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11306601 No.11306601 [Reply] [Original]

Is there actually enough bearish momentum to break 6k? Will we move sideways until bakkt and then break 7k? I have some fiat waiting to go in and im not sure if i should dollar cost average or wait for a drop.

>> No.11306629

DCA is supposed to protect you from drops, so go ahead

>> No.11306635
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>> No.11306713


if you can't recognize this is the bottom there is no hope for you.

>> No.11306811

>muh 6k support
Screencap this : on october 10th btc will begin dumping to 3.8k

>> No.11306833

Fucking Bakkt is priced in.

>> No.11306856


It cant be "priced in"
U dumb

>> No.11306919


the "hope" for it might be priced in but the effect of the new channel of demand of it is not currently priceable by the market.

it's a "known unknown." we "know" it's coming, and that's priced in, but the actual quantitative effect is "unknown" and cannot be priced in.

>> No.11307063

It’s going to launch and nothing happens because anybody that wanted to buy btc now at these prices would have already done so, and those that didn’t don’t care about it regardless.

Nothing happens, people realize demand still isn’t there, and we continue to drop to a point where people DO think it’s cheap, because it’s clearly not 6k making people fomo.

>> No.11307087

To add to this, Bakkt is such a glaring catalyst everyone is looking at now, that any institutions waiting for it would be retarded to start making large buys. You think professionals are going to immediately storm the gate and rush in to buy bitcoin in some sort of wave? Why the fuck would they do that?

>> No.11307103

Bitmain is keeping btc and bch stable until their ipo after that the dumping will begin.

>> No.11307113
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How does one acquire such a glorious braap queen?

>> No.11307123


the point remains that it's another demand channel. there are not thousands of people sitting on their haunches waiting to sell their btc if bakkt doesn't cause some insane breakout immediately, please take a step back from the tradingview adhd-mode.

any lack of immediate demand will not cause a groundswell of immediate supply. people who have wanted to sell have already sold.

and there are at least some institutions that ARE chomping at the bit to buy. maybe not through bakkt, but people in institutions do recognize that this is a historic buying opportunity for bitcoin. i mean it just came out the other day that the endowment manager for yale is going to move a chunk of yale endowment money into two crypto/bitcoin funds. and there are people who are feverishly working on clever legal ways to solve the custody issue. there is demand from institutions, and it may not immediately come from bakkt, but that's not going to cause a 3k plunge if bakkt isn't a magic, immediate shot in the arm.

>> No.11307197

Thinking about it I'm almost glad I didnt cash out at peak in January. If the opportunity presented itself I know I would unironically pay 1000s of dollars to have a roastie like this cover me with her brapper and squeeze my head between her thighs.

Now I'm still a broke neet and I cant become such a degenerate

>> No.11307232

All you see is 6k and start blabbering yo mouth. Go back and read that tweet from top to bottom you illiterate faggot.

>> No.11307233

Now that I'm thinking about it, what do you guys think she smells like? What about her ass? I bet its really sweaty and warm, with a really strong stench, esp her pussy.

>> No.11307288

What do you guys think her feet are like? They seem like they would be nice. Very soft and smooth. Smell and taste good. She probably has really nice nails. Can you imagine sucking on those toes?

>> No.11307300

>tfw i finally decided to short the market everything decides to stay in the green

>> No.11307301
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>tattoo'ing long sentences on your back

>> No.11307303

fuck it, DCA if you don't have any. Just expect another 6 months of hell.

>> No.11307305

Honestly, if I could have it any way I'd want though, I'd want her to smother me like I said while she has me locked up in a cage. Necklace with a key around her neck while she sucks her big black bulls cock. Gagging on it while I squirm for air underneath but she doesn't let me free

>> No.11307329

she fat

>> No.11307332

probably op. but some alts are mooning like tomochain

>> No.11307333

>dyed hair
Truly feel sorry for the white trash that finds this attractive. Kek.

>> No.11307344

Do you have any pictures of her front? I want to see if she has a big tummy and big thick thighs. I hope so. I love when a girl is weaning tight small clothes that are just a little too small for her and her fat starts bulging out

>> No.11307350


>> No.11307374

I never used to find shit like this attactive but coming on biz has me only care about brappers. cucks and traps. How do i become normal?

>> No.11307404


>> No.11307417

I will send someone 0.01 BTC if they give her instagram. 0.05 if I can buy underwear from her

>> No.11307431
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you dont, you've become /biz/ed. enjoy your destiny as a 30 year old boomer who enjoys braps and traps

>> No.11307684
File: 72 KB, 500x600, DoteVHHW4AAnhG0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

participating in the cryptocurrency bubble has left us prone to seeking bubbles elsewhere, mostly in the form of butts
imagine actually finding this shit attractive though, you know she gets shit smeared all over that thing way more than a nice girl with an, idk, proportionate ass
imagine being in charge of wiping that thing, ffs
guys, this isn't the depths of fucking africa, you don't need to seek giant-assed women as a marker of health and fertility.
are you all retarded, unironically

>> No.11307752
File: 202 KB, 800x522, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since have started moving on to piss porn
>start getting into actual fart porn from nice big braappers
>Catch myself thinking about scat sometimes

I can't let myself reach that level, but it never ends.

>> No.11307803

drop a heroic amount of acid and just masturbate to straight porn for 12 hours straight in the midst of ego loss
you'll fix yourself

>> No.11307817

>>clearly has never tried to masturbate while tripping on acid

>> No.11307825

is this legit? Honestly if this would work I would def do it. I dont mind the face sitting smothering fetish, or the feet, or the chub.

But I would do anything to not be turned on by becoming a cuck and getting shit on. Especially the cuck shit, at least with scat you could just have a gross fucking sex life but being a cuck would legit ruin your life but its one of the only things I can jerk off to now

>> No.11307841

i have before on 3 tabs @ 220 each

>> No.11307873

took me forever when I tried; kept getting lost in details

>> No.11307968

Ask yourself. Do plebs deserve to buy at sub 6k?

>> No.11307989

>traps with braps

10/10 band name

>> No.11308363
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>feet are covered

Fucking trash picture

>> No.11308702

actually, i have
otherwise i wouldn't be suggesting it

>> No.11308733

it would most likely work. acid has utility in mind control/suggestion, re:mk ultra, etc.
but it would have to be something consistent that you'd need to work on. not a "wow, i'm fixed" thing. i mean, the epiphany changing everything is possible, but it really depends on what your triggers are and WHY you do what you do, and how deep-seated this is...
acid isn't a band-aid
ultimately, acid a tool. like a wrench. or a jack. or a can opener.
tools make fixing stuff easier, but you still need to put in the work to see the task to completion.