden-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, what the fuck were you holding for?

It was at a billion market cap for like half a year... So many opportunities.

You really thought some nobody payment processor running the coat tails of the blockchain meme would be valued more than real companies with real dollar revenue?

>> No.11307435


I just wanted people to fomo for staking. God damn I'm so ashamed

>> No.11307473

Two things excite me about this token, Clif High 30,000% and Teeka $700. Moon confirmed

>> No.11307542

cant wait for 2025
gonna be huge

>> No.11307544

I always wondered what the fuck where they doing shilling a bunch of information that wasn't staking if all their token was going to be used for WAS STAKING. Glad I sold this shit in the summer but annoyed and pissed that I could had made more on other coins.

You shouldn't listen to Teeka, he fucking shilled a ton of coins with his "no stop loss" meme. You're also an idiot if you still believe in Cliff high, and if you actually listened to his interview he said that 30,000% increase could happen anywhere after 19 - 36 months from the time he said it.

>> No.11307726

can't wait to buy it at 20-25 cents

>> No.11307754
File: 414 KB, 772x804, 1507324440163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down 80%

>> No.11307794

I have a bit of a contrarian opinion. In recent months, I've seen a bit of a meltdown in this community. The nastiness of the posts, the anger, the accusations, the lack of decorum.

For inexperienced investors (which is most of the crypto world), those feelings of anger are understandable. Being down this much on your portfolio feels like a kick in the guts. But, please take it from someone who has gone through stock-market meltdowns in 2000 and 2008 (where we all thought the world would implode) - the sun shines again. In fact, now is a beautiful time to accumulate - these are the perfect entry phases.

It's important to understand that it takes on average 3 years for a real business to be built. I have built 2 myself. More goes wrong than you could ever imagine, and it consumes the founders & team. In OMG's case, the ambition and complexity is through the roof. We should be thinking in years, not minutes.

In my years in crypto, I've noticed a pattern where projects go "quiet" for a very long time and then explode with results. Ethereum took years. The quiet time is the building phase, where the team hits their heads on brick walls, figures out the tech, and ultimately builds out a product. These guys are working hard and this project is consuming their lives (trust me). It's not cool to hurl insults - constructive suggestions are helpful but insults only hurt your investment.

We're now in the quiet phase of OMG... and I personally love it. The team has their heads down, and are building. They aren't making noise, and neither do I want them to. Once we get noise (maybe in 6 months, maybe in 2 years) you'll need earplugs to save your hearing.

>> No.11307823

>smart enough not to fall for OMG
>dumb enough to fall for FUN

>> No.11307894

the community meltdown of this shitcoin is the best part of watching it
the fucking retards even admit it is slowing them developing down
the team is weak af from all angles
my predction 25 cents within the year

>> No.11307895

Rofl is this soi pasta?
Omise has been lying over and over again and still have said nothing about staking rewards despite being the only thing that makes the coin worth buying

>> No.11307903

Yeah I really agree there with you. The community is just full of unexperienced moonkids who are mad at losing money on a bear market.

OMG is developing like no tomorrow and ETH has 40x more gifthub programming and task activity than 2nd highest (EOS)

Its a risky investment like everything in crypto, but so far OMG is on the right track.

>> No.11307953

>youre a moonkid if you call out a failing project
omg team member is that you

>> No.11308224

I'm moonkid enough to watch the plasma calls and they're still talking about the double spending problem.
They're overworked script kiddies in over their heads. All the adderall in the world can't get them out of the hole they've dug themselves into.

>> No.11308277

>thinking every crypto company deserves to make it.
dude i get your comparison to the dotcom and great recession era but at least 95 percent of these startups will fail. they are building a "world" exchange? its taken them more than a year to "imagine" and implement an actual design that they like. are you fucking kidding me? where's the SDK wallet release? where are the exchange acquisitions they spoke about? where the fuck are the cosmos air drops they spoke about in APRIL? that was two quarters ago. this is community and company is a flaming hot piece of garbage

>> No.11308283


also you have to go back, fag.