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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1130430 No.1130430 [Reply] [Original]

These two guys became powerful international arms dealers

Post related /biz/ness men
What is your uncommon niche?

>> No.1130446

can u atleast give some fking cliffs

>> No.1130451

>What is your uncommon niche?

propane and propane accessories

>> No.1130507

Buy guns cheap, sell them high.

>> No.1130508

>international arms dealers
>implying they're not just front for some big jew

yeah, talkin about stereotypes
why is /pol/ always right?

>> No.1130512
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>> No.1130517

>Diveroli is nephew to Smiley Botox, you know, rabbi to the famous (like Michael Jackson)....Hollywood hanger on...and part time politician in New Jersey, pal of billionaire funder/casino maggot Sheldon Adelson....Diveroli's father set them up for contracting weapons to the US govt...$200 Million of your tax dollars...into his pocket...sentenced to ? 4 months served in Florida jail...last time I heard...

"entrepreneurs" my ass

>> No.1130518
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Oh no some Jews are more successful than me while I masturbate to traps! It must a Jewish conspiracy

Fuck off retarded stormfag

>> No.1130524

No one said its a conspiracy, dumb duck, jews are evil by nature, there is no conspiracy

>> No.1130529

>Jews are evil because they're more successful than me

Want to know how I know you're not successful?

>> No.1130536

what if they're more successful because they're evil?

porn industry
international drug trade
slave trade
robbing African countries of their diamonds, metals
banking, loan sharking, insurance and finance
international arms trade

all jewish

>> No.1130538

Whites also do that, are they evil too?

>> No.1130563

The sheer number of jews in these businesses tell me something as they're otherwise a tiny percentage of the population. it must mean something, doesnt it?

So why are they so common among high criminals, and the Mafia especially?

>> No.1130571

idk what people get out of defending jews desu

>> No.1130577

Idk, maybe they're smarter?

>> No.1130592

We should be cautious of Jews because they're smarter

>> No.1130595

Sounds like we should befriend them because they are successful.

>> No.1130638

Jew here, I thought we were white? Literally been called cracker and pussy white boy by blacks my entire life.

Is this some /pol/ rule or am I missing something. Half my family is irish kek.

>> No.1130640

The jews have seen some shit, man.

>> No.1130642

Yeah /pol/ and storm front doesn't think Jews are white because David Duke said it or some shit.

Doesn't really matter because no one cares what they think in real life anyway

>> No.1131384


I don't think have Jews been considered white by actual whites almost anywhere.

Of course blacks will call anyone white because from that perspective, it's a matter of relativity. "Light-skinned" is not always said as a compliment.

I don't want to get into the whole spiel (yes, that's Yiddish) about Jewish being a religion and not a "race."

Suffice it to say there are ethnic Jews who originated out of the middle east and are Semitic people like Arabs are. Likewise, there are religious converts to Judaism. They are or aren't Jewish depending on who you ask.

Look up how some of the Ethiopian Jews (Falashas) were received back in the day.

>> No.1131482

>they accomplished all of that at the tender age of 24 while I'm still stuck on a dead end minimum wage job

What am I doing with my life

>> No.1131490

Great conquerors in history literally conquered huge chunks of land by your age.

>> No.1131491
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>> No.1131583

I've read about this before, it was actually quite interesting. I'll highlight the basics of what happened.

>guy uses connections from family that legally sell firearms
>family introduces him to other connections through their local synagogue, inb4 it was the Jews
>uses a government website to take bids on contracts supplying to the US government with equipment/weapons/ammo
>started with small contracts like molle gear, and kevlar helmets
>started working their way up to pistols and other small arms
>begin working with an overseas broker that helps them line up imports in mass quantities to cut down on cost and increase profit
>turns out this broker can't legally do business directly with the US because he was caught selling nuclear assets to Iran
>is able to have to use these two Americans as middlemen for him to still do business with the US
>2007 rolls around, Obama is about to get put into office
>US Military scared he'll try to immediately pull out Iraq the following year
>US puts out the biggest arms contract in US history in the last 30 years
>these guys put in a bid
>they underbid the next highest bidder by 50 million dollars (Lockheed Martin)
>they immediately get the contract and now need to come up with millions of rounds of 7.62.54r, and thousands of AK47s, RPGs, and rockets.
>their overseas broker gets them in touch with an Albanian government official
>willing to sell them what they need super dirt cheap because Albania bought a metric fuckton of guns and ammo during the cold war but now need money more than the guns/ammo
>one of the guys flies to Albania to oversea the purchase
>bad news bro, it's all Chinese ammo which is illegal to import to the US because of the trade embargo against Chinese weapons/ammo from the 1990s
>Albanians offer to repackage all the ammo so the chinese writing is less noticeable
>only want 1 million dollars, drop in the bucket compared to the American's payout

>> No.1131585

>Americans say no, 1 million is too much
>just have them repackage the outside packages and not each individual inside box

I forget what immediately got them caught the guy that started gun running decided he didn't want to pay his best friend the multi-million dollar commission that he had originally offered him in exchange for flying to Russia and Albania and all these other countries for him. The friend quit and started his own weapons selling firm. Later the other guy got found out and convicted of selling embargoed Chinese ammunition and weapons to the US government for the Iraqi army. He also got fucked for have a few million in cash and assets that he never reported on as a tax dodge. Oh, and for having an overseas broker that was charged with selling nuclear materials to Iran, that didn't look good either. He got convicted and is now a registered felon. Can't own or use firearms.