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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11305749 No.11305749 [Reply] [Original]

We're in for at least two years of a sideway market.

>> No.11305758

sideways riight....

>> No.11305759

actually happy gonna stack up 100k linkies

>> No.11305761
File: 82 KB, 780x585, retardedtransformer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tether now, buy back in a few weeks.
delusional /biztards thinking an ETF will do anything

thats like people thinking ETC will spike because coinbase listed it.

>> No.11305764

ETF = mini moon to 100k

next recession = mega moon to 1 mil

>> No.11305770


wrong. stealth liftoff mode aka "this is a suckers rally" is already occurring and will become obvious in retrospect in a few weeks.

>> No.11305784

>golden bull run
it's already happened when crypto went up hundreds of times. crypto can no longer sustain even a 100x increase because that puts it at 20 trillion.

the "golden" bull run was only possible when crypto was under 1B.

>> No.11305807


lmao if you think the market cap of bitcoin, at a fraction of a single large-cap stock, is anywhere near its all time peak you are in for a dreadful shock.

>> No.11305809
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>> No.11305810

100x = 21 mil x 600k = $12T

roughly equal to gold

>muh whole crypto market

shitcoins going to zero

>> No.11305811
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lol "Stealth liftoff mode"

niggers are rapping about BTC, there is no stealth

>> No.11305845
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>> No.11305847
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check the date, fag. trend-peddlers always latch on whenever btc has a micro-bubble.

>> No.11305873


>> No.11305910


>> No.11305911

>2 years

Doesnt bother me

>> No.11305917
File: 1.76 MB, 1652x3056, NocoinersOnSuicideWatchXmasEdition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you start seeing idiots predicting ridiculously low prices (aka 2 figures back in 2014-2016) it's when the bottom is in.

In other words, we bottomed at $6k and we have idiots predicting stupid shit like $1000 bucks

>> No.11306323

You fucking idiots literally have said this each time we rallied this year.

>> No.11306350

>its cheap so it must go up

how many times must retards on this board regurgitate this garbage?

>> No.11306434
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it's incredible how much tradingviewfags' entire TA McPhilosophy is based around "intelligence (not insanity) is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

>this rally WILL fail because all the other rallies have failed
>the MORE times you touch a support the more likely it is to break NEXT time
>the very fact that we've been chilling ABOVE 6k for 4 months means it's NOT a bottom, it means we're going to 3k

honestly, everyone in the crypto community needs to do themselves and everyone around them a favor and take a deep hiatus/decompression from all this nonsensical bipolar TA pseudoscience and take a step back.

we're at the fear part of the fear and greed cycle. it's clearly a good buying opportunity if you believe in bitcoin long term.

if you believe in bitcoin. buy and hold. if you don't, do everyone a favor, leave the community, and take your TAfag tea leaf reading with you.

>> No.11306989

t. Says the increasingly nervous bull

>> No.11307011


>t. Says

another nooblet bearfag detected, sniped, bagged, and tagged.

>> No.11307136

how sideways are we talkin' here?

>> No.11307495

>"intelligence (not insanity) is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

stopped reading here. Its obvious you dont know shit so why would your opinion on TA be valuable?

>> No.11307555


lmao great another one of you assholes. well how about the opinion of every single peer reviewed study into TA that has shown conclusively without a shadow of a doubt that no TA can accurately predict price movements? not one.

>> No.11307595

Snoops iq is like 160 though

>> No.11307631
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i mean all you need to know about TAfags is that all they ever talk about is triangles, yet not one of them has even the slightest idea about any actual, mathematically provable quantitative finance techniques and concepts such as modern portfolio theory, the CAPM, alpha, beta, the sharpe ratio, etc.

that's literally all you need to know. none of that, just triangles.

>> No.11307645
File: 1.22 MB, 1125x1386, 265CC430-5738-4B8A-AAC0-4C434E16D190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to admit it....but I’m starting to think your right. It’ll give us time to accumulate.

>> No.11307854

Holy fuck that is a punchable face.

>> No.11308004

you are too smart that you've become stupid. Keep indulging your delusions

>> No.11308027

